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MKXL Hotfix Notes 3-8-2016


It's too soon to get cocky.
quit the game and check for mkx's updates on the home screen
I did. It wasn't even loaded and no new updates even after a reboot. :(

Soon I hope. Wanna test the new stuff. Your character hasn't been touched...yet :p


The saltiest
I was just bitching about Sektor's missiles yesterday. Thank god they normalized it. Lets see how many Sektors still do teleport on block after there missiles because they have the equivalent of an 80 year old's reaction time.


Bags of mostly water
*knocks Sektor down after he uses Up Rockets* *gets hit by said Up Rockets while Sektor is still on the ground* *Sektor gets up and does a teleport from full screen and it combos*

While not exactly OP (pretty close), it was really, really dumb.
Haha yeah super good, but I mean I was having fun playing against sektor before this fix. It was tough but I just hope that fix wasn't too much too early you know?


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
ok what does this mean for CSZ combo into HKD 1112?

can the HTB still be done?

EDIT: my game hasn't updated fully but got "Lock on missles" and 1112 changed and the frame data on 1112 is:

startup 14 - Active 4 - Recover 26
Block Adv 2 - Hit adv 33 - Cancel 0

  • "Triborg – Adjusted the hit advantage of FP, FP, FP, BP"/1,1,1,2?

Lol sektor nerfs.
what is the hit advantage now of up rockets? was it like 40+?
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In Zoning We Trust
Does anyone know the new advantage on TriBorgs 1112? This is being overlooked. HUGE change for CSZ in the corner if it's significantly reduced. Or the F2 change?

You can't even hit confirm Sektors missiles anymore :(
How much lower is it? Can you not land them mid to far screen, see it, and then teleport combo? What about up close when you catch someone pressuring, can you react and punish?

are you guys fixing the cyber sub overhead divekick and some of the unblockables that REO posted with ex bomb?
You mean if they're fixing Bo Rai Cho 75% literally unblockable setups or Bo's EX Fart traps that remove all your options into combo for him or Cyrax 1f looping meterless links? If that's what you meant good question.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Does anyone know the new advantage on TriBorgs 1112? This is being overlooked. HUGE change for CSZ in the corner if it's significantly reduced. Or the F2 change?

How much lower is it? Can you not land them mid to far screen, see it, and then teleport combo? What about up close when you catch someone pressuring, can you react and punish?

You mean if they're fixing Bo Rai Cho 75% literally unblockable setups or Bo's EX Fart traps that remove all your options into combo for him or Cyrax 1f looping meterless links? If that's what you meant good question.
It's significantly worse. You may as well go for 50-50's instead of Ice Bombs...


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
it means enjoy your no-setups after the 1112
im sure we can find another way to setup mid bomb or close bomb after something to get B3D4

they better leave the rest of cyrax's normals and specails alone..and just add buffer frames inbetween the low bomb and B2 mid and OH so it can be blocked eaiser..

and they could add one more frame to the B3D4 low bomb and he should be normalized after that.. i really hope these whiners don't ruin my favorite character.