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Street Fighter V General Discussion


Normalize grab immunity.
I think they're equal strength so the only thing I can go off of after that is difficulty. A Urien is gonna drop his resets/combos more often than a Rog is gonna drop low forward into trigger. If I thought Urien was better than them but harder I'd still put him above them, but honestly they're all killing you in one touch if you fuck up.
Yeah I wouldn't count on a player fucking up in consideration of how good a character is regardless of how close tiers are. I stick to the what the character is capable of. Just doesn't seem "fair" in the discussion. Especially in the case of SFV and things I've seen people able to pull off consistently in fighters. I don't think there's anything too hard that someone isn't going to learn how to hit you with it most of the time.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
I actually feel I do well in the matchup with sim vs equal skilled players I almost always win. But when I face plats and up they are not autopilot with their buttons making it much harder to deal with. Plus sims wake up OS is kinda strict timing as its different then the rest of the cast.


It's all so very confusing.
This is totally un-SF related but I doesnt kurr.

I hate adjusting to a new mouse. My Razer Deathadder Chroma (Honestly, Razer's naming is embarrassing. When people ask me about one of their products I feel like an idiot saying its name) died - I had the click issue, when i was going to un-solder and replace the little internal button that was acting up, but then the damn mouse started to track poorly, like the sensor was dirty or obstructed, even though it wasnt.. So I tore it apart anyway and cleaned it top to bottom, tested the tracking with the mouse essentially a circuit board, reset its calibration as-per Razers recommendation, but no dice. So, sensor and button died at around the same time. Gave up and bought a Wal-Mart mouse cause I needed a working mouse until i could afford one that wasn't the electronic version of an anus, and just dealt with it for a few days.

So, got paid today and went back to originally buy another Chroma - Its the best mouse Ive ever had really. Super straight forward, great great great feel in my hand, I loved everything about it. The build quality is great too, which may not seem the case with two different things breaking within a few days of one another, but you have to understand that I have slammed this mouse and thrown it and slapped it across the table and just generally been a prick towards it, for at least two years. I have a temper. Well, get to Best Buy (im too impatient to order shit online, id rather pay more and just have the damn thing and we dont have anything else around here that would have gaming type peripherals.) and the online deal on the DA Chroma isnt applicable in the store for some reason. I bitch and moan and then realize its all my own fault and Im a complete cock, I had grabbed an 'Elite' and never noticed.. So they dont have the mouse Im looking for and I just dont want to drop 80$ on a damn mouse right now. I look over and see a Corsair Katar on sale for 25$, do some quick googling and it reviews well.. Now here I am.

I just typed all that to say : Adjusting to a new mouse is hard.

FL Rushdown

Yeah I wouldn't count on a player fucking up in consideration of how good a character is regardless of how close tiers are. I stick to the what the character is capable of. Just doesn't seem "fair" in the discussion. Especially in the case of SFV and things I've seen people able to pull off consistently in fighters. I don't think there's anything too hard that someone isn't going to learn how to hit you with it most of the time.
I don't think any of the characters I listed lack in any area in a real enough way that you could call it a weakness. However I'd rather be in the corner vs a meterless Urien than the other 3. I'd also rather have to rely on him dropping a combo or goofing a setup/meaty than the others just because he IS going to more than the others. I don't think he's worse than the others just that he's probably less consistent and a bit of that has to do with how overly complicated and spacing dependent some of his wonkier setups can be(and how easily a lot of them are countered by having the correct matchup knowledge, a lot of his setups get far simpler if you just know how to wakeup or what you can vreversal).

FL Rushdown

Yeah Myles you're right. None of uriens setups are complicated and none of them only work at certain distances. It's just that I suck. Maybe if instead of just sucking I sucked shazzys dick like you I could get that plat and never play ranked again. Also how's it feel to have never even taken a game off me? Let alone a set?
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It's all so very confusing.
Not gonna lie, I feel like Rushdown cheated to take them wins. I saw some kicks. Pfft.

So, anyone want to play for a few minutes? I work here in a bit and Rushdown's and my connection is being a bitch tonight.

Kooron Nation

More Ass and Tits for MK11
It was Blanka's birthday a couple of days ago, why would they not have released him and fuck off this Kolin chic.


It's all so very confusing.
So.. I might be coming around to a LITTLE of Rushdowns thinking. I mean, I think Urien is probably still #1 but he may not be the most broken character in the game.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Uriens, Necallis, Cammys, Lauras, Balrogs, Rashids, Bisons, Birdie, Sims, Akuma, Ibukis and even gief are master ranks some characters that received significant buffs but Guile players still in the same spot as they were in season 1 on the leaderboards best character in the game man overbuffed so op nuckledu beat Daigo remember boom spam too good lul
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