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Do we have news about a new possible patch? *updated again, Boon on twitter regarding KP3*


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
If they nerf the present top5, all thE will happen is a new top 5 will rise for people to bitch about.
But it'll be a different top 5 and we'll be more entertained than we are now for awhile.

Groove Heaven

Hence my argument on the matter. It's time for them to break the cycle and actually make something complete for once.
That's not NRS's style though. Like...of course they should, but they're not going to, and there's no real reason to hold out hope that MKX will have its issues fixed.

I like NRS games and I think they're pretty cool about supporting the community, but obviously they have chronic issues when it comes to balance and game longevity. They put a strong emphasis on DLC and releasing a fresh game every 2 years. That's just their business model, it's what the consumer responds to, and fans of their games (including us) should accept that imo. It's not in their best monetary interest to put time into MKX when Injustice 2 is what will maximize their profits.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with you,i really can't express myself right now because I will be banned.Are you serious man?you think the only problem is acidic?
Foxy won money by doing b12 online,
Johnny's f3 is broke as fuck and 1.000.000 plus frames
Takeda after his unlockable setups got a 7frame poke.can you please think before you reply these things?
OK well you dont need to act like a low tier human about it.

You clearly dont know fighting games if you think b12 was all foxy did. He made amazing reads and stayed unpredictable. If it was just B12 we'd see a lot more MIleenas out there

Same thing with Johnny. No Johnny mains in ESL finals, or Combo Breaker Top 16. People who know the MU know how to deal with it.

Takeda is a top tier character with some bad MUs but not broken or OP by any means.

Can you please think before you reply to these things?


bye felicia
I like NRS games and I think they're pretty cool about supporting the community, but obviously they have chronic issues when it comes to balance and game longevity.
When NRS players support their games (at their most broken) like the Marvel / Melee / SF crowd does, things will change. As long as this "one more patch" rhetoric is alive, they have no reason.


Publicly Educated
tbh, Takeda Mileena Johnny Kano Sonya Dvorah are all top tier characters that require skills and matchup knowledge to play. They may be adjusted with some slight nerf (Mileena B1 damage reduced, Sonya has a 2s cooldown for grenade call, Takeda's tornado strike recovery on whiff slightly increase...) to keep their good design and allow other characters compete with them easier.
But the design of Alien is just....fuck it. They should really take all the braindead bullshit stuffs away from Alien


Όσα δε φτάνει η αλεπού. ........
OK well you dont need to act like a low tier human about it.

You clearly dont know fighting games if you think b12 was all foxy did. He made amazing reads and stayed unpredictable. If it was just B12 we'd see a lot more MIleenas out there

Same thing with Johnny. No Johnny mains in ESL finals, or Combo Breaker Top 16. People who know the MU know how to deal with it.

Takeda is a top tier character with some bad MUs but not broken or OP by any means.

Can you please think before you reply to these things?
Tell me now he would pick mileena if she didn't have the broken active frames of b12.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm

Tell me now he would pick mileena if she didn't have the broken active frames of b12.
You do realize he's doing a lot more than just b12 over and over, right? He's baiting poles and whiff punishing. He's conditioning people to respect his space, then he's mixing in pokes, throws, etc.

He's forcing people into his space with sais and full punishing their attempts to get in.

If you watched Foxy vs HeyGeorge and didn't see fundamental play happening, you're a lost cause and should go back to MK9 or whatever game suits your arbitrary definition of footsies.


Publicly Educated
Tell me now he would pick mileena if she didn't have the broken active frames of b12.
B12 has existed for 9 months since september 2015. Read the fucking 31/8/2015 patch note http://community.wbgames.com/t5/Latest-Updates/Patch-Notes-8-31-2015/ba-p/756091.
He picked Piercing after she got the UNIVERSAL sai and poke buffs. Piercing B12 actually got a slight nerf as MKXL came out
The main reason for him to pick Mileena is that she fits his playstyle so well and his main Kung Lao got nerfed


Time Warrior
It would be dump NOT to patch the game before the biggest tournament of the year,it is so embarrassing for the developers the fact that from a 35 chars game,the winner will be one of Takeda,mileena,alien and sonya.
Changing the meta of the game and/or how certain characters are played (which in turn affects matchups) a week or two before EVO would be very silly. The game might not be perfectly balanced but upsetting things now after they've settled would be very unwise.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
honestly i dont think they could do to much to alien anyways without ruining him. Honestly if you wanted alien to be balanced while not being shitty at the same time they'd have to completely redo the character.


Since everyone acts like the game is dying or is dead already, just ban Alien from tournament play.
from what I can see for myself, players are interested in competition because NRS is still pushing big money into mkx competitive scene (read the last ceo news for which they put 10k)
once the big money stop coming this way the game's problems will weigh more and people will lose interest for good

the game might be balanced because there's an high number of characters/variations that are competitive
BUT only because each one of the above is broken in its own way
there's still too many situations where you know what's going to happen next and can't do nothing about it because a single special (ie: demo grenades) nullifies your reactions and game knowledge

while I completely hate alien's design, it's not the unique source of problems this game still has

was watching this video

thoughts on what boon is saying at minute 11 ?
Last edited:


did I hear right? he said new content coming??
that's what I've heard too
in addition to the fact that they want to support games in the long run (and there's also the line in which he says long term support for one game might affect the release of the newer)

but if my ears aren't clouded by hype, good news!


i dont know my english is not so good but it was the same i heard about they want to support theyre games for a longer lifespan. i hope its true! :)


Alien changes....


Jump 2 reduced to 10 frames of start up.

Jump 4 removed from the game.

Armor on EX flip in the air or just EX flip in the air removed.

Armor on EX snag removed, to get rid of 50/50 armor.

Remove low in F134. It won't really hurt Alien, just for TYM crowd control. Similar to Lao's spin sucking in on block.

Reduce the hitbox and quick recovery on normal and EX flip.


Improve D2 hitbox. It can be worse than Jacqui's D2 at times.

Maybe reduce the recovery frames on F4. It's a single hit and has over 40 frames of recovery. Maybe 32-35?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Alien changes....


Jump 2 reduced to 10 frames of start up.

Jump 4 removed from the game.

Armor on EX flip in the air or just EX flip in the air removed.

Armor on EX snag removed, to get rid of 50/50 armor.

Remove low in F134. It won't really hurt Alien, just for TYM crowd control. Similar to Lao's spin sucking in on block.

Reduce the hitbox and quick recovery on normal and EX flip.


Improve D2 hitbox. It can be worse than Jacqui's D2 at times.

Maybe reduce the recovery frames on F4. It's a single hit and has over 40 frames of recovery. Maybe 32-35?
I'd say just add hurtboxes to the tail of j4. I think the idea of the normal is cool, but it doesn't need to have no hurtbox.

Agreed with f134 low removal.

Fuck that d2 buff, though. XD


I'd say just add hurtboxes to the tail of j4. I think the idea of the normal is cool, but it doesn't need to have no hurtbox.

Agreed with f134 low removal.

Fuck that d2 buff, though. XD
That makes more sense. Like Dhalsim. Alisim.

When I think of D2s, I think of the easier anti air, that won't net you a full combo. Atm Alien's D1, B1, instant NJP, instant jump 2, etc, are all better than his D2 in most cases. Whether it be more active frames or a slightly better hitbox, the normal needs help imo. Getting 9 active frames instead of 5, like Jax has, would probably be enough. Not asking for much since the hitbox would still be shitty.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
That makes more sense. Like Dhalsim. Alisim.

When I think of D2s, I think of the easier anti air, that won't net you a full combo. Atm Alien's D1, B1, instant NJP, instant jump 2, etc, are all better than his D2 in most cases. Whether it be more active frames or a slightly better hitbox, the normal needs help imo. Getting 9 active frames instead of 5, like Jax has, would probably be enough. Not asking for much since the hitbox would still be shitty.
u3, I hear, has some whiffing issues, but otherwise works pretty solidly. Also d1 is really good for AA, and leads to more damage overall. He doesn't necessarily need a better d2 since his AA options are mostly fine anyway. The character has really good jump-ins on top of that.


u3, I hear, has some whiffing issues, but otherwise works pretty solidly. Also d1 is really good for AA, and leads to more damage overall. He doesn't necessarily need a better d2 since his AA options are mostly fine anyway. The character has really good jump-ins on top of that.
He doesn't need anything, you're right. I just don't like the mentality of only nerfing top characters, because they don't need anything. Kung Lao always had issues with his speed, whether it be movement or pokes, he always had hitbox issues with his teleport, on top of it's speed making it an irrelevant move. Now that he's mid tier or so, those changes would have been really nice.

It's not like i'm suggesting things that would improve him in his current meta anyways. It still wouldn't be good to throw F4 at a downed opponent with 32-35 frames of recovery. The 17 frames of start up, it being a single hitting move, and it still having over 30 frames of recovery, would still make it really hard to read delayed or non-delayed wake ups with. 43 frames is just too much. Kenshi's F2 in Kenjutsu is the same at 40 frames.

U3 has some whiffing issues. The difference is that it has great range, so the whiffing up close kind of keeps the move in check. Otherwise it would essentially be a 9 frame D2 with some of the best range in the game. Since it whiffs up close sometimes, you won't always be able to use it on reaction, like you would with a quick D2. Alien's D4 is the same. Crazy range, that's balanced by whiffing issues up close and heavy negative frames on block.

Alien's D2 has whiffing issues and bad range, which is why I would like hitbox improvements or 7-9 active frames. Wouldn't hurt or help Alien that much, because like you said, he already has good anti airs that lead to full combos. It's just a nice fix to have, to round out the character, especially if he'll be seeing a lot of nerfs.