that's not a 4 frame starter, that would have been THE fastest move in the game(4 frame starter) forward+4,4
Oops. My bad.that's not a 4 frame starter, that would have been THE fastest move in the game
f4 is 16 frames, in f4, 4 it's the second knee (the one launching the opponent in the air) coming out at 4 frames
that's why that string is able to armor break opponents
nice for mb nutpunch but otherwise I wouldn't use it. I rather do flipkick,run,b1,db3 to be as plus as possible + good positioning. if you do it like in the video you're too far away to continue pressure it seems. Imo hollywood isn't even THAT stamina dependent spec ops is where you have to be careful. the stamina also recovers after nutpunch really quick.If this is already known just let me know and I'll delete this post.
So in case you guys haven't seen this, Coach Steve posted this video on his youtube of stamina-less Cassie combos. I feel like these will definitely come in handy seeing as she's pretty stamina dependent. I haven't tested this myself but I'm assuming brawler can still end in OH tackle but I don't know if Spec Ops would be able to safely get a missile out on anything besides a 242 starter.
The combo you posted requires stamina though. The whole point of those combos is still being able to full combo punish with depleted stamina. I've seen and experienced combos dropped after a flipkick because there was not enough stamina to initiate a run. Obviously these are not full-damage, but it's just maximizing what little damage you would be able to get in a below-one-bar-stamina situation.nice for mb nutpunch but otherwise I wouldn't use it. I rather do flipkick,run,b1,db3 to be as plus as possible + good positioning. if you do it like in the video you're too far away to continue pressure it seems. Imo hollywood isn't even THAT stamina dependent spec ops is where you have to be careful. the stamina also recovers after nutpunch really quick.
Thanks for posting that video, I tried to tag you but I didn't know MrInsaynne was your handle on here.The video I posted as mentioned above is really just to show that while Cassie in general is very stamina dependent midscreen, she no longer NEED stamina to finish a combo. Which means she can use a breaker and actually still pose a threat midscreen since she can get something off of a clean hit now without needing stamina.
You can substitute nut punch for glow kick, or the brawler grab punch (don't know the name) of you are in a different variation. But I actually think that since one of her biggest issues is now sort of taken care of, she's in contention for top 3 again (imo)
Well, if we're doing stamina-less combos then add this to the list:Will update with stamina-less combos when I get the chance.
She lost like 3% off of her BnBs she still does good meter less damage good corner damage very good zonning and good movement. Only place shes lacking is mixups. She didn't need the nerf but shes still good. cry me a river.It could have been worse... *cough cough* kitana
I didn't want cassie to get nerfed at all either cause i felt she was in a great place before the patch. It's a fact that kitana got hit harder and that's all i said, relax.She lost like 3% off of her BnBs she still does good meter less damage good corner damage very good zonning and good movement. Only place shes lacking is mixups. She didn't need the nerf but shes still good. cry me a river.