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Lao's jump 3 is still super godlike. It's basically better than jump 2 in any situation. No complaints there, I just don't understand why arguably better jump ins remain. Does anyone understand how good Quan's jump 1 is? Imo it's better than pre patch Lao and Kotal.

EX spin is still a big deal. Taking a 3rd of your opponent's life into pressure is still incredible. As risky as spin is, the pay off is just as good.

With Lao being what I believe is the only character in the game with no normal that's faster than 8 frames as of March 1st, he's going to struggle up close vs more characters. If you're unable to poke out, yolo spin is an okay option, since the risk reward is even.

I don't know how much i'll use EX hat. I personally don't trust the 4 in 112124, because better players are starting to make it whiff consistently. It's harder to blow up backdashes when doing strings with gaps, and I believe more armored moves are guaranteed to blow Lao up, with the frame nerf. Correct me if i'm wrong. Maybe B32 EX hat will be something that Lao's will have to mix in now? Idk

But yeah, Lao still gets good damage, still gets good oki with his orbiting hat, still has good normals in the neutral, and still has a move in EX spin, that can either win or lose you the game on a read.

Oh and that buff to the frames on EX hat is useless. I found it much easier to land 44 with EX hat anyways, since you throw it right when it hits. Normal orb was always more difficult, since the link came during a period when the hat had bounced off, but was still on the screen. Useless buff.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
At least tempest got buffs, the other two only got to combo into teleport from strings, which won't matter much if you and the opponent both have 2 bars, aside from that, they didn't got nothing.


At least tempest got buffs, the other two only got to combo into teleport from strings, which won't matter much if you and the opponent both have 2 bars, aside from that, they didn't got nothing.
I don't see it as a buff. It does nothing for him, just makes it easier to land 44 and other stuff off of EX hat. I know you can land other new stuff, but nothing will be as strong as 44. You could already do that pretty easily, with some practice.


welcome to the ButtSlam
Lao's jump 3 is still super godlike. It's basically better than jump 2 in any situation. No complaints there, I just don't understand why arguably better jump ins remain. Does anyone understand how good Quan's jump 1 is? Imo it's better than pre patch Lao and Kotal.

EX spin is still a big deal. Taking a 3rd of your opponent's life into pressure is still incredible. As risky as spin is, the pay off is just as good.

With Lao being what I believe is the only character in the game with no normal that's faster than 8 frames as of March 1st, he's going to struggle up close vs more characters. If you're unable to poke out, yolo spin is an okay option, since the risk reward is even.

I don't know how much i'll use EX hat. I personally don't trust the 4 in 112124, because better players are starting to make it whiff consistently. It's harder to blow up backdashes when doing strings with gaps, and I believe more armored moves are guaranteed to blow Lao up, with the frame nerf. Correct me if i'm wrong. Maybe B32 EX hat will be something that Lao's will have to mix in now? Idk

But yeah, Lao still gets good damage, still gets good oki with his orbiting hat, still has good normals in the neutral, and still has a move in EX spin, that can either win or lose you the game on a read.

Oh and that buff to the frames on EX hat is useless. I found it much easier to land 44 with EX hat anyways, since you throw it right when it hits. Normal orb was always more difficult, since the link came during a period when the hat had bounced off, but was still on the screen. Useless buff.
anyways... RONIN BOYZ :DOGE


anyways... RONIN BOYZ :DOGE
Tempest gets damage for free and spends bar for frames, Ronin does the opposite. Although, I feel like at this point in time, Ronin's plus frames are much more significant. He can't be poked out of his main blockstring in F12 2+4, that leaves him at about +2 with close blade drop.

Tempest gets enough plus frames to check, and is minus when he doesn't. Ronin gets enough plus frames to continue pressure, and when he doesn't, he gets enough to check.

Takeda still has less reward on wake up. He's punishable, yet only get like what, 14%? I guess EX fist flurry's reward is about as good as EX spin, it's just a terrible move in comparison, so DP is what you're left with. The 7 frame poke does help.

Overall I think Takeda will have a playstyle that involves less risk than Tempest, moving forward. I hope he doesn't get bopped with the nerf hammer, even if quick kall and B11 are a bit too strong lol.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
can kung lao go for ji2 teleport 3, 44 after ex hat spin? it's plus 50
He can do it, but is extremely dificult to do, because teleport 3 only combo on the way down, you have to press 3 on the first available frame on the way down, its basically a just frame link and is extremely dependable of your own jump 2 height.


welcome to the ButtSlam
Tempest gets damage for free and spends bar for frames, Ronin does the opposite. Although, I feel like at this point in time, Ronin's plus frames are much more significant. He can't be poked out of his main blockstring in F12 2+4, that leaves him at about +2 with close blade drop.

Tempest gets enough plus frames to check, and is minus when he doesn't. Ronin gets enough plus frames to continue pressure, and when he doesn't, he gets enough to check.

Takeda still has less reward on wake up. He's punishable, yet only get like what, 14%? I guess EX fist flurry's reward is about as good as EX spin, it's just a terrible move in comparison, so DP is what you're left with. The 7 frame poke does help.

Overall I think Takeda will have a playstyle that involves less risk than Tempest, moving forward. I hope he doesn't get bopped with the nerf hammer, even if quick kall and B11 are a bit too strong lol.

anyways I moved to Reptile, might try Sbroke that seems the enahnced version of Deceptive, and ofc Bo rai cho cause I'm still a shaolin deep inside and he's one of my favourite personalities.

Need to check what "slight" less advantage on block means for ex invis.
He can do it, but is extremely dificult to do, because teleport 3 only combo on the way down, you have to press 3 on the first available frame on the way down, its basically a just frame link and is extremely dependable of your own jump 2 height.
raw teleport 3 should do good damage as well, dont you think so?


fear the moobs
I don't know how much i'll use EX hat. I personally don't trust the 4 in 112124, because better players are starting to make it whiff consistently.

Oh and that buff to the frames on EX hat is useless. I found it much easier to land 44 with EX hat anyways, since you throw it right when it hits. Normal orb was always more difficult, since the link came during a period when the hat had bounced off, but was still on the screen. Useless buff.
can you explain more regarding 112124 whiffing i didnt know about this
also think the 'useess buff' was to make his execution easier (which is useless) and might have ended up buffing his dmg


The new hitstun on EX orbiting hat will definitely help those who still struggle with the 44 link. You can now NJP off of EX orbiting hat, but the damage is inferior to 44.

Doing strings like 112124 and F23 midscreen into EX orbiting hat, and confirming with run up 44, is now pretty easy. Before it was like a 1 frame link. It's definitely not tight at all now.

Edit: The regular 2 frame 44 link grants 9% flat damage, so they're still essential if you want to optimize the character.


You get about the same damage for using EX hat 44 as you'll get by doing the regular 2 frame link with a B321 EX spin extender in the combo, especially if you land a normal or string that allows for a jump over punch before the 44.

Makes it pretty much always worth using EX hat, making the character much easier to play.