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The King Of Fighters XIV


From Atlus:


• 3D Evolution: All 50 fighters, movesets and more are rendered in full 3D graphics that preserves the essence of KOF's visual style but updates it with a whole new dimension.

• The Best Refinement since KOF '98: Through extensive playtesting and balancing, the controls have been streamlined, and the Combo and Max Mode mechanics have been overhauled to create the most competitive fighter in SNK's history.

• The KOF Saga Continues: There's a robust single-player storyline where several years have passed since the previous KOF tournament. Now a worldwide business, the global KOF will decide who is the strongest as both individuals and companies with their own ambitions have come to compete. Players compete against CPU-controlled opponents to unlock the storyline.

• The Best Roster Yet: There are 50 fighters total, with 31 returning from previous entries into the KOF series, and 19 brand new characters. All 50 characters will be available at the game's launch.

• Revamped Online Experience: THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV has devoted a lot of development time to improving the game's netcode for vastly improved online gameplay. KOF XIV uses the PS4's online architecture to have a whole host of online conveniences, from spectating to saving replay/battle data, and having a single online KOF XIV profile to connect with friends.


In Zoning We Trust
Anyone know if this will have any form of GGPO or up to date netplay? Haven't seen any confirmation other than vague online statements and we know what that usually means.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
This title and MKXL are pushing me over the edge towards buying a PS4 finally. I plan to play team new hotness with MuiMui/Kukri/Banderas.

I got some REAL plans for Banderas...dude has a pressure tool like Chun and a counter, as well as a slide and command grabs. It looks a lot like my gameplan will be to corner and go for knockdowns with this dude. Slide under projectiles to stay in or do the old Hwa Jai Poke/slide go crazy pressure. Bait folks into reacting after the mashable move into his counter, and after knockdown make them either eat counter by pushing buttons or command grab by not doing so. He just feels like my kind of dirty. Mui Mui I feel will build meter well with her tools and likely get big damage so I should be able to play her in any slot. Kukri just looks awesome and has moves that are low immune.

Rip Torn

So this game has a release date in Japan of 8/25/16. Praying for a simultaneous release for NA. Probably won't happen though...

And new trailer:

And another trailer highlighting Nakoruru and Shun'ei (who looks OP, lol):

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FGC Cannon Fodder
Looking forward to this. I do wish it was a bit higher grade in graphics and animation, but I really like some of what KOF has that other games don't and I'm liking the look of some of the new characters. Good to have a date now too. Just need to score a PS4 by August and it's game on.


FGC Cannon Fodder
KOF14 tournament streaming Live from Osaka: http://www.twitch.tv/godsgarden
(Text wall alert!)

I watched some of the casuals and a few of the matches before passing out for the night. It's looking like it will be reasonably faithful to the gameplay. I am still struggling a bit with the overall presentation quality. There are a lot of people in chat still trying to compare it to a PS2 game which seems mostly unfair, but maybe a little valid at the same time.

From a fidelity standpoint it very unfair as the models have way more polys and the overall look seems closest to DOA4 than anything. I think the rendering engine is probably their main problem, and just doesn't have the same bag of tricks we are starting to get used to. The characters have this universal material look that is very reminiscent of games from not all that long ago and doesn't work for making the game feel anime – just dated. Ryo's gee looks like it's made of silk or something instead of defusing light evenly like a cloth should. The pleather look is all over the place and even creeps into King's outfit which isn't cool.

The particle effects look so much like something we would have seen 10 years ago, and feel disconnected from the action. Just very flat, and lacking in any sense of fullness or defining style. Having a definitive sense of style is also a running theme. It doesn't feel like it's anime, or anything really. Everything is kind of simple and safe (maybe clinical) including the UI which is just feels more like placeholder stuff than anything. I'm hoping they will spend some time revamping the UI, which is a possibility, but I kind of doubt it.

I do think there are some good ideas in some of the backgrounds. When I first saw the illustration for the church I thought it looked really fantastic. I was a little disappointed in the translation of it into a gaming environment, I'm not sure why as it is fairly accurate.

I think I have less trouble dealing with all of that stuff than the animations. Some of them have a very dated quality of them. Some of what I'm seeing looks almost like stuff we were looking at back in the PS1 days. Things like funny looking runs where the legs are creepy regular and the upper bodies don't seem like they are part of it. It all seems very mechanical, and lacking the subtly of what you want to see.

As long as it plays well I'm very much wanting to support the game, but I do hope they can use it to learn from before going into developing some of their other IP's. Mostly I think they just need to figure out how to create an identifiable sense of artistic style in 3D that this is lacking here. You look at what was done with Xrd and you know it can be done; which isn't to say it is an easy thing to do.


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
(Text wall alert!)

I watched some of the casuals and a few of the matches before passing out for the night. It's looking like it will be reasonably faithful to the gameplay. I am still struggling a bit with the overall presentation quality. There are a lot of people in chat still trying to compare it to a PS2 game which seems mostly unfair, but maybe a little valid at the same time.
The particle effects look so much like something we would have seen 10 years ago, and feel disconnected from the action. Just very flat, and lacking in any sense of fullness or defining style. Having a definitive sense of style is also a running theme. It doesn't feel like it's anime, or anything really. Everything is kind of simple and safe (maybe clinical) including the UI which is just feels more like placeholder stuff than anything. I'm hoping they will spend some time revamping the UI, which is a possibility, but I kind of doubt it.
Listen most of this post captures my feeling of this new KOF. Please note that i haven't played KOF since the 2003 Dreamcast version and this game looks almost the same as back then.
i'm being overly dramatic of course but this really looks like a good PS2 or descent PS3 game.
But the gameplay looks faithful which in the long run is the most important factor IMO.

Rip Torn

(Text wall alert!)

I watched some of the casuals and a few of the matches before passing out for the night. It's looking like it will be reasonably faithful to the gameplay. I am still struggling a bit with the overall presentation quality. There are a lot of people in chat still trying to compare it to a PS2 game which seems mostly unfair, but maybe a little valid at the same time.

From a fidelity standpoint it very unfair as the models have way more polys and the overall look seems closest to DOA4 than anything. I think the rendering engine is probably their main problem, and just doesn't have the same bag of tricks we are starting to get used to. The characters have this universal material look that is very reminiscent of games from not all that long ago and doesn't work for making the game feel anime – just dated. Ryo's gee looks like it's made of silk or something instead of defusing light evenly like a cloth should. The pleather look is all over the place and even creeps into King's outfit which isn't cool.

The particle effects look so much like something we would have seen 10 years ago, and feel disconnected from the action. Just very flat, and lacking in any sense of fullness or defining style. Having a definitive sense of style is also a running theme. It doesn't feel like it's anime, or anything really. Everything is kind of simple and safe (maybe clinical) including the UI which is just feels more like placeholder stuff than anything. I'm hoping they will spend some time revamping the UI, which is a possibility, but I kind of doubt it.

I do think there are some good ideas in some of the backgrounds. When I first saw the illustration for the church I thought it looked really fantastic. I was a little disappointed in the translation of it into a gaming environment, I'm not sure why as it is fairly accurate.

I think I have less trouble dealing with all of that stuff than the animations. Some of them have a very dated quality of them. Some of what I'm seeing looks almost like stuff we were looking at back in the PS1 days. Things like funny looking runs where the legs are creepy regular and the upper bodies don't seem like they are part of it. It all seems very mechanical, and lacking the subtly of what you want to see.

As long as it plays well I'm very much wanting to support the game, but I do hope they can use it to learn from before going into developing some of their other IP's. Mostly I think they just need to figure out how to create an identifiable sense of artistic style in 3D that this is lacking here. You look at what was done with Xrd and you know it can be done; which isn't to say it is an easy thing to do.
I do have an issue with some of the animations. However, what we were watching was an older build, so they still have time to clean up some of that. There are certain knockdowns that look really awkward when tech-rolled. I hope they change the way that looks.


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to drown in a pool of KOF news, welcome to the wonderful world of Monday the 25th April. This was the day of the SNK KOFXIV press conference and Stream at Esports Square in Akihabara. The past day has been like a flood at Orochinagi and we’ve been going nuts over everything that people have been reporting.

Now we’re ready to throw some additional stuff that we’ve got from covering the event too. We promise you won’t be bored– c’mon, read on. None of it isPREDICTABO!

[Bringing back the SNK Legacy]
The corporate logo change isn’t a gimmick– it’s a declaration.
SNK is returning to its roots as a videogame maker. No more pachislot. It’s all videogames from now on.

The announcement was greeted with a huge applause when president Koichi Sotoyama made his presentation on stage. No doubt that the local fans in Japan wanted the old SNK back just like everyone else in the world. SNK themselves knows that their old logo has better global recognition, which should help them in releasing games and expand their licensing business throughout the world.

Now, on to the more juicy tidbits on KOF XIV! —

[So this is a new Saga?]
We’ve already been told numerous times that KOFXIV is going to be a new saga, and we can now confirm that the saga won’t conclude with just this one game. The devs aren’t solid on it yet, but they revealed on stage that the current plan is to make it a trilogy just like all the past chapters in the KOF series.

[That Dinosaur… he used to be a Griffon.]

Does the King of Dinosaurs look familiar? He should if you’ve ever played Garou:MOTW, but the devs of KOF14 jokingly kept on saying that they’re unrelated to each other. In KOF14, The King of Dinosaurs is supposed to be a popular wrestler in Mexico with original moves like the Zet’s Met’s Hurricane, which means ‘Extinction Hurricane’ in Japanese. Did it sound in the trailers like Justice Hurricane to you? Surely you need to get your ears fixed. On a side note, we tried him out at the event and we were stunned at how slow he dashes. No wonder Dinosaurs couldn’t run away from extinction.

[They actually revealed the boss already?]
The devs at SNK apparently realized that there’s no use hiding Antonov when his name is all over the game. In terms of storyline, this is actually the first time that a KOF host is sending invite letters to KOF participants without hiding his name behind an initial.

[Are Kim’s new teammates just like what the rumors said?]

Remember the rumors about Kim teaming up with his teacher and the teacher’s wife in KOF14? Well the SNK devs confirmed during their presentation that Gang-il is in fact Kim’s sensei, but there wasn’t anything said that confirmed if he’s actually married to Luong. As it turns out, Gang-il is apparently quite the womanizer and he tries to pick up ladies wherever he goes around the world. And for some reason (which we hope will get explained), he ended up succeeding in picking up Luong. That sort of explains her existence in the team even though she’s seemingly Vietnamese judging from her name.

[Who in the world is that blue Rasputin in the villains team?]

There wasn’t much detail given on the new guy Xanadu but according to the devs, he’s supposed to be a real badass who’s been locked away in the underground prison, sort of like a legendary criminal.

[So what about that new girl in the South America team?]

The devs didn’t offer much background on her during the presentation, but she reportedly fights in a “bright festive manner that feels like South American, always in the air”.

They also clarified that her Brazilian Ninja teammate is sort of a weaboo; he’s a normal person who’s really into ninjas, and he created his own Brazilian Ninjutsu fighting style. Whenever he does tricks like multiplying, he’s actually doing them through raw physical movement, not through any Ninjitsu skills.

[So the new protagonist is that kid in the China team?]

Whether he’ll get enough recognition by fans to be appreciated as a new hero is something we’ll need to wait and see, but as far as the new storyline goes in KOFXIV, the devs confirmed during presentation that Shun’ei will be the protagonist. In KOF14’s storyline, Shun’ei and Meitenkun are Tung’s last disciples. That also pops up the question, “Are they going to be involved with the Psycho Soldier team in the storyline?”, but needless to say the dev’s reactions were an enigmatic “Hummm…”

[What’s up with that Another World Team?]

Basically it’s a pachislot team. All three characters including Nakoruru are popular girls from SNK’s Pachislot titles back when their pachi department was still in business. The devs explained that Alice in the Woman’s fighter team is also from the Fatal Fury pachislots and she was particularly popular. Alice was originally an easter egg in Real Bout Special, but she was redesigned and reborn as a separate character for the pachislot series.

[What about Ash and his teammates?]

The pimple-faced protagonist of KOF13 disappeared in its ending, but will he be making a comeback? That was certainly one of the questions that the host Mitsuhiro Ichiki asked the devs on stage, but as expected their reply was enigmatic; “that’s certainly something that [everyone] must be wondering”.

[50 characters without DLC is promised, right?]
If you hate games that gets shipped incomplete with a number of characters that are missing or incomplete, that certainly won’t be the case with KOFXIV. SNK promises that all 50 characters will be on disc so fans can just play the game by chucking it in their consoles after picking up a copy at their retailers. Of course you can also take the digital route… that is, if you’re not interested in the bonuses like the Japanese art book or American SteelBook.

[So… what about the online?]
The KOF14 presentation actually closed with the devs saying that they’re doing the final tweakings on the online stuff right now.

From what we know, there’s going to be quite a number of features that’ll make online play more exciting in KOFXIV. First and foremost is the Party Battle mode, which allows for 3 players to team up and experience a true 3on3 battle. Each player selects and fights with one character, and same characters are allowed so you won’t have to fight over your teammates to pick them. The lobby amazingly lets up to 12 people participate, and of course there’s voice and text chat. What’s more, there’s also a new feature called “Crowd SE”, which lets spectators root, applaud, and of course boo the players with sound/voice effects. You can set yourprofile details to be public/private, which should be a welcoming feature for players that aren’t necessarily fond of showing off their stats.

There’s also going to be an online training mode, which is one of the main features that many of the more recent fighting games are adapting. The devs mentioned during presentation that they’ll be implementing something that’ll make advanced players prone to help out beginners. We’re certainly looking forward to how that’s going to be done.

Wallpapers and media
SNK is currently offering a free KOFXIV wallpaper from their site, which may explain why it’s slow to access at the moment. Please try again later.
