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Street Fighter V General Discussion


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Well I mean that's them getting away with shit lol, it's on you. If akuma does something gimmicky and you hit him for it he dies. If he hits with his gimmicky stuff it's good damage but not the best. Learn his setups and learn the ranges on the air fireballs they're almost always unsafe and if they are safe it's either a 1/4 of his trigger gone or one you could've avoided and punished him for.
I know it's my fault and I'd love to figure out how to deal with it but I have to pay money to do so (why i hate dlc fighters). I dash under to punish air fireball but they don't do it and I get hit by their jump in. Next I'll try anti airing them and they do the air fireball. I know it's just me scrubbing out but god damn it frustrates me


I know it's my fault and I'd love to figure out how to deal with it but I have to pay money to do so (why i hate dlc fighters). I dash under to punish air fireball but they don't do it and I get hit by their jump in. Next I'll try anti airing them and they do the air fireball. I know it's just me scrubbing out but god damn it frustrates me
Pay money? what did you spend your fight money on?

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
I haven't spent any real money Season 2 and I blew all my fight money on the Holiday/Akuma stages + Akuma. Right now I've earned enough fight money to get the next DLC character and the new stage feelsgoodman. I think I don't need the season pass this time with how easy it is to get fight money now.

I'll save all my money for Juri costumes huh Myles ~~desu :s


Dojo Trainee
Really? If thats the case I could probably get him but I'd hate to spend it on someone I despise rather then someone I'd like to actually play as
Having used Akuma in some capacity in practically every SF game ever, this is easily the least annoying he's ever been.

-Lesser zoning? Check.
-Lesser teleport? Check.
-Slower Demon Flips? Check.
-Low health? Check.

Who do you main?


11 11 11 11
Having used Akuma in some capacity in practically every SF game ever, this is easily the least annoying he's ever been.

-Lesser zoning? Check.
-Lesser teleport? Check.
-Slower Demon Flips? Check.
-Low health? Check.

Who do you main?
Nash and I'm picking up Necalli


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Thinking about quitting this game. Haven't gotten this salty since Sonic Riders on the gamecube
Edit: When I was fucking 9 years old