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MKXL Hotfix Notes 3-8-2016


XBL: H311raiser69
theres more that should be on that patch note. theres frames changes obvioulsy. corner combos broken now "jump punch frames altered" some character speed had a quik fix. it obvious. sektor's telepunch slower on start and seems to have many other alterations with Alien. i know wut i tested and i dont care if NRS tells me otherwise.

"put all the info on your notes" were gonna find out anyway.
Triborg rip.

going back to killer instinc ... c ya all


King of the Jobbers 2015
theres more that should be on that patch note. theres frames changes obvioulsy. corner combos broken now "jump punch frames altered" some character speed had a quik fix. it obvious. sektor's telepunch slower on start and seems to have many other alterations with Alien. i know wut i tested and i dont care if NRS tells me otherwise.

"put all the info on your notes" were gonna find out anyway.
Triborg rip.

going back to killer instinc ... c ya all
What are you talking about, sektors teleport is still the same.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
so soo sad
i'll miss you subby wubby
isn't that a tad bit dramatic?

Cyrax will probably have added frames to block the low bomb and OH of B2 when in high net. and Cyrax did get effected in some ways.. the 1112 is a universal move. there was a lot of B3D4 low bomb setups with Cyrax that won't work off 1112 now!

Lock On Missiles:

are now currently

Startup 52
Active 30
Recover -21
Hit adv 43
Cancel 0

unless my game hasn't updated on Xbox yet?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So is it sometimes they update PS4 first, then Xbox One or others times Xbox One then PS4?:confused:


fear the moobs
isn't that a tad bit dramatic?

Cyrax will probably have added frames to block the low bomb and OH of B2 when in high net. and Cyrax did get effected in some ways.. the 1112 is a universal move. there was a lot of B3D4 low bomb setups with Cyrax that won't work off 1112 now!

Lock On Missiles:

are now currently

Startup 52
Active 30
Recover -21
Hit adv 43
Cancel 0

unless my game hasn't updated on Xbox yet?
considering that cyrax is by far the most broke you'd think he'd get nerfed first nope. and as far as i know what people use for cyrax is neutral jump kick and net not really 1,1,1,2 so yeah this hurt sub unecessarily hard. and again cyrax can just just switch out 1,1,1,2 for 1,1,1 into a bomb but not sub. just feel like his corner pressure got raped uncecessarily would've preferred if the bombs where a mid to this shit. isn't he supposed to be a trap character?
really hope i'm just being dramatic


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
considering that cyrax is by far the most broke you'd think he'd get nerfed first nope. and as far as i know what people use for cyrax is neutral jump kick and net not really 1,1,1,2 so yeah this hurt sub unecessarily hard. and again cyrax can just just switch out 1,1,1,2 for 1,1,1 into a bomb but not sub. just feel like his corner pressure got raped uncecessarily would've preferred if the bombs where a mid to this shit. isn't he supposed to be a trap character?
really hope i'm just being dramatic
you are being dramatic.

cyrax is not op, the loop can go and he will be normalized.
Lol at everyone saying sektor was ruined, if you legitimately thought his up rockets was fine before this hotfix you are smoking too much
He definitely wasn't fine before the hotfix, and I think the few people saying that in this thread are the vocal minority. I play Sektor and even I admit that it was a little much. I'm glad they took it away quickly instead of letting us get used to it for months and then taking it away.


It's too soon to get cocky.
He definitely wasn't fine before the hotfix, and I think the few people saying that in this thread are the vocal minority. I play Sektor and even I admit that it was a little much. I'm glad they took it away quickly instead of letting us get used to it for months and then taking it away.
Just had a debate with someone on Twitter over this. Some folks don't understand how good his up rockets were, and he said I could just run in from full screen if I saw them coming. Yeah, ok lol.

On a side note, folks thinking this ruins CSZ corner vortex is mistaken. It was always blockable if you do it right, and still is even with F2. They'll likely adjust that as well in another hotfix.


Just had a debate with someone on Twitter over this. Some folks don't understand how good his up rockets were, and he said I could just run in from full screen if I saw them coming. Yeah, ok lol.

On a side note, folks thinking this ruins CSZ corner vortex is mistaken. It was always blockable if you do it right, and still is even with F2. They'll likely adjust that as well in another hotfix.
You could run in from full screen, I believe. But that's on a read that he made them go to where you were and not in front of himself so you'd run into them.


It's too soon to get cocky.
You could run in from full screen, I believe. But that's on a read that he made them go to where you were and not in front of himself so you'd run into them.
Yeah, that's what we were going back and fourth about. I told him on a read I had to guess if he made the rockets go to where I was or just launch the normal attack, plus he had a straight missle he could launch. If I guessed wrong and was hit he could full combo. He wasn't getting it.