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Do we have news about a new possible patch? *updated again, Boon on twitter regarding KP3*


Man of Tomorrow
No matter what happens there will always be a need for "one more balance patch". Some buffed character is discovered to be ridiculous, some character with seemingly minor nerfs moves 3 tiers lower. There will never be a perfect patch, there will always be really strong characters and really weak ones, there will always be the need for one more patch.
No matter what happens there will always be a need for "one more balance patch". Some buffed character is discovered to be ridiculous, some character with seemingly minor nerfs moves 3 tiers lower. There will never be a perfect patch, there will always be really strong characters and really weak ones, there will always be the need for one more patch.
True, but this is still an active game (for at least another year) and the biggest fan base in their portfolio. Netherrealm should continue to support and enhance.....and add dlc. An announcement of a final patch and dlc would be great
Regardless if it's before or after EVO, this game NEEDS another patch. There are still broken game mechanics within this game. Come on guys "for once" don't you want a "complete" game designed by NRS? Not something that visibly looks buggy and unfinished? I mean this game is awesome and fun but we can't deny its the epitemome of an NRS fighting game. Alien IS busted, there are universal things in the game that still make no sense, and we still have hitbox issues out the ass. I'm all for one more patch, and especially before EVO because let's face it, who wants to get robbed out of big $$$ by something broken?

Unless your CR Dragon, SonicFox, Mileena Grampa, you aren't getting robbed. You're getting REWARDED for using such characters. Now if you're Lord Brady, then you get robbed.

you know what i find hilarious? People were complaining before about oh "they patch the game to soon bruh, let it live" and now its "They're not patching this game enough bruh, we need more patches" Make up your damn minds XD
Again, what'd you expect? It's TYM? Expect nothing less but hypocrisy and stupidity and nothing less....

Unless You're current Supergirl that is..... *Insert her face here.gif*

Nope, I'm serious.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
Again, what'd you expect? It's TYM? Expect nothing less but hypocrisy and stupidity and nothing less....

Unless You're current Supergirl that is..... *Insert her face here.gif*

Nope, I'm serious.
yeah seriously.....why does super girl look like fucking martha stewart?

*edit: i added super girls win pose picture just so u can see for yourself xD
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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Not sure if we will get a new patch, its not like we're acting as if the game is dying, a new patch or a new KP would definitely be welcome, as long as they don't put more guests into it either.
Is how interactables arrived in mk and look at mkx mobile - pretty much an existing gear, loot system.
So far the gear system is going to have to wear down on me for me to actually get to understand it. The gear itself is cool but then I see the "level" thing with it and it made me confused.


Also if my hat is going to vanish for a long time when someone jumps it in buzzsaw then 9% damage is fair. Also make the bf2 hat have more hit advantage as it would be nice to have a decent bnb. Thank you.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I will be happy if they can just fix the general juggle issue and tweak Hat Trick a bit for a chance to compete, now if the KP3 is real and my baby is in there, i'm definitely jumping ship.