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Street Fighter V General Discussion


All too easy...
It shouldnt take all the conecentration in the world just to block check some idiot after knocking them down, especially when shit like wake up jab activation or wake up teleport into full super combo is the easiest thing in the game and nets you over half of your opponents health bar.

Meatying someone with st.mp shouldnt be rocket science and take over a year of practice to do, especially for Daigo who has been doing this his whole life, and yet he still struggles. There is some fishy shit going on in this game where scrubby tactics are winning at the highest of levels


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
3 frame jab is an excuse to play rarely any defense in the game. 3 frame jab gets out of all real viable frame traps that lead to combo damage, all throw attempts, and they also make pukeworthy anti airs for those less capable of anything more than mashing jab
Uuuuuhhhh...if you're getting beat out on frame traps, you either aren't doing a proper one, or your timing is off.


All too easy...

Just watch this match, it unfortuneately defines the state of the game for me right now. Daigo, the greatest, most calculated fighter of all time, gets shit on by a button mashing Necalli just throwing out buttons, even the commentators have to call it like they see it.


Normalize grab immunity.
3 frame jab is an excuse to play rarely any defense in the game. 3 frame jab gets out of all real viable frame traps that lead to combo damage, all throw attempts, and they also make pukeworthy anti airs for those less capable of anything more than mashing jab
Ok I'm going to use Mika cause that's my main. If a sitiuation equals blender, you got hit.
  1. cr.LP(+2 on block), [you mashed LP], I do st.MP(5 frame startup - 2 = 3) = counter hit Blender.
  2. s.LK, cr.LP, cr.LK(all +1 on block), [you mashed LP, I do cr.LP = Counter hit blender.
  3. Charged HK(+2) = Blender.
  4. f.HP(+3) = Blender.
  5. Mic Throw(+4, did you know that one? I've caught so many people with it) = Blender.
Mind you Mika's frame traps are little odd and spaced out with what buttons she can use since she gets command grab mixups, but I think you get the point. If you play me and start mashing LP - nevermind on wakeup since that's free Crush Counter f.HP or grabs. - I'll take all my free damage.

@bdizzle2700 not to blow you up. But when I've gotten crush counters on you on wakeup, was that you waking up with a button? I always figured it was a missed input with Birdie. Since you know, bad defense and all. ;)



Just watch this match, it unfortuneately defines the state of the game for me right now. Daigo, the greatest, most calculated fighter of all time, gets shit on by a button mashing Necalli just throwing out buttons, even the commentators have to call it like they see it.
Just watched the video and I feel you're really over selling the comments made by the commentators. Second round of the first match Daigo uses meaty s.mp confirmed into sweep on two consecutive knock downs, beating out the wake up jab. Several of the other wake up jabs were to interupt pressure, which wouldn't have been possible if Daigo had used the correct frame traps/not mistimed his frame traps. At no point did I see what I would consider to be jab mashing. The other button presses mid screen seemed to be based on reads. Daigo likes to dash at a certain distance, so throw out a c.mp and counter hit confirm to stop that.

In this instance I believe Daigo got outplayed. Over time, with more study, he'll likely regain his crown as the best SF player, but in that particular match it seems that the 3 frame jab was only strong because Daigo hadn't adjusted his tactics to compensate for it.


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
I dunno if the game's changed much in the past month but last time I played it wasn't exactly difficult to blow up people mashing jab on wakeup.

But then again Cammy has good knockdowns so meaties are simple.


gotta stay sharp!
Ok I'm going to use Mika cause that's my main. If a sitiuation equals blender, you got hit.
  1. cr.LP(+2 on block), [you mashed LP], I do st.MP(5 frame startup - 2 = 3) = counter hit Blender.
  2. s.LK, cr.LP, cr.LK(all +1 on block), [you mashed LP, I do cr.LP = Counter hit blender.
  3. Charged HK(+2) = Blender.
  4. f.HP(+3) = Blender.
  5. Mic Throw(+4, did you know that one? I've caught so many people with it) = Blender.
Mind you Mika's frame traps are little odd and spaced out with what buttons she can use since she gets command grab mixups, but I think you get the point. If you play me and start mashing LP - nevermind on wakeup since that's free Crush Counter f.HP or grabs. - I'll take all my free damage.

@bdizzle2700 not to blow you up. But when I've gotten crush counters on you on wakeup, was that you waking up with a button? I always figured it was a missed input with Birdie. Since you know, bad defense and all. ;)
Its always been me waking up grab. Lol. If i think your gunna meaty i block and if i think your gunna grab or cmnd grab on my get up ill grab to break or grab you out of your command grab. Seeing as i have a 4 frame normal i dont trust my lk (or c.lk) to reach and if i mess up, your grab out prioritizes my normal anway lol.


Normalize grab immunity.

Just watch this match, it unfortuneately defines the state of the game for me right now. Daigo, the greatest, most calculated fighter of all time, gets shit on by a button mashing Necalli just throwing out buttons, even the commentators have to call it like they see it.
Haitani is actually a known great player. Can we stop the daigo dickride as if he can do no wrong. 3 minutes in "They said Haitani is the best Japanese player in the scene".

First name is getting up off the ground.

1:32, Haitani easily stuffs Daigo with CH LP into full combo. So is Daigo just bad or something.
1:38, Haitani is pressing something. Daigo gets two CH st.MP cause
3:20, Haitani does the necalli wakeup.
3:36, Daigo gets a whopping wakeup cr.MP.
4:18, Haitani blocks on wakeup. Daigo used st.MP
4:36, Haitani gets hit by solar plexus when trying to escape on wakeup.
5:05, Daigo gets hit by jab on wakeup twice in a row.
5:17, Haitani gets thrown in the corner twice. Then jumps out.
5:25, Daigo drops a combo.
5:50, Haitani misses ex grab.
5:53, Haitani gets hit by that double hiring axe kick into combo.
Daigo gets baited at the end for the 3-0 loss.
I probably missed some no touch wakeups.

Seems to me both players are still learning the game. But Haitani out played Daigo. Plus that was Daigo first CPT event. Dude laid low and trained his ryu until he felt comfortable enough and got top 8. None of this screams Daigo being scrubbed out.


Normalize grab immunity.
Or your name is F.A.N.G and capcom decided to give you moves that are only +1 when you have no 3f normal
The one time I kind of agree with myles. But st.LP, st.LK, cr.MK, coward kick are +2. Also you'd be surprised the amount of players who can't perfectly time a button even when you're plus one.

Its always been me waking up grab. Lol. If i think your gunna meaty i block and if i think your gunna grab or cmnd grab on my get up ill grab to break or grab you out of your command grab. Seeing as i have a 4 frame normal i dont trust my lk (or c.lk) to reach and if i mess up, your grab out prioritizes my normal anway lol.
Aaahh you got one of those grabs too. @JJvercetti is better at the guess than you or I'm better at the guess against you. Idk how but he always gets the grab on me with Zangief. Shit is frustrating. Completely turns the tables.


The one time I kind of agree with myles. But st.LP, st.LK, cr.MK, coward kick are +2. Also you'd be surprised the amount of players who can't perfectly time a button even when you're plus one.

Aaahh you got one of those grabs too. @JJvercetti is better at the guess than you or I'm better at the guess against you. Idk how but he always gets the grab on me with Zangief. Shit is frustrating. Completely turns the tables.
I think Birdies grab is slower than Giefs so that could be a reason.


Beware my power.
Uuuuuhhhh...if you're getting beat out on frame traps, you either aren't doing a proper one, or your timing is off.
Ryu st mp is +1 on block. 5 frame start up. Those characters with 3 frame jab counterhit the startup of second st mp it's how the game is designed
Look guys I've been a Daigo fan since he started on the scene years ago, I've always said he's the second most skillful SF player of all time behind only Tomo Ohira (tomo was something else), and I have to admit, Daigo just got outplayed by Haitani, plain and simple. It's obvious he got desperate and lost to the better guy that day. I mean didn't anyone catch how necalli was whacking him with multiple heavy kicks? Those beat out lighter attacks so haitani took advantage of that, hell there's a part in a round where daigo gets hit by like 3 straight normals because he just wanted to keep going forward, and he got punished for that. And to anyone who says Haitani or anyone just "mashing" buttons can win then I guess he's the only that uses this since his Necalli has gotten top spots many times. Guess anyone can win Evo this year by "mashing buttons". Try going to any tournament and just mash buttons, you'll find yourself last place in pools!


Original Liu Kang cop.
Yeah Haitani is a real scrub.

People get away with things. The amount of jump ins during the early months of MK9 compared to the late stages are telling.

People aren't these brilliant minds that can instantly adapt to and figure out games. It takes time to understand.

We need to get over this idea that we're brilliant and perfect and that it's the games fault when we're 3 months in. It's baffling to me to think that some people assume that every situation through every MU has been calculated and intergrated into muscle memory and understanding within this tiny time limit. Is it an NRS thing or are people really that arrogant?
Yeah Haitani is a real scrub.

People get away with things. The amount of jump ins during the early months of MK9 compared to the late stages are telling.

People aren't these brilliant minds that can instantly adapt to and figure out games. It takes time to understand.

We need to get over this idea that we're brilliant and perfect and that it's the games fault when we're 3 months in. It's baffling to me to think that some people assume that every situation through every MU has been calculated and intergrated into muscle memory and understanding within this tiny time limit. Is it an NRS thing or are people really that arrogant?
Three months into a game like SF V is nothing, there's still like 70% of things to learn, new techs to figure out, etc, and I truly believe even tier lists will change in the near future. Ken was trash a month ago, now with the way momochi played him people will reconsider. Chun Li has been top tier since the game came out, number one on mostly everyone's list and I haven't seen her win a major to this day. Japanese players thought Nash wasn't that good when the game came out, "he's missing important stuff" etc. and he's won majors and infiltration makes him look like a broken character. I mean my point is that let's give players the credit they deserve.


Normalize grab immunity.
Three months into a game like SF V is nothing, there's still like 70% of things to learn, new techs to figure out, etc, and I truly believe even tier lists will change in the near future. Ken was trash a month ago, now with the way momochi played him people will reconsider. Chun Li has been top tier since the game came out, number one on mostly everyone's list and I haven't seen her win a major to this day. Japanese players thought Nash wasn't that good when the game came out, "he's missing important stuff" etc. and he's won majors and infiltration makes him look like a broken character. I mean my point is that let's give players the credit they deserve.
I always find it funny the FGC always does this. Every single time and it's gotten annoying. I've only been really following the scene for about 9 years now. And it's like people can't help themselves. Every time. "My character sucks." "The game plays this way" "This is too strong" blah blah blah. Then everyone looks back like "lol were stupid wrong a year ago." Or in NRS games "oh shit all those buffs and nerfs were wrong".

It's just annoying how history repeats itself every single time.

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
For those of you who don't know - meaties are actually pretty easy to perform in SFV. The three frame input buffer that makes combos easy applies the same way to meaty setups and none of them that involve dashing up and/or whiffing a normal are tighter than three frames.

One of the reasons that wake up jab works so well with three frame jabs is that the attacker needs different setups to cover quick recovery vs back recovery (unless they have a normal with four active frames). Sometimes the wake up jab hitting is the defender guessed right on using normal vs back recovery and the attacker guessed wrong. Nothing scrubby about it - just a wrong guess in a mixup situation.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Ryu st mp is +1 on block. 5 frame start up. Those characters with 3 frame jab counterhit the startup of second st mp it's how the game is designed
Yes, because that's a frame trap for 4f jabs. If you want a frame trap for 3f jabs, use crMP > stLK/crMP.


ended up compiling a set of my recent matches today vs platinum players, rarely lose any matches when Im playing as Nash, the first player is one of the more solid Nash players Ive faced so far, GGs