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Video/Tutorial - Cyber Sub-Zero Optimized Meterless Knockdown Vortex with 5-way Mix-Ups (42%+ Meterless Combos)


Lol, didn't you tell me "that's the words of someone scared"?

CSZ is really fucked up. But it's okay cause you play the game as a job and can and will learn this broken shit just in case for FR.
Well this is literally the one and only variation that makes me feel that way, not the DLC as a whole.

Also I don't play this game as a job, I think you and a lot of others has the wrong impressions Yomi. From MKX release until SCR, I played the game religiously 40+ hours a week. After SCR through KiT, I probably played the game 10 hours a week or less. After KiT I hurt my wrist, so from KiT until today I played the game about 2 hours a week or less.

The only DLC I'm using is Bo Rai Cho, and I'm not scared of any the DLC like many of you complaining are. Literally the one and only variation that scares me for Final round is Cyber Sub Zero


Chode Juggler
I have a friend who likes to starts businesses. He will start a business, then sell it once it has done well and start another business.

This is essentially what @YOMI REO does; but instead with broken tech and threads that increase salt levels.

Anyways thanks for sharing.
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Let him ride for a little until the meta gets where it needs to be. Learn the matchup. You people are bunch of fucking whiny, entitled babies. Put the binky in your mouth so at least it muffles your screaming for nerfs on day one.
Thank you someone with sense to not fuck a character up within a week of gameplay along with @cossner


Well this is literally the one and only variation that makes me feel that way, not the DLC as a whole.

Also I don't play this game as a job, I think you and a lot of others has the wrong impressions Yomi. From MKX release until SCR, I played the game religiously 40+ hours a week. After SCR through KiT, I probably played the game 10 hours a week or less. After KiT I hurt my wrist, so from KiT until today I played the game about 2 hours a week or less.

The only DLC I'm using is Bo Rai Cho, and I'm not scared of any the DLC like many of you complaining are. Literally the one and only variation that scares me for Final round is Cyber Sub Zero
Well, when I said if I was planning on going to FR for MKX I would have cancelled because of the DLC, what I meant was I don't want to go there losing to something I've never seen before.

Learning 13 matchups in 2-3 weeks? Nah son. Most of us don't got that time nor patience. Especially not with shit like this being legal. I don't think the DLC are super OP or anything, it's just that unless you make the game your job (or, in your case have a huge team of top level talent to bounce ideas off of/learn matchups that way) you are at a severe disadvantage in terms of matchup knowledge.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I was a QA tester for a big firm from 2000-2007 and if stuff like this occurred, not to mention the vanilla build of mkx day 1 (beta), you would be fired with no excuses back then.
Following this logic, and basing by the state of MKX releases, it would seem the balance test team for NRS was fired after MK9 Kenshi and never replaced


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Well, when I said if I was planning on going to FR for MKX I would have cancelled because of the DLC, what I meant was I don't want to go there losing to something I've never seen before.

Learning 13 matchups in 2-3 weeks? Nah son. Most of us don't got that time nor patience. Especially not with shit like this being legal. I don't think the DLC are super OP or anything, it's just that unless you make the game your job (or, in your case have a huge team of top level talent to bounce ideas off of/learn matchups that way) you are at a severe disadvantage in terms of matchup knowledge.
I haven't read this thread, I hope someone pointed out that playing a new character yourself would have that exact same effect on your opponents play. Or do you hate all the dlc chars?

Remember when they game first came out there was like 60 match ups and a gang of new mechanics to learn, and there was tourneys up in the first weeks, sometimes its just about having fun with new characters


Jesus is my Lord and Savior!
What i think is that when ever you are able to set simultanous low overhead setups the game can get ridiculous. So even though there might be ways to get outta there the game leaves gaps where escaping a certain situation is then only based on luck. As i said 50 50 might be ok if they are somewhere reactable but the way it looks right now and out of the experience we all have had with mkx so far i can say that this is gonna be a huge pain.
so lets hope that there is (which i doubt) a way out of these setups.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
@YOMI REO I'm assuming you're using D3 to time your mix up with the bomb. If they block the D3 and counter poke will that screw up the setup at all? Can they attempt to jump the bomb after counter poking or are they still forced to block?


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Idk man... most if not every character is dumb af in this game. These characters just simply haven't been explored fully.

It seems a 50/50 vortex or dumb ass pressure and damage is acceptable in this game only as long as ppl have been fighting it since day one. New characters have to be absolutely ass otherwise everyone will whine until they get them to that level regardless.

Although, I'm sure some broken shit does get thru that NEEDS to get patched. It happens, but I wouldn't say NRS or the testers are stupid either. We need new characters that can compete with the existing cast for the long run. Not characters that ppl are gonna lose to only because they're new, but once it all fleshes out they'll be ass tier or decent.

I think ppl are just jumping the gun way too fast, but its kinda expected from the community at this point. -_-
is it expected from the community, or expected from NRS... I mean, Quan was in a terrible state of design from the first day onwards for like 6 months.. then instead of receiving the complaints, they buffed him, and left him in this super broken state for another 4 months... only 10 months into the games life do they finally admit their mistake and start to fix him

all the while characters like Tempest kept getting buffed, and fatal flaws to the design of Hat Trick have left him in limbo since the start... NRS is pretty damn lazy when it comes to fixing issues.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.

Cyrax can meterless hardtoblockable you into resets anywhere on screen.

Smoke can combo you, end in Harpoon into 21, force another 50/50, and Batgirl loop you to death until you guess correctly.

Sektor can land UpMissile, take a nap, wake up, and full combo punish you.

But CSZ has corner shenanigans like half the roster does and the character requires massive execution to be played to its peak, but it's too much?

In case nobody read this, quoted for +1

And if you already read it, you should read it again.


I haven't read this thread, I hope someone pointed out that playing a new character yourself would have that exact same effect on your opponents play. Or do you hate all the dlc chars?

Remember when they game first came out there was like 60 match ups and a gang of new mechanics to learn, and there was tourneys up in the first weeks, sometimes its just about having fun with new characters
If you're playing a new character you know what your opponent is capable of since their character is not new.

Nah I don't hate all the DLC. But I do feel like have 13 new matchups is annoying and not worth my time travelling and spending a bunch of money to maybe lose to some gimmicky trash I've never seen before.

Oh and I think FR is 2/3 for MK. lol


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
If you're playing a new character you know what your opponent is capable of since their character is not new.

Nah I don't hate all the DLC. But I do feel like have 13 new matchups is annoying and not worth my time travelling and spending a bunch of money to maybe lose to some gimmicky trash I've never seen before.

Oh and I think FR is 2/3 for MK. lol
unless you play a new character as well, if you think it gives you such an advantage

if losing means that much to you, by all means wait till you feel ready to not have a salt attack for participating in the tourney meta. a lot of us enjoy the tournament scene for the fun that comes with it too and are looking very forward to seeing what crazy shit gets brought into the first one with new dlc in it

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Optimized knockdown vortex off pretty much any hit or starter example:

Mix up combo starter options:

- Unreactable Overhead - (Instant Dive Kick)
- Unreactable Low - (B+3)
- Unblockable - (Throw) (It doesn't matter if they tech the throw, they will still be frozen for a full combo)
- Psuedo Unblockable - (B+3,D+4)
- Anti Wake-Up - (single attack + EX Slide) (works on just about every wake-up that's not 2 hits armor, invincible, etc.) (VIDEO BELOW)

First off this is awesome. Thank you so much for posting this

Secondly @UsedForGlue youre in violation on all accounts for level 3 downplaying and are sanctioned by the MU police department and are from now on prohibitive to share any opinions for a duration of life

Citations : downplaying reptile Unbreakable and now Csz . Please stop


I don't know what it is with NRS games, but they command absolutely no respect from like 99 percent of the player base. Characters in SF4 had fucked up shit and no one trashed the game and the company like people do for NRS games. It's weird to me.
It's because despite everything the NRS scene is still REALLY young compared to all the other FG scenes. And I don't mean like actual age wise I mean in a competitive sense.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
If REO found this stuff in three days what does it say about the people who created it and left it in the game?
that they were almost definitely making shit stronger than the rest of the cast to try to make DLC sales appeal even more heavily to this community full of people just looking for a way to make their multiplayer experience as easy to win as possible, and will literally defend anything NRS churns out to do so?


So let them use him. Let's see how it turns out, people have no idea how to play against it YET. If REO found this stuff in three days what does it say about the people who created it and left it in the game? He has the tools but still, someone must pull it off in versus.
They probably wanted him to have this?

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
There's a lot of people completely disconnected from reality posting here.

The "they make the character good to sell more!" Point, you guys need to realize 99.99999% of the people who are puechasing this have a hard time even doing a special move. None of this applies to them. The fact that the game has any sort of balance at a high level is thanks to people like Paulo who does care about this. So enough of that crap.

The "they have the worst testers" is insulting. The dumbass who made the comment about getting fired for releasing a character like this apparently can't tell the difference between what an actual QA does and what the QA guys at NRS do. I mean we all remember how 2000-2007 was a golden age in fighting game balance. The people who are qa'ing that are competitive players are very capable and I'm sure they've chipped in on this, and I'm sure that if there's another patch this will be addressed.

Yeah this is fucked up, but maybe you should stop pointing fingers and saying silly stuff.


Bane/Black Manta/Captain Cold
What I don't understand is why people expect anything to get patched at all.
MK9 and Injustice barely got anything (IF anything) post-Komplete/Ultimate edition so I'm having difficulties seeing things being any different this time around.

Then again, we got the new netcode post-launch, so anything could happen.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Well this is literally the one and only variation that makes me feel that way, not the DLC as a whole.

Also I don't play this game as a job, I think you and a lot of others has the wrong impressions Yomi. From MKX release until SCR, I played the game religiously 40+ hours a week. After SCR through KiT, I probably played the game 10 hours a week or less. After KiT I hurt my wrist, so from KiT until today I played the game about 2 hours a week or less.

The only DLC I'm using is Bo Rai Cho, and I'm not scared of any the DLC like many of you complaining are. Literally the one and only variation that scares me for Final round is Cyber Sub Zero
So far.....but there's more coming that's isn't triborg