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FL Rushdown

Whos bust and not boring
Edit: Actually no who isn't boring and crushes bad fundamentals
Akuma has raging demon(the most hype sf move since literally forever) and cool setups/technical(for this game) combos that are very freeform. His buttons aren't the best but he's got space control for days to contest the players that love to jump/dash in. He gets a lot more than most characters out of anti airing too since he actually gets a combo or/in addition to a setup. That plus he's got solid meaties to punish people for waking up with shit they shouldn't be.

He punishes poor play incredibly hard, however he also gets punished harder than anyone else when he makes a mistake so you gotta stay on your toes cause one late AA and you're dead.
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B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
perfected this Laura and built my Vtrigger lul

watch nuckledu copy me in tournament again


11 11 11 11
Akuma has raging demon(the most hype sf move since literally forever) and cool setups/technical(for this game) combos that are very freeform. His buttons aren't the best but he's got space control for days to contest the players that love to jump/dash in. He gets a lot more than most characters out of anti airing too since he actually gets a combo or/in addition to a setup. That plus he's got solid meaties to punish people for waking up with shit they shouldn't be.

He punishes poor play incredibly hard, however he also gets punished harder than anyone else when he makes a mistake so you gotta stay on your toes cause one late AA and you're dead.
I'll think about it but I don't know if I wanna play a character I've spent the past two weeks bitching about


I'll be back 3ing
I don't think Laura can be anymore boring than characters that hit people in a game riddled with setplay/vortexes and let them get back up

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
As a character what does Urien lack? Health, buttons, Vtrigger, AA, damage or 3frame? I can't lab but just wondering what his weaknesses are.

Rip Torn

looking at his frame data he seems pretty safe also on most all his normals and they have amazing range. His ex wake up are invincible right?
His ex headbutt is invincible but it has 12 frames before it becomes active so you can still safely meaty him with lights on wakeup. Not enough people are abusing him in oki right now. Safe jumps, meaties, safe throw attempts.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
His ex headbutt is invincible but it has 12 frames before it becomes active so you can still safely meaty him with lights on wakeup. Not enough people are abusing him in oki right now. Safe jumps, meaties, throw attempts.
Awesome that is the info I really needed to know thanks guys. I still can't get past his fucking Vtrigger mixups though shit is so versatile.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
yea that's just the dirt the character has and it's real good.
I am starting to get the hanging of teching the throw when I am out vmeter but that shit happens so quick when he can mix it with the low its tough. I always forget he has a second one and then its GfuckingG lol. I almost beat a decent Urien with my -week old sim was so fucking close and prob could of won had but sim execution is pretty tough in the thick of it.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
guise I got bodied by smug in a ft3 feelsbadman

I wasn't ready for such balrog play and ya east coast west coast connection isn't so gdlk but still. I learned a lot and I'll be ready next time to show you guise what even isdd couldn't do :cool:

I am starting to get the hanging of teching the throw when I am out vmeter but that shit happens so quick when he can mix it with the low its tough. I always forget he has a second one and then its GfuckingG lol. I almost beat a decent Urien with my -week old sim was so fucking close and prob could of won had but sim execution is pretty tough in the thick of it.
when Urien cancels into his second mirror i.e. ex tackle xx 2nd mirror it's unsafe and you play zangief if I remember correctly it's a free spd
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Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
when Urien cancels into his second mirror i.e. ex tackle xx 2nd mirror it's unsafe and you play zangief if I remember correctly it's a free spd
Thanks man, I switched to sim recently so that punish unless its -6 is not gonna be that meaty but def better then nothing. Pls feel free to share more Anti Urien tech there is so many of them lol.

FL Rushdown

His ex headbutt is invincible but it has 12 frames before it becomes active so you can still safely meaty him with lights on wakeup. Not enough people are abusing him in oki right now. Safe jumps, meaties, safe throw attempts.
You can't try and throw and be safe. Safe jumps are real. Also you're probably not confirming off a single light, so meatying with a light is almost the same as just blocking and reading the wakeup.

Rip Torn

You can't try and throw and be safe. Safe jumps are real. Also you're probably not confirming off a single light, so meatying with a light is almost the same as just blocking and reading the wakeup.
Yeah, sorry no safe throw attempts but more like a free tick grab attempt if you throw out a meaty light you can react to ex headbutt and block or if Urien blocks the meaty then tick throw.

Doesn't have great anti airs and doesn't have a 3 framer. Those are really the only tools he's lacking.
His aa is really damaging. You really shouldn't jump on him. Cross ups maybe.