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Question - Tempest How would you nerf Tempest?


welcome to the ButtSlam
My bad , i only looked at buzzsaws spin frames , still though it has pushback when it shouldn't.
it's a slight pushback, but you have plenty of time to do a littler run and punish... but im ok to remove it actually, everytime my opponents block a spin I'm dead anyways, so i dont mind


Don't know what you mean, how can you not armor j2 with a fast armored move? J2 is not what makes Kung Lao ridiculous. His completely guess based oki game no one can get out of without getting a very lucky guess is what makes him ridiculous. If every character was buffed to his level the game would be much worse because of how guess heavy he is for huge reward. A 4-6% damage nerf would put him in A+ tier, no lower, as long as there's a reasonable way to get out of his block pressure with 1 bar block breakers. If his J2 gets nerfed on top of that he'll still be A+. It makes no sense why a character this ridiculous shouldn't get nerfed.
I thought you meant that you can armor through his ji2 if it hits and you block it , also imagine this , you have 3 bars and you're versing a lao player , you have the life lead , he touchs you once and you block , = block breaker , now you 2 both dont have stamina and if your character can zone you can do loads or chip , once you both regain health he gets in again and manages to touch you and you can just block break again , its not the solution , it you have a bar or meter then he literally cant open you up unless you do an unsafe move , that is not the solution , and nerfing his damage isn't either , thats like nerfing quans d3 while completely ignoring what truely makes him stupid.


welcome to the ButtSlam
Don't know what you mean, how can you not armor j2 with a fast armored move? J2 is not what makes Kung Lao ridiculous. His completely guess based oki game no one can get out of without getting a very lucky guess is what makes him ridiculous. If every character was buffed to his level the game would be much worse because of how guess heavy he is for huge reward. A 4-6% damage nerf would put him in A+ tier, no lower, as long as there's a reasonable way to get out of his block pressure with 1 bar block breakers. If his J2 gets nerfed on top of that he'll still be A+. It makes no sense why a character this ridiculous shouldn't get nerfed.
to be honest, his pressure is nothing more than a mindgame / micro reads, wich is completely fine in a FG

JJV Phoenix

I'm not Vak goddamnit
J2 hitbox reduced.
Ex spin hitbox/active frames corrected for consistency. I've blocked and the ex spin has whiffed, only for me to unblock and be sucked in at a certain weird range.

Other than that, Lao is 100% fine and the improvement of tournament players (and hopefully the community at large) against him has proved that you can beat top tiers just fine by LEARNING THE MATCHUP.


I thought you meant that you can armor through his ji2 if it hits and you block it , also imagine this , you have 3 bars and you're versing a lao player , you have the life lead , he touchs you once and you block , = block breaker , now you 2 both dont have stamina and if your character can zone you can do loads or chip , once you both regain health he gets in again and manages to touch you and you can just block break again , its not the solution , it you have a bar or meter then he literally cant open you up unless you do an unsafe move , that is not the solution , and nerfing his damage isn't either , thats like nerfing quans d3 while completely ignoring what truely makes him stupid.
You can't do loads of chip at all if you're a zoner after a block breaker. If your projectiles hit high there's no chip threat. If they hit mid then you can get a little bit of chip and meter gain but there's always the threat of a teleport, or a divekick, or a run in after his stamina recovers, or j2. Kung Lao is a great whiff punisher, he doesn't need to open you up because by attacking you open yourself up to all the numerous ways he can whiff punish you. So if the Kung Lao player is unable to whiff punish my projectiles or my general offense and I'm able to block break one of his moves then that's a second bar spent, a second bar that I clearly outplayed the Kung Lao player in order to get while maintaining the life lead while his meter building is better than most characters'. That's 2 bars for very little reward other than avoiding his block pressure guessing games. 1 bar block breakers address what makes Tempest stupid, but since that's a universal change that Tempest gets too, then he has to take a damage nerf in order to truly be nerfed significantly at all. Nerfing any character's damage is a significant nerf. Nerfing Quan's d3 is not.
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Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
This might fuck with the other variations' utility from that string though, the reason why he recovers so quickly after certain blockstrings into hat spin that don't jail is because of how fast he recovers after deploying the hat on first impact. Let him keep the same advantage on block but increase the time before he can actually start moving again.
Yeah that's kind of a common theme when it comes to balancing characters in this game. I don't know much about his other variations and how my suggestion would affect them. I just think that b321 ex orbiting hat is such an unnecessary guessing game.


to be honest, his pressure is nothing more than a mindgame / micro reads, wich is completely fine in a FG
You're not addressing what makes his pressure stupid. The tempest player is at very little risk while staggering his opponent and his opponent is at a huge risk for making the wrong ridiculously hard to make read. If the opponent guesses wrong he eats 30-40% into the same situation while not being able to armor because he'll just get armor broken. All of that on top of everything else he has makes him ridiculous. He either needs to get much less reward on his guessing games, which can't happen, less risk for the opponent on his guessing games, which can't happen, or give the opponent a definite way out of the guessing games for a reasonable price, which would be 1 bar block breakers. Now the match is more fun and less brain dead/more fair.


AKA Uncle Kano
I heard some people talking about how easy it is (or at least easier) to tech throws, and honestly, if that's the case, Lao will be much more manageable when put in the corner. His j2 could be nerfed since Lao players ALWAYS use it when jumping - it's like people just throw it out mindlessly because it can't hurt him in any way.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Honestly lao is really strong without being broken if that makes sense. Theses a pretty good chance he is the best, undeniable top 3-5. He is not a cheesy character in the slightest. He doesn't have a plus on block low hitting armored launcher, hard to block ables, or anything of the sort. He does have the best anti air, that is true.

Just make ex spin suck you in on block so you can get your highest punisher consistently.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Because the rest of the game is balanced around it. What would a character like Hellfire do, who is balanced around being able to get his pressure game started after every combo with Flame Aura into a restand, if combo'ing your opponent gave them the easy 1 bar they needed to block-breaker? That's just one example. It would destroy Johnny, it would destroy Ronin, it would destroy Hat Trick, it would kick all 3 variations of LK in the teeth, man the list goes on, it might have been alright in the opening weeks of the game but now there is probably one or two patches left and characters have been balanced around 2 bar block breaker. Blockstrings are just as important as other things to some characters, you can't just completely change this core mechanic to cost half the resource it once did and expect it not to have crazy repercussions on balance, especially when almost everyone is so tight together in balance. Just change what needs to be changed with the outliers. Blanket nerfs or buffs are never good.


Because the rest of the game is balanced around it. What would a character like Hellfire do, who is balanced around being able to get his pressure game started after every combo with Flame Aura into a restand, if combo'ing your opponent gave them the easy 1 bar they needed to block-breaker? That's just one example. It would destroy Johnny, it would destroy Ronin, it would destroy Hat Trick, it would kick all 3 variations of LK in the teeth, man the list goes on, it might have been alright in the opening weeks of the game but now there is probably one or two patches left and characters have been balanced around 2 bar block breaker. Blockstrings are just as important as other things to some characters, you can't just completely change this core mechanic to cost half the resource it once did and expect it not to have crazy repercussions on balance, especially when almost everyone is so tight together in balance. Just change what needs to be changed with the outliers. Blanket nerfs or buffs are never good.
I see what you're saying, but Hellfire as I see it would be unchanged. It still costs 1 bar to block break. An entire bar. So are you saying having your opponent lose an entire bar is much worse than Hellfire being able to get his pressure game going? Hellfire's pressure would reward him with like 30% of a bar of meter gain and some chip. What's the big difference? And that's on top of the fact that the Hellfire player gets 1 bar block breakers as a tool to use for himself as well. There's no meter gain on block either, so if you get put into pressure while you don't have a bar, then you don't even have the option to break. It would be the same for Johnny and Liu and Takeda and Hat trick or any other pressure character. In many cases the opponent would just choose not to block break since it's possible to get out without having to spend the bar. The way games play out would change but the general balance of characters would not change. And think about all the other benefits 1 bar block breakers would bring to the game too. Games would last longer, there'd be a way to completely ignore mid string 50/50s, zoning wouldn't be nearly as weak, and there were some others I thought of but I can't remember right now.


Learn to use the block button and stop trying to mash armors after a knock down. Lao doesn't have a mixup to open you up
I don't see how that pertains to anything I've said so far. You can't mash armor after a knockdown, Tempest takes that away. The mixup he gets is his unreactable stagger pressure, which happens to be what's so ridiculous about him on top of all his other great tools.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
I see what you're saying, but Hellfire as I see it would be unchanged. It still costs 1 bar to block break. An entire bar. So are you saying having your opponent lose an entire bar is much worse than Hellfire being able to get his pressure game going? Hellfire's pressure would reward him with like 30% of a bar of meter gain and some chip. What's the big difference? And that's on top of the fact that the Hellfire player gets 1 bar block breakers as a tool to use for himself as well. There's no meter gain on block either, so if you get put into pressure while you don't have a bar, then you don't even have the option to break. It would be the same for Johnny and Liu and Takeda and Hat trick or any other pressure character. In many cases the opponent would just choose not to block break since it's possible to get out without having to spend the bar. The way games play out would change but the general balance of characters would not change. And think about all the other benefits 1 bar block breakers would bring to the game too. Games would last longer, there'd be a way to completely ignore mid string 50/50s, zoning wouldn't be nearly as weak, and there were some others I thought of but I can't remember right now.
"and some chip"

Hellfire won't be able to do it every single time but it's really not uncommon to do two 214 loops into a throw. That's around 10% chip into 14% from the burning through and ticks you up for an OTG EX-Hellfire, for a grand total of over 30% damage. Goat I REALLY think you need to learn what these characters rely on a little more rather than just assuming 1 bar block breakers are a small change.
I pray no one from NRS feeds into this BS.

Lao's pressure is a pure illusion. If you don't take time to learn the matchup, you'll unfairly scream "NERF"! Strangely, I've noticed all of the top players have leveled up against Lao and he's no longer the "go to" character he once was.

If he gets an unnecessary nerf, it's clear this "community" really are a bunch of babies that want everything easy. Lao can easily be beat by half the cast...at the highest level.