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MKXL Hotfix Notes 3-8-2016


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
Mind elaborating? You definitely could be right and that he doesn't need it, but just saying "No" doesn't help me understand why. Why is the move better than I think it is? What am I missing? Help me break my scrub mentality.
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It has begun
The BLATANT downplaying where you know that the person knows that they're full of shit, is the worst thing about this site.

No, this did not kill Sektor. lmfao
how did it not? what does he have now that is supposed to scare his opponents?

no reason to respect up missiles, they do shit damage and now you can't hit confirm off of them. his telepunch seems to have tracking issues, it's no longer the jump punisher it used to be in 9, flamethrowers are unsafe, straight missiles are highs, most of his strings either have gaps or are unsafe..

he no longer has any dirt in a game where pretty much every character has dirt. if this doesn't kill him, what would?

at this point he's "alright" at best. sektor players might as well switch to cyrax since he's pretty much untouched despite being the far more ridiculous character


It's too soon to get cocky.
how did it not? what does he have now that is supposed to scare his opponents?

no reason to respect up missiles, they do shit damage and now you can't hit confirm off of them. his telepunch seems to have tracking issues, it's no longer the jump punisher it used to be in 9, flamethrowers are unsafe, straight missiles are highs, most of his strings either have gaps or are unsafe..

he no longer has any dirt in a game where pretty much every character has dirt. if this doesn't kill him, what would?

at this point he's "alright" at best. sektor players might as well switch to cyrax since he's pretty much untouched despite being the far more ridiculous character
Do you seriously need "dirt" to win with a character, or are you able to successfully beat someone using logical thinking, patience and spacing?

I will never understand why folks think that because something was taken away that was clearly not intentional (in this case, sektors up missles having a huge hit stun) act like it makes the character completely dead or unusable. Please, stop overreacting and use some logic with the character you engage a fight with.


The Wannabe Prodigy
The up rocket nerf was justified even as a sektor player I can agree. 1112 as a whole being nerfed wasn't necessary. There must have been other ways to fix the problem. If they were trying to remove the hard to blockable why not may bombs a mid to avoid these types of problems? Maybe I'm not viewing this from the right perspective but they made a dumb decision imo, especially considering that they chose that as priority over some of the broke things like BRC's unblockable.


Make triple skulls input BDF or DF Hold F
welp, it was fun with sektor while it lasted, going back to shinnok....they didnt need to nerf it so hard, and 11112 wasnt needed. Nvm, going back to warframe. In a game where every character has some type of dirt, its only fair that sektor gets to keep his.
His opponent has nothing to be afraid of, f1 3 into up rocket for example used to scare my opponent from getting in, completely avoidable and punishable if done right, but if they were to impatient then it would be full combo punish. His overheads and lows arent even that great imo, and can be seen from a mile away by any person with a bit of experience. On top of the gaps and constant highs, sektor doesnt really have much to offer besides zoning, which we all know how nrs thinks about in this game.


Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
Everyone's forgetting that hot fixes are usually not permanent, It's just a temporary restriction of broken moves/techs until they release a proper normalization in the next patch. Remember Tanya's dark shroud and Quan's double spells hotfixes?


Make triple skulls input BDF or DF Hold F
Doesnt have to be +"I can run full screen full combo", but hopefully they atleast give sektor enough time to think about what he is going to do. atm you have to make a read and risk giving up momentum or make an unsafe call like predicting the rocket will land and doing a tp right after. PS, I never really used the 1112 so thats a whatever thing.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
nerfed sektors uprockets to the point u can't hitconfirm eh?

*throws Sektor variation into the scrap heap*


goddamnit NRS, not even good with em yet and you ruin him.....


The anticipation is killing me
The fact that there was enough time to do Up Missiles, stance switch twice and teleport will combo afterwards is a little ridiculous (yes this happened to me lol).

However, why are people saying the character is ruined? He has been out for just over a week so I really doubt every single nuance of Sektor has been discovered. There is more to learn and find out.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Mind elaborating? You definitely could be right and that he doesn't need it, but just saying "No" doesn't help me understand why. Why is the move better than I think it is? What am I missing? Help me break my scrub mentality.
There's no need for armor when EX phase does the job if you use it, knowing you might get blown up. Like any other wakeup attack. Of course if the opponent spaces themselves so they're still cornering you, it's a waste. That is no different from an opponent blocking a wakeup. Also, by spacing themselves out to keep you in the corner, their options on your wakeup are limited to things that will reach outside of certain characters who cut off EX phase in the corner with specific setups. EX phase also handles armor breaking much better than a majority of armor attacks in the game by simply being invincible. Hell, by being invincible, he gets to escape some potentially round ending pressure because he can't be damaged.

Smoke legit doesn't have a need for armor. Not when EX phase exists.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
I can see everyone that was getting wrecked by Sektor in these threads.
The hitstun doesnt really ruin this character WHAT.SO.EVER.
Am I still forcing you to play my games with Up Rockets? Yes. Am I still zoning you? Yes
I didint even know there was a hotfix last night and I was still whooping ass.
Such salt in this thread


The fact that there was enough time to do Up Missiles, stance switch twice and teleport will combo afterwards is a little ridiculous (yes this happened to me lol).

However, why are people saying the character is ruined? He has been out for just over a week so I really doubt every single nuance of Sektor has been discovered. There is more to learn and find out.
I knock a friend down he had enough time to get up run across the screen and hit me because of up rocket hitstun that was stupid