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Street Fighter V General Discussion

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
As an update to this - Storm Kubo has yet to win a set in Topanga lol. So far, sure seems like Alex is quite weak at high level.

I feel like just making his sLP as reliable an anti-air as Gief's would be a huge start to making him good again. That way crFP can still be used situationally for damage and EX Knee when meter's not a concern but Alex won't have to worry about getting jumped on at every other range imaginable. It nets little damage but gets his offense started which is how it should be when you jump at the wall that a grappler is supposed to be. I know there's a trend to move away from braindead AA's but I don't see any better or easier way to repair his shortcomings in that department.


It's all so very confusing.
I dunno, I feel like s2 has done some weird shit. Even at a very high level SO MANY rounds ends after a touch and one bad guess. This is creating a kind of gap between characters that can do that and characters that can't, cause by and large those that can, are still just as competent and strong in other areas as those that can't. The game is really starting to lean towards hoarding resources for the 40%+ combo into massive stun off ANY touch, since so many characters can trigger cancel and combo off almost anything.

I still feel like the tiers are far more condensed than they were, but the 'bad' characters are worse in comparison. Shrug. I'm just scrubby so what do I know, but when I see EXTREMELY talented high level players unable to take ANY wins it starts to become concerning.

Of course, other than Ryu I have no interest in any of the 'bad' characters this season. If Juri had quality of life changes and they figured out how to make here a coherent character, I do find her fun to play.


It's all so very confusing.
I feel like just making his sLP as reliable an anti-air as Gief's would be a huge start to making him good again. That way crFP can still be used situationally for damage and EX Knee when meter's not a concern but Alex won't have to worry about getting jumped on at every other range imaginable. It nets little damage but gets his offense started which is how it should be when you jump at the wall that a grappler is supposed to be. I know there's a trend to move away from braindead AA's but I don't see any better or easier way to repair his shortcomings in that department.
I hate Alex, we all know this. But what I feel like he needs, though I don't know how to accomplish it.. is an approach not based around getting a CC or lariat mixup. Like that's his ENTIRE PURPOSE. F.fp and make them guess or CC. Don't get me wrong, I can't even overcome his hyper simple shit but at a high level his approach is so one dimensional..

Alex will be tricky to balance though because he does have some mean shit and his stun becomes broken if it's attached to a character with more options. Alex has a ton of tools he just needs a cohesive way to put them all together.

Johnny Based Cage

The Shangest of Tsungs
Entropic, shush. All Alex needs is to be able to do something about people who choose to circumvent his footsies by holding up all day on him. That and f+FP whiff issues. The tools he already has would be fine if opponents had any reason whatsoever to even have to bother dealing with them.


It's all so very confusing.
Every time I hold up on that great french-fry haired kumquat I eat a bunch of damage and a mixup as I land. I hates him so much. But he does need buffs.

Anyone wanting to play here in 20-30?


It's all so very confusing.
Ooohh ooohh, I know, let's super glue his forearms to his hips!

Also, watching a good Karin play is one of my favorite things from a spectator point of view. Packz is a pleasure to watch. I like playing Karin a lot too but she has Akuma syndrome in that she's heavily heavily punished for making a mistake or dropping a combo and as anyone here can testify, I make a lot of mistakes and drop a LOT of goddamn combos. I do still sit down in training mode and practice her combos and such. One day I'll feel confident enough on her. She's probably an incredible character to learn to game with though, as she is pure neutral and fundamentals.


It's all so very confusing.
So how much lp do you think I can get using uriens standing fierce as my only meaty/neutral button? Or at least as 90% of them.

I didn't know Urien had any other buttons in the first place.. I mean, st.fp is retard strong.

Also, I'ma be on in 30 or so if anyone wants games. Wanna play some Rashido and maybe Karin.


It's all so very confusing.
Honestly dunno. She's not top 3 like last season but she's still solid. I think it's just she isn't broken any more and we haven't seen her new approach fleshed out yet competitively.


It's all so very confusing.
Wanna play for a little?
I do, but I'm too damn tired, I can't rustle the mental energy lol. I'm actually getting ready to just crash early and get a head start tomorrow morning. If I can't sleep I'll hit you up though, otherwise I'll be up and on around 7-8am est.
Yo why everyone saying mika is trash? She still has a lot of fucking dirt fuck otta here
Because why would you play Mika when Laura, Rog, Urien, ibuki, and gief are in the game? The gap between Mika and the mixup heavy 1 touch death characters is bigger in season 2 than it was in season 1, just in the opposite direction. She's still got dirt, but she's harder to play and less consistent than almost every character that's in the same mold as her. You can play her, and you can win, but why would you?

Rip Torn

Because why would you play Mika when Laura, Rog, Urien, ibuki, and gief are in the game? The gap between Mika and the mixup heavy 1 touch death characters is bigger in season 2 than it was in season 1, just in the opposite direction. She's still got dirt, but she's harder to play and less consistent than almost every character that's in the same mold as her. You can play her, and you can win, but why would you?
Mika is better than Gief. Less bad matchups. Her dirt is basically the same as it was in season 1. She's just a little less safe. No reason to play Gief over her unless it's for like 1 or 2 matchups.
Mika is better than Gief. Less bad matchups. Her dirt is basically the same as it was in season 1. She's just a little less safe. No reason to play Gief over her unless it's for like 1 or 2 matchups.
Giefs got better neutral and has to take less risks overall. I think he's easily better than her overall and only has a slightly worse mixup game once he gets going.


It's all so very confusing.
Feel bad for urien players its bs meaty timings are so strict for them.

I know man, and st.fp is such a shitty button in general, I mean it has almost no use whatever. Doesn't lead to damage, doesn't do shit. And if you DO get a CC with it, man you have no time to react. It's not like they spin around in circlez for 45sec waiting for you to dash up cr.fp at all.


It's all so very confusing.
I feel like Urine could be good ya know? He just needs some work. His neutral is terrible first off. Its not like he has idiotically plus on block normals that outrange almost anything else anyone has and still lead to really solid damage, stun and have combo potential. Its not like that at all. I mean, IMAGINE if he had a plus on block, super long range low forward that could lead in to 300+ damage and./or insane mixups if he had meter. I mean, how broken would THAT be? Guess im glad he doesnt have it huh?