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Do we have news about a new possible patch? *updated again, Boon on twitter regarding KP3*

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Stunt Double JC, Ronin Takeda and Konjurer Alien are fun to watch. But Piercing Mileena and Shirai Ryu Takeda, ewww... Takeda's entire offense in this variation revolves around doing the same string into low kunai over and over again. Kinda like Alien's F134 or Tanya's B1,2+4 string. I find it so boring. Ronin and Lasher are a lot more fun to watch.
Yeah, Shirai Ryu can definitely be pretty repetitive, but at least Takeda is an actual MK character. I don't know. I just really can't stand watching Alien. Even the noises he makes when he hits his opponent annoy me at this point.