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MKXL Hotfix Notes 3-8-2016


Buff George
I was playing a match with Sektor on Monday, had my opponent to 20% health left. We traded fireball with UpMissile. I put the controller down and went to the bar, I was running late. When I got back I forgot I was playing earlier that day so I turned the TV back on and did telepunch to combo and win the match.

Getting zoned to death using Bo, going for a Sumo, connecting, but get hit by up rocket, run in, full combo, ggs.

I watched a set between the condiment brothers using their respective mains and saw @PND_Mustard have the same reaction as I did on that trade.

"That's gotta be the best trade in the game, hands down!"

It was excessive hit stun, but I also think the tone down on that was a little excessive as well. THUS FAR, he's much easier to deal with. BUT, said condiment brothers also didn't find that massive Sorcerer dirt until months later. Sektor mains will adapt and figure other things out. The new characters are still so young.


It has begun
damn man, your amount of butthurt over something being fixed that wasnt working as intended in the first place is just annoying at this point
Yes, because after a year of having to play Goro since the rest of the roster sucks ass, I FINALLY get my main back from MK9 and they nerf him after a week - when other characters have gotten away with much worse bullshit for nearly a year.

And ultimately, it's the hypocrisy that irks me. People telling others to "git gud n adapt breh" when they themselves can't think to run past the fucking missiles, lol. Whatever, wait till it happens to your characters.

Edit: Also, it's not just the missiles - 1112 got nerfed to death because of CSZ shananigans that Sektor had no part in. Justify that please?


blink-182 enthusiast
Yes, because after a year of having to play Goro since the rest of the roster sucks ass, I FINALLY get my main back from MK9 and they nerf him after a week - when other characters have gotten away with much worse bullshit for nearly a year.

And ultimately, it's the hypocrisy that irks me. People telling others to "git gud n adapt breh" when they themselves can't think to run past the fucking missiles, lol. Whatever, wait till it happens to your characters.

Edit: Also, it's not just the missiles - 1112 got nerfed to death because of CSZ shananigans that Sektor had no part in. Justify that please?
Stop throwing out playing Goro like it was some kind of horrible death sentence

I dont understand this "ahhhhh he was nerfed in a weeeeekk!!!" mindset. Wouldnt you rather have something taken away when your first learning the character then 6 months down the road when youre set in your ways.

And as far as im concerned, the people that wanted this to stay are no different than the people that wanted Hunter Predator's bugged traps to stay.
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Dojo Trainee
What's most interesting to me is that in past hotfixes they have snuck in new Stage Brutalities like the Blanche Beat down Stage Brutality. I'm at work and can't check but has anybody tried the stage Fatality inputs on other stages?


It has begun
I dont understand this "ahhhhh he was nerfed in a weeeeekk!!!" mindset. Wouldnt you rather have something taken away when your first learning the character then 6 months down the road when youre set in your ways.
That is a fair point, and I would agree if the treatment applied to all DLC characters. It doesn't. People were complaining about Sektor's up missile and it got nerfed. Isn't this the very thing people were bitching about against NRS? Knee-jerk nerfs? It's not a fix to just kill one of Sektor's string for something that only CSZ can do. If it was one of the two, I wouldn't be bitching about it, but he got double nerfed.

Oh well. I suppose I'll drop it now, but I sure as shit am going to save some of these comments for when the other nerfs start dropping. Hypocrisy is plentiful in this thread anyway.


Administrator and Community Engineer
People were complaining about Sektor's up missile and it got nerfed. Isn't this the very thing people were bitching about against NRS?
It seems like people aren't reading what was said. 2-3 NRS employees all explained that these adjustments were always supposed to have been in place from day 1, that the missles were never supposed to have so much hitstun at release, that something was preventing it from working, and that this hotfix is a temporary fix until they can sort out the tweakvar issues.

Yet people are complaining that it was a 'kneejerk nerf' as if somehow within a couple days of the patch being out, they needed people to help them realize that up-missles shouldn't have 200 frames of comboable hitstun and had time to QA a new patch.


welcome to the ButtSlam
That is a fair point, and I would agree if the treatment applied to all DLC characters. It doesn't. People were complaining about Sektor's up missile and it got nerfed. Isn't this the very thing people were bitching about against NRS? Knee-jerk nerfs? It's not a fix to just kill one of Sektor's string for something that only CSZ can do. If it was one of the two, I wouldn't be bitching about it, but he got double nerfed.

Oh well. I suppose I'll drop it now, but I sure as shit am going to save some of these comments for when the other nerfs start dropping. Hypocrisy is plentiful in this thread anyway.
do you relize up rockets wernt supposed to have 27 years hitstun in the first place?


welcome to the ButtSlam
Yes, because after a year of having to play Goro since the rest of the roster sucks ass, I FINALLY get my main back from MK9 and they nerf him after a week - when other characters have gotten away with much worse bullshit for nearly a year.

And ultimately, it's the hypocrisy that irks me. People telling others to "git gud n adapt breh" when they themselves can't think to run past the fucking missiles, lol. Whatever, wait till it happens to your characters.

Edit: Also, it's not just the missiles - 1112 got nerfed to death because of CSZ shananigans that Sektor had no part in. Justify that please?
Sektor had a part in 1112 as well bro
My god the downplayers on this website.
Out of curiosity, how is he downplaying? What does sektor excel at? What part of his post is inaccurate? Not saying it isn't but a lot of people on here act as if they labbed a character to the fullest extent and know nothing of said character.. Is there some hidden tech you know of?


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Yes, because after a year of having to play Goro since the rest of the roster sucks ass, I FINALLY get my main back from MK9 and they nerf him after a week - when other characters have gotten away with much worse bullshit for nearly a year.

And ultimately, it's the hypocrisy that irks me. People telling others to "git gud n adapt breh" when they themselves can't think to run past the fucking missiles, lol. Whatever, wait till it happens to your characters.

Edit: Also, it's not just the missiles - 1112 got nerfed to death because of CSZ shananigans that Sektor had no part in. Justify that please?
You're overrracting, you little turd. What is this talk about having to play as Goro? Who forced you to use Goro, you entitled little whiner? Seriously. Did someone put a gun to your head and say, "PLAY GORO UNTIL THEY RELEASE SEKTOR!!!"

YOU chose to play Goro. YOU took on every thing that meant. Also - Goro isn't even a bad character. Jesus.

If you can't hitconfirm off +43, then you had FAR bigger problems than an uprocket nerf.

My character was nerfed, and I adapted. UpRockets are still good. The start up didn't change. You just can't hit UpRocket, eat a sandwich, do your taxes, spit on small children, run a marathon, save Gotham City from The Joker, compose a Grecian epic, climb Mt. Everest, have sex with my wife, and THEN full combo with telepunch.

Get over it. He's still a very good character.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
The amount of time you had to confirm was ridiculous everyone knew it would be changed you can still Combo on it, what is it +43 now or some such? You're telling me you can't confirm off of +43?! Honestly sorry the move isn't baby mode anymore.
well i went to the lab and tried, its not quite as bad as i was hearing, could use a bit more though.


welcome to the ButtSlam
and seems like someone forgot you can throw out up rockets on yourself, trade with your opponent who punished you for doing that and full combo him lmao....


11 11 11 11
Well after playing around with Sektor... I admit I was wrong. The hit advantage on these rockets are pretty shitty. It definitely shouldnt be 200 or whatever it was, but 40 feels like no time at all.


well i went to the lab and tried, its not quite as bad as i was hearing, could use a bit more though.
well in the middle of a fight its not the easiest thing to hitconfirm. not bad, but not great either. it should be +50 or something on hit.

Maybe you all should level up if +43 isn't enough for you.

Contrary to popular belief on these forums, sometimes it's just you who are the problem.