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Street Fighter V General Discussion


All too easy...
lol ggs what are you talking blocking for when you got hit by every crossup?
I mean why do you have to hold up on hit adter eating 3 f.hp in a row because you refuse to block? Why mash bazooka knee and hold up on hit during footsies? Why are you still attempting to wake up quadruple backdash when Im leaving a meaty vskill boom over your body after a crush counter sweep? Why does everyone Ive played online besides bdizzle just fish for nothing but jump ins into full combo like a bunch of crack fiends instead of even attempting to play classic street fighter/footsies?

Ugh, this game sometimes


gotta stay sharp!
I mean why do you have to hold up on hit adter eating 3 f.hp in a row because you refuse to block? Why mash bazooka knee and hold up on hit during footsies? Why are you still attempting to wake up quadruple backdash when Im leaving a meaty vskill boom over your body after a crush counter sweep? Why does everyone Ive played online besides bdizzle just fish for nothing but jump ins into full combo like a bunch of crack fiends instead of even attempting to play classic street fighter/footsies?

Ugh, this game sometimes
Awe :')
I mean why do you have to hold up on hit adter eating 3 f.hp in a row because you refuse to block? Why mash bazooka knee and hold up on hit during footsies? Why are you still attempting to wake up quadruple backdash when Im leaving a meaty vskill boom over your body after a crush counter sweep? Why does everyone Ive played online besides bdizzle just fish for nothing but jump ins into full combo like a bunch of crack fiends instead of even attempting to play classic street fighter/footsies?

Ugh, this game sometimes
cause it works.


All too easy...
That's some high level SF you're playing then.
Lbsh the only difference between a platinum player and a bronze is how often they get away with this shit. Since match makig is ass you will get matched with a bronze player and the next game youll face platinum and its the same shit, pressing buttons when its not their turn, holding up, playing like total retards and forcing you to play full retard along with them, only difference is the platinum dudes have like 2 or 3 different flowcharts they switch bwtween while the bronze guys have 1. Being patient gets you no where in this game right now. I was watching pr balrogs stream last night against valle and its just constant pressig of buttons and nothing else, he and every other necalli do the same scrubby ass wake up jab into vtrigger activation into full combo that everyone else does, why? Because carsalesmang is right, that shit just works in this game, at every level. Diago lost to the same button mashing necalli tactics at stunfest, thats just sfv right now. Calculated and reactionary styles like his just arent going to work all day, dont think about what youre doing, just do it, the payoff will always be worth it


All too easy...
It doesn't work though if you can meaty properly.

Please hold up against me when I'm hitting you, I want another free combo.
Let me go tell diago hes a scrub that needs to lern2meety

Oh wait its fucking impossible to do consistantly, even for players like him


All too easy...
Game has been out for 3 months, little early to say it's impossible to meaty consistently.
Go watch diago vs haitani from stunfest top 8 and tell me its not impossible. Diago knocks him down inmediately and does dash forward mp and necalli just backdashes out for free, then when necallis in the corner just starts pressing shit, 10 seconds into the match and even the commentators are just like "oh hes mashing jab"

So 2 high level japanese players in a top 8 of a capcom protour event use the same tactics and the greatest fighting game player of all time still struggles with meaty mp with ryu.

Seriously, wtf

At least usedcarsalesmang is honest about him just pressing shit and gettig away with it


Original Liu Kang cop.
Go watch diago vs haitani from stunfest top 8 and tell me its not impossible. Diago knocks him down inmediately and does dash forward mp and necalli just backdashes out for free, then when necallis in the corner just starts pressing shit, 10 seconds into the match and even the commentators are just like "oh hes mashing jab"

So 2 high level japanese players in a top 8 of a capcom protour event use the same tactics and the greatest fighting game player of all time still struggles with meaty mp with ryu.

Seriously, wtf

At least usedcarsalesmang is honest about him just pressing shit and gettig away with it
3 months. Lets see if players are still doing that next February, then maybe we can lose our shit and say stuff like meatys are impossible.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Meaties can be done consistently. SFIV players were consistently setting up pretty awkward safe jump and unblockable setups by 2012, considering the safe jump and unblockable stuff didn't start developing until late Super/early AE.


Normalize grab immunity.
Never thought I'd see a conversation about losing to wake up jab like it's unstoppable. What the hell have NRS players been doing in wakeup situations this whole time?

Man Birdie is so fun to play, matter of fact every character is fun as hell.
Of course it's fun being top tier and yet no one knows. Yet My Mika gets the pitchforks cause god forbid you take a mixup.

Don't be ridiculous, everyone has already figured the game 100% out in 3 months.
well . . .
So you're telling me you have all MUs 100% figured out? And that you rarely if ever make a mistake. So that when you do happen to lose it can't be that you got outplayed?
Myles has duh.


Beware my power.
Never thought I'd see a conversation about losing to wake up jab like it's unstoppable.
3 frame jab is an excuse to play rarely any defense in the game. 3 frame jab gets out of all real viable frame traps that lead to combo damage, all throw attempts, and they also make pukeworthy anti airs for those less capable of anything more than mashing jab


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
Dont forget to watch COMBO BREAKER this weekend for the special announcement on Sunday. SFV pools look packed, SonicFox is gonna be there with the usual suspects -
EG Boys(+ Rikki)
The Ken Trinity
CEO Jebailey
Coach Steve
Rico Suave
L I Joe
F3 alucarD
Four Wude
Lord Knight
Tampa Bison
and more...
Pools start today and run thru tomorrow.
ComboBreaker can be seen on these streams-
Capcom fighters will have SFV