I thought it was messed up that they had invincibles but others like juri, Guile and Urien had to spend meter.Says the gief player.
I thought it was messed up that they had invincibles but others like juri, Guile and Urien had to spend meter.Says the gief player.
Yea but the Daigo's of the world were eliminated from tourneys because of a baited DP, hardly anyone lost because of a wakeup DP that hit them.I thought it was messed up that they had invincibles but others like juri, Guile and Urien had to spend meter.
It's called character design and balance. Karin, Nash, chun, and Mika all had to spend meter or didn't have them and were on equal footing with the rest. Ryu/cammy/ken/necalli weren't strong because of their dps(they helped, but not much) they were strong because they had in ryu/cammys case the most well rounded skill sets in the game with good buttons to compliment them and necalli/ken got by by being Mika with less dmg and a little more defense. Sf has had a ton of balanced chars with meterless reversals, and if they tried at all they could've in this game too.I thought it was messed up that they had invincibles but others like juri, Guile and Urien had to spend meter.
It may be design and balance but Capcom decided to put meter restrictions on the dps. Whether we think its great or not is irrelevant.It's called character design and balance. Karin, Nash, chun, and Mika all had to spend meter or didn't have them and were on equal footing with the rest. Ryu/cammy/ken/necalli weren't strong because of their dps(they helped, but not much) they were strong because they had in ryu/cammys case the most well rounded skill sets in the game with good buttons to compliment them and necalli/ken got by by being Mika with less dmg and a little more defense. Sf has had a ton of balanced chars with meterless reversals, and if they tried at all they could've in this game too.
It's not irrelevant if we're discussing our opinions of the game. Which is what we were doing lol.It may be design and balance but Capcom decided to put meter restrictions on the dps. Whether we think its great or not is irrelevant.
I think they should have made it so that if it is invincible, they should not be cancel able in anyway. You already have the reward of getting them off of you.It's called character design and balance. Karin, Nash, chun, and Mika all had to spend meter or didn't have them and were on equal footing with the rest. Ryu/cammy/ken/necalli weren't strong because of their dps(they helped, but not much) they were strong because they had in ryu/cammys case the most well rounded skill sets in the game with good buttons to compliment them and necalli/ken got by by being Mika with less dmg and a little more defense. Sf has had a ton of balanced chars with meterless reversals, and if they tried at all they could've in this game too.
GGs mayneggs again @New York Pizza
Which ones? *takes out notepad*Certain Vtrigger colours of Necalli messes my eyes up.
If you have the pro tour costume, you have a free win from me.Which ones? *takes out notepad*
I actually find Necalli really fun.As boring as I sometimes find Necalli's design, I do like the fact that he's simple to play. Its hard to find time sometimes to lab for hours.
Need tips or just dumping salt? Also not sure why you'd hate HIM of all characters.I fucking hate akuma man its been awhile since I despised a character so much
Both. It's just that scrubs get away with a lot of bs with him and I can't stand it. Still having trouble dealing with air fireball, don't know why. Idk if I have ever won a set against an Akuma.Need tips or just dumping salt? Also not sure why you'd hate HIM of all characters.
Well I mean that's them getting away with shit lol, it's on you. If akuma does something gimmicky and you hit him for it he dies. If he hits with his gimmicky stuff it's good damage but not the best. Learn his setups and learn the ranges on the air fireballs they're almost always unsafe and if they are safe it's either a 1/4 of his trigger gone or one you could've avoided and punished him for.Both. It's just that scrubs get away with a lot of bs with him and I can't stand it. Still having trouble dealing with air fireball, don't know why. Idk if I have ever won a set against an Akuma.
Ive heard that guy just goes nuts....So I just timed out a player who goes by the name of scrotum...
LOL that's hilarious.Ive heard that guy just goes nuts....
Well if you wanna let your twitch viewers look at a terrible akuma I'm gonna be on.If i decide to stream on mic in about 10-20 minutes, would anyone watch and chat?
Admittingly I'm a little drunk and high.
I'm Silver but a grade A sirloin cut Karin.
Twitch: newyorkpizza_