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Match-Up Discussion - Mileena MKX Mileena MU Chart v2


I'm not a Mileena player, but I'd like to throw my hat in on Tigrar Fury Goro versus Ravenous and Piercing. I think both are 6-4 Goro's favor for a variety of reasons.

Forward 3 alone is a very oppressive footsie tool for Goro against Mileena as it hits at round start and beats out a great many of her main options. She can low profile with roll, but she's putting her life on the line to merely contest it many times and if she's wrong she's getting launched and likely put into the corner where she straight up dies there.

The difference between Goro and Mileena's plus frames is Goro can take advantage of his without having to do risky things to make you respect them. A lot of times since Goro's down 1 and down 3 are six frames he can just poke her out of many follows up cause she's slow. Ex punch walk crushes ex ball roll in most instances unless the Goro player mistimes it or the Mileena player does something yolo like down 3 ex ball roll on a hard read. When he gets her in the corner,she may not get back out or up till the round ends. 3,down 3 destroys armor with Goro.

Goro is hard to pressure for her on wake up due to her armor breaking strings that work great on many other characters is pretty ineffective against Goro's wake ups because he has two hits of armor on punch walk.

Mileena's zoning is pretty meh, even in piercing so she's not keeping him out for any relevant period of time unless Goro is reckless or hangs himself.

Goro's pokes are better, his footsies are better, he is a vastly safer character and the general damage ratio is pretty close to each other. Goro also destroys her gaps in important strings like forward 4,4 and if she does forward 4, ex ball roll, this also loses to ex punchwalk's tank armor. The only forward 4 cancel he cannot armor is forward 4 regular ball roll, but either way she's taking a big risk of getting launched one way or another if he merely blocks or what have you. If he just blocks forward 4,4, command grab punishes it on block as well.

He probably does slightly better against Ravenous cause she has no low sai, but not enough for piercing to not lose to him as well. Piercing's low fireball recovery on whiff makes telestomp a really good option to punish and makes her even more uncomfortable about zoning.

It's a very fun, footsie based match up, but I feel due to lots of experience, lab time and analysis that he beats those two variations. Mileena can definitely hold her own against Goro, but if the Goro player is playing fundamentally solid he shouldn't struggle against either of these variations.

As for Ethereal, I'm not super well versed in the match up, but I'm skeptical it's any better than 5-5. Being able to fade out of pressure definitely matters and is a notable match up component, but weaker projectile game and what not makes me doubtful that having a safer option to get out of pressure flips a winning match up to the reverse side.


I'm not a Mileena player, but I'd like to throw my hat in on Tigrar Fury Goro versus Ravenous and Piercing. I think both are 6-4 Goro's favor for a variety of reasons.

Forward 3 alone is a very oppressive footsie tool for Goro against Mileena as it hits at round start and beats out a great many of her main options. She can low profile with roll, but she's putting her life on the line to merely contest it many times and if she's wrong she's getting launched and likely put into the corner where she straight up dies there.

The difference between Goro and Mileena's plus frames is Goro can take advantage of his without having to do risky things to make you respect them. A lot of times since Goro's down 1 and down 3 are six frames he can just poke her out of many follows up cause she's slow. Ex punch walk crushes ex ball roll in most instances unless the Goro player mistimes it or the Mileena player does something yolo like down 3 ex ball roll on a hard read. When he gets her in the corner,she may not get back out or up till the round ends. 3,down 3 destroys armor with Goro.

Goro is hard to pressure for her on wake up due to her armor breaking strings that work great on many other characters is pretty ineffective against Goro's wake ups because he has two hits of armor on punch walk.

Mileena's zoning is pretty meh, even in piercing so she's not keeping him out for any relevant period of time unless Goro is reckless or hangs himself.

Goro's pokes are better, his footsies are better, he is a vastly safer character and the general damage ratio is pretty close to each other. Goro also destroys her gaps in important strings like forward 4,4 and if she does forward 4, ex ball roll, this also loses to ex punchwalk's tank armor. The only forward 4 cancel he cannot armor is forward 4 regular ball roll, but either way she's taking a big risk of getting launched one way or another if he merely blocks or what have you. If he just blocks forward 4,4, command grab punishes it on block as well.

He probably does slightly better against Ravenous cause she has no low sai, but not enough for piercing to not lose to him as well. Piercing's low fireball recovery on whiff makes telestomp a really good option to punish and makes her even more uncomfortable about zoning.

It's a very fun, footsie based match up, but I feel due to lots of experience, lab time and analysis that he beats those two variations. Mileena can definitely hold her own against Goro, but if the Goro player is playing fundamentally solid he shouldn't struggle against either of these variations.

As for Ethereal, I'm not super well versed in the match up, but I'm skeptical it's any better than 5-5. Being able to fade out of pressure definitely matters and is a notable match up component, but weaker projectile game and what not makes me doubtful that having a safer option to get out of pressure flips a winning match up to the reverse side.
Never played the Ravenous MU so I can't comment. You could be right about Piercing as well. Only thing is in Piercing Mileena wants to end combos with b12, 1+3 to keep Goro standing and add damage, since as you said, Goro is hard to armor break on wakeup.

I think Ethereal should win since you can run away with regular Fade away and escape pressure with the EX. But EX Fade isn't just escaping, in many cases she'll get full combos off of making him whiff. Fading through his d3/d4s giver her Rolls, and stuff like Punch Walk gives her a guaranteed F343. Sai in this MU is strictly for building meter as opposed to zoning. I'll concede that you likely have more hours clocked in with this MU than I do though. So even though I still think Ethereal should win it, it's possible it could be even.
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Publicly Educated
I play Ravenous the most but currently I feel it's very hard to comment any matchup number of Ravenous vs anything else. Like someone said before, the use of high/low pounce is completely based on the opponent's habits. Sometimes against the same friend of mine using the same variations, I can win 5 matches in a row, then lose another 5. Sometimes I win a round by using 4 raw low pounce (2 low pounce, d3 into raw low pounce) in a row, sometimes I win by yolo F4 roll. I feel that Ravenous is the variation having true mixup with the most damaging combos, but also the variation having the worst footsie game (no piercing B12, no ex fade to go around). I will talk about Ravenous later when I figure out more.
Side note: I'm gonna go to a small local tournament today (with a horrible costume) and I'm gonna use Ravenous Mileena a lot (especially against Ermac and Takeda)
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What a day. What a lovely day.
@RunwayMafia and I tend to play the Piercing Mileena vs Royal Storm Kitana MU when I choose her. In that scenario, it honestly feels like Mileena controls the pace of the match a lot better than Kitana. B12 outranges anything Kitana can do, low sais avoids her fans and she still has the threat of teleport to deal with, on knockdown Mileena can just stand over Kitana and wait for her to get up and continue her pressure. Kitana can punish pretty hard (granted, not as hard as she used to), but Mileena's no slouch in the damage department either when it comes to punishes so they're nearly even in that respect.

I could honestly see that MU being slightly in Mileena's favor.

Now Assassin or Mournful on the other hand, that's another story.


I play Ravenous the most but currently I feel it's very hard to comment any matchup number of Ravenous vs anything else. Like someone said before, the use of high/low pounce is completely based on the opponent's habits. Sometimes against the same friend of mine using the same variations, I can win 5 matches in a row, then lose another 5. Sometimes I win a round by using 4 raw low pounce (2 low pounce, d3 into raw low pounce) in a row, sometimes I win by yolo F4 roll. I feel that Ravenous is the variation having true mixup with the most damaging combos, but also the variation having the worst footsie game (no piercing B12, no ex fade to go around). I will talk about Ravenous later when I figure out more.
Side note: I'm gonna go to a small local tournament today (with a horrible costume) and I'm gonna use Ravenous Mileena a lot (especially against Ermac and Takeda)
Ravenous is also stronger vs characters that can't punish High Pounce with 6f combo starter or 7f reversal special. Having a "safe" High pounce to cancel into opens up her offensive pressure a bit. (Jacqui for example can punish High Pounce really hard.)

I also feel like Piercing is more of the "mixup" variation than Ravenous. Because Piercing with bar has a 50/50 with Low Sai/EX Roll.
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A spaceman
Ravenous is also stronger vs characters that can't punish High Pounce with 6f combo starter or 7f reversal special. Having a "safe" High pounce to cancel into opens up her offensive pressure a bit. (Jacqui for example can punish High Pounce really hard.)

I also feel like Piercing is more of the "mixup" variation than Ravenous. Because Piercing with bar has a 50/50 with Low Sai/EX Roll.
Thats such a shitty mixup tho. Low pounce/2 LP or f4 are better imo


Ready to lose your head?
Updated the OP with whatever numbers were posted. Obviously they're not set in stone, but I prefer these numbers as place holders as opposed to all the 5-5's from before lol....


Publicly Educated
I got news: I got second place at the small tournament I mentioned above :D In the grand final (B05) My Ravenous was losing 1-2 against Jax (my friend and training partner), then after a minute thinking I switched to Sonya, then lost 2-3 to him. The last round was extremely close
Ravenous is also stronger vs characters that can't punish High Pounce with 6f combo starter or 7f reversal special. Having a "safe" High pounce to cancel into opens up her offensive pressure a bit. (Jacqui for example can punish High Pounce really hard.)

I also feel like Piercing is more of the "mixup" variation than Ravenous. Because Piercing with bar has a 50/50 with Low Sai/EX Roll.
I agree that using high pounce too much against those punishers is not a good idea. But it's still pseudo safe since they only have 1 frame to punish high pounce, and you can also stagger safe strings, you don't need to cancel everything into high pounce all the time. A lot of people are afraid of pressing buttons after blocking B12, B22, F12B4 because there can be high pounce after wards. IMO the mixup of piercing is terrible reward with too much risk


A lot of people are afraid of pressing buttons after blocking B12, B22, F12B4 because there can be high pounce after wards. IMO the mixup of piercing is terrible reward with too much risk
Thats such a shitty mixup tho. Low pounce/2 LP or f4 are better imo
It's not about the reward as much as the fact that it's always there. Mileena's not a pure 50/50 character as is, but having access to this, imo, makes the conditioning process much easier. You don't get many opportunities to tick throw into LP. With 2~LP and 21U4 you're forced to start with a high, where as you can use any blockstring to cancel into the low sai/EX Roll enders.

Same principle applies. You still use the enders to make people afraid to hit buttons, but now, if you DO commit, they have to think about TWO options instead of just one.

@YoloRoll1stHit congrats on your tourney placing, btw.
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Ready to lose your head?
One thing I like about these charts in specific is they should be VERY smartphone friendly. Just in case, if it wouldn't be too much work could you also make PORTRAIT (phone friendly/optimized) versions? @Akromaniac27

I've had this idea of basically keeping a MU quick reference type deal on my Android, that way I always have it with me and between games I might be able to take a quick glance and remind myself of something I may have missed. Double check the frame data on a common string and make a really quick adjustment. We're in the age of infinite resources! We gotta use 'em
It's up now, mobile version too. Nowhere near accurate or finished numbers, but this is more or less what it'd look like


Ready to lose your head?
Actually, yeah. Looking at the format again, maybe it'd be easier to read if you switched it so Mileena's variations are on the left side.
Yeah I see that now too. Would it be better you think to just swap the placement of variations between hers and the opponent so that it all matches that way?


Ready to lose your head?
Yeah. Mileena's on the left and her opponent's across the top.
Alrighty, no problemo. I'll fix it up when I get home.

As a side note, how is the page loading/image viewing? It's smooth for me, but it is causing any delay/lag/crashes with anyone in general?


Alrighty, no problemo. I'll fix it up when I get home.

As a side note, how is the page loading/image viewing? It's smooth for me, but it is causing any delay/lag/crashes with anyone in general?
No problems viewing it. Could you also maybe lower the text (aside from the name) so it doesn't cut across the characters' faces? If it's possible. Just a personal preference honestly.


Ready to lose your head?
No problems viewing it. Could you also maybe lower the text (aside from the name) so it doesn't cut across the characters' faces? If it's possible. Just a personal preference honestly.
Yup yup, its possible lol, and that's good that it isn't causing any problems viewing. The larger one that I had before was causing my tab to crash when mobile, so I just kept the mobile friendly one since even on the desktop, it's very clear


Never played the Ravenous MU so I can't comment. You could be right about Piercing as well. Only thing is in Piercing Mileena wants to end combos with b12, 1+3 to keep Goro standing and add damage, since as you said, Goro is hard to armor break on wakeup.

I think Ethereal should win since you can run away with regular Fade away and escape pressure with the EX. But EX Fade isn't just escaping, in many cases she'll get full combos off of making him whiff. Fading through his d3/d4s giver her Rolls, and stuff like Punch Walk gives her a guaranteed F343. Sai in this MU is strictly for building meter as opposed to zoning. I'll concede that you likely have more hours clocked in with this MU than I do though. So even though I still think Ethereal should win it, it's possible it could be even.
She gets full combos off of making anybody whiff does she not? I've followed the tech you've produced and what she does to make characters whiff seems to not be unique to Goro. Fading through down 3 and down 4's are reads at best, even under ideal circumstances there is no guarantee that he has to cancel into anything. What you're talking about is reads and what not, which goes beyond specific match up issues had. Ex fade is not an infinite resource, she will eventually have to deal with the fact that her footsies and pokes are inferior to Goro's.

She's doing no damage just fading/running away either, why do we care about this when she cannot hit you mid with her full screen projectiles in this variation? It's also not like Goro doesn't have projectiles to throw back at her to trade damage in his favor or bait her either.

Her mix ups aren't hard to block unless she puts meter on her ex roll so if you're going to be relying on fade to deal with pressure, you cannot effectively do both, some sacrifice has to me made. Meter build isn't that good to be able to have it both ways. Fade does not remove her issues with his footsies, which are even better versus Ethereal than say....piercing with better ranged normal attacks. Then couple the weaker zoning and 5-5 is me being optimistic about Mileena because I am not at all sold that having to think when pressuring her is enough to indicate anything other than at best 5-5, probably still losing, but I will need to play it more in depth to say.


She gets full combos off of making anybody whiff does she not? I've followed the tech you've produced and what she does to make characters whiff seems to not be unique to Goro. Fading through down 3 and down 4's are reads at best, even under ideal circumstances there is no guarantee that he has to cancel into anything. What you're talking about is reads and what not, which goes beyond specific match up issues had. Ex fade is not an infinite resource, she will eventually have to deal with the fact that her footsies and pokes are inferior to Goro's.

She's doing no damage just fading/running away either, why do we care about this when she cannot hit you mid with her full screen projectiles in this variation? It's also not like Goro doesn't have projectiles to throw back at her to trade damage in his favor or bait her either.

Her mix ups aren't hard to block unless she puts meter on her ex roll so if you're going to be relying on fade to deal with pressure, you cannot effectively do both, some sacrifice has to me made. Meter build isn't that good to be able to have it both ways. Fade does not remove her issues with his footsies, which are even better versus Ethereal than say....piercing with better ranged normal attacks. Then couple the weaker zoning and 5-5 is me being optimistic about Mileena because I am not at all sold that having to think when pressuring her is enough to indicate anything other than at best 5-5, probably still losing, but I will need to play it more in depth to say.
Fair enough. The thing with EX Fade's reward is dependent on what move she makes whiff. That's why the F343 vs punch walk is more significant than the usual 123 or f23 whiff punishes. Though with the damage nerf to F343 it's a little less game changing than before. Also, I'm honestly not a fan of using EX Fade to frame trap on block as much. It's far better as a counterattack tool than as a block trap. But ok, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this.


Ready to lose your head?
Updated OP so everyone but Ferra/Torr has numbers in for Piercing.

This is my take on her MU's as on now. My main variation is Piercing, hence the main focus on those numbers. For Ethereal, I gave it more of the benefit of the doubt since tool wise, it doesn't seem to "lose" to anyone other than herself in Piercing, nor does it dominate anyone.

No genuine experience on Ferra/Torr, Goro, along with some "spotty" variations like Mournful other than whoever I run into online. Some 5-5s such as with Liu Kang, I can "see" how it can be viewed as a losing MU or like a 4.5-5.5, but with the tools both characters have along with MU experience, it just feels like a hard 5-5; dead even but heavily reliant on reactionary play and momentum based. For the Ravenous numbers, there wasn't much of anything for me to base it off of, so I figured I'd just leave it blank as well as the fact that it is her "unnecessary/fun" variation, so eh...

I know a lot of it merits explanation so feel free to ask which ones. I'll update the spoilers for in-depth descriptions over time, but I won't finish it all right away, so feel free to ask which ones.

@YOMI RM SaltFace
@Johnny San
@Mr. Mileena
@xxFalcon Loverxx


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Updated OP so everyone but Ferra/Torr has numbers in for Piercing.

This is my take on her MU's as on now. My main variation is Piercing, hence the main focus on those numbers. For Ethereal, I gave it more of the benefit of the doubt since tool wise, it doesn't seem to "lose" to anyone other than herself in Piercing, nor does it dominate anyone.

No genuine experience on Ferra/Torr, Goro, along with some "spotty" variations like Mournful other than whoever I run into online. Some 5-5s such as with Liu Kang, I can "see" how it can be viewed as a losing MU or like a 4.5-5.5, but with the tools both characters have along with MU experience, it just feels like a hard 5-5; dead even but heavily reliant on reactionary play and momentum based. For the Ravenous numbers, there wasn't much of anything for me to base it off of, so I figured I'd just leave it blank as well as the fact that it is her "unnecessary/fun" variation, so eh...

I know a lot of it merits explanation so feel free to ask which ones. I'll update the spoilers for in-depth descriptions over time, but I won't finish it all right away, so feel free to ask which ones.

@YOMI RM SaltFace
@Johnny San
@Mr. Mileena
@xxFalcon Loverxx
maaaaan why you never tag me in your posts :( my feels.

interesting opinion that you feel piercing has no losing mu's though,
also nevermind about ravenous numbers lol unnecessary indeed


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
I cant see mileena beating cassie or going even with her. she out footsies her badly, 21u4 always has a gap against her, and she is the only character in the game that can punish f12b4 for a full combo. ethereal does the best if you ask me because she can make f12b4 safe and not have to deal with the gap in 21u4 by using ex fade. also the tag didn't work for me for some reason.


Ready to lose your head?
maaaaan why you never tag me in your posts :( my feels.

interesting opinion that you feel piercing has no losing mu's though,
also nevermind about ravenous numbers lol unnecessary indeed
I ALWAYS forget someone lol....its quite a large community here XD and yeah, I feel she goes dead even with the "harder"MUs such as with Liu Kang and Hollywood Cassie, or she wins MUs due to a better overall play coupled in with her OKI game stopping those characters from getting up at all.