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Street Fighter V General Discussion

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
oh it's not so fun when you're character is in the spotlight unfairly, which in Uriens case he actually isn't. Nobody is even good with Urien in America but anyone can see the character is braindead.

S1 people thought Guile was toptier man so gdlk offensive pressure since the Capcom Champion picked him for a few matchups and beat Daigo man they always thought he was "secretly good" despite never playing the character lul. These "people" were obviously wrong in this case... but still now the tune is " why did they buff Guile man he's already so gdlk crapcom sucks muh invincible dps etc etc" lul. I've already heard how they're gonna nerf Guile for the march update too

the lesson here is stop being sheep and stay woke right Myles. Also stop playing braindead toptier and they won't "shit" on your character like they "shit" on mika lul
Can't believe even you are on the Urien is top tier train shazzy, I am disappointed even a ultra silver player like myself knows he lacks the tools to stay viable as people figure out the match up.

FL Rushdown

oh it's not so fun when you're character is in the spotlight unfairly, which in Uriens case he actually isn't. Nobody is even good with Urien in America but anyone can see the character is braindead.

S1 people thought Guile was toptier man so gdlk offensive pressure since the Capcom Champion picked him for a few matchups and beat Daigo man they always thought he was "secretly good" despite never playing the character lul. These "people" were obviously wrong in this case... but still now the tune is " why did they buff Guile man he's already so gdlk crapcom sucks muh invincible dps etc etc" lul. I've already heard how they're gonna nerf Guile for the march update too

the lesson here is stop being sheep and stay woke right Myles. Also stop playing braindead toptier and they won't "shit" on your character like they "shit" on mika lul
You take 500 words to say what you could in 10. Seriously man. Also if Urien is brain dead every character in the game is. He's at least as complicated as everyone else is.


It's all so very confusing.
The good news is the March patch will almost certainly buff him. How much remains to be seen, but he won't wallow in the lower tiers long.. and even still, he has all the tools and such to easily chew his way through silver.


Unicorn Papi
Nobody mains ryu anymore. TBH I think I was the only one that ever did here but uh. He's not in a great place right now.
What is it specifically you're struggling with?
Fucking neutral.... like I can't own space i feel my normals are hella short and then for example against gief i can't space him out to zone him all his normals outdo mine I feel... I may be tripping ( im deff not trippin fuck anyone who say i am) but i like to play one character but wtf i cant even punish ken standing fierce kick anymore its fucking a crime.... and FL and cosign my defence is solid I've blocked a lot of his uriun cheat code setups lol but like if i have no neutral i lost half the battle in my opinion


It's all so very confusing.
Games anyone thats not Rushdown? Nothing against him, but our connections arent playing nice today. I just cant stomach any more ranked, this connection shit is ABSURD. I put it on 3 bars and I get unplayable match after unplayable match, put it on 4-5 bars and Im getting 4 outa 5 with nearly unplayable lagg and the 5th is terrible, but meets the minimum requirements fort playable and my wait time jumps to 4-5min.. I put it on 5 bars only to still get laggy matches (playable mostly though, one in 5 or so isnt) but now my wait time is 6-7 min between matches.

Come. The. Fuck. On.


Unicorn Papi
Games anyone thats not Rushdown? Nothing against him, but our connections arent playing nice today. I just cant stomach any more ranked, this connection shit is ABSURD. I put it on 3 bars and I get unplayable match after unplayable match, put it on 4-5 bars and Im getting 4 outa 5 with nearly unplayable lagg and the 5th is terrible, but meets the minimum requirements fort playable and my wait time jumps to 4-5min.. I put it on 5 bars only to still get laggy matches (playable mostly though, one in 5 or so isnt) but now my wait time is 6-7 min between matches.

Come. The. Fuck. On.
come get this none existent fade lol

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
I would recommend playing only 5 bars - it's worth the longer waits. Even like 1/4 of 5 bar connections are terrible, but anything less than that and you will pickup horrible habits IMO. It's honestly not even the same game, and I don't think it's really possible to improve playing low bar connections, outside of learning some matchup basics.


Unicorn Papi
I would recommend playing only 5 bars - it's worth the longer waits. Even like 1/4 of 5 bar connections are terrible, but anything less than that and you will pickup horrible habits IMO. It's honestly not even the same game, and I don't think it's really possible to improve playing low bar connections, outside of learning some matchup basics.
I agree