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Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
@4x4lo8o @legion666 I went into the lab and I was wrong in the sense that using F4,1,d2, Hell Spark, run F4,1,d2 can't be interrupted, but if you 112 Hell Spark run into F4,1,d2 it can be.

Also here's this for a debunk. It's super tight to pull off, but it can be done as shown in the video.

f4, 1, d2 hellspark mb run f4 can't be interrupted? i don't even run depending on how close they are, i just kinda inch forward and do it.

and u said that can't be interrupted?


@4x4lo8o @legion666 I went into the lab and I was wrong in the sense that using F4,1,d2, Hell Spark, run F4,1,d2 can't be interrupted, but if you 112 Hell Spark run into F4,1,d2 it can be.

Also here's this for a debunk. It's super tight to pull off, but it can be done as shown in the video.

112 Hell Sparks MB 1st hit run into f41d 2 CAN'T be interrupted either. Why would it be if it is the same 2 frame link.
Dark beam on hit is +8, f4 is 7 frame. You are late on the f4 in the video that is certain. Hit the lab and work on your timing.


f4, 1, d2 hellspark mb run f4 can't be interrupted? i don't even run depending on how close they are, i just kinda inch forward and do it.

and u said that can't be interrupted?
F41d2xxHell Sparks MB 1st hit, run xx f41d2 can not be interrupted if done right. Without the short run you will be interrupted. With the run the f4 comes out faster at the space you need it to be. MB HS always pushes you back at the same distance, if you are not running into f4 it comes out like 2 frames slower and is interruptable by armor.

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
i hate how people are saying that dark beam needs a nerf too. its good that its +8 on hit and -5 on block, no different than lao's low hat really. and he's a zoner for crying outloud he deserves good projectiles. let the character live a little jeez :p

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
really? i coulda swore it was -5, ah well 1 frame isnt that big of a deal anyways, he's still negative regardless and it opens a mind game on whose going to armor or not.

isnt his dark beam + on block from full screen though?


A fan of fans

My Bone shaper shinnok vs a very good Johnny cage. I will not downplay how good bone shaper is :D

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
how bad do you guys think Shinnok is gonna get nerfed in the next patch?
I hope they dont send him back down to bottom 5 again
Well I expect a good amount of changes...like his F4,1,D2 to be more negative on block...his projectile to get toned down a bit...and maybe a heavy nerf to EX Spark. All speculation of course, but who knows...
He shouldn't get nerfed at all.
I don't really want him to get nerfed either because I'm a day 1 Shinnok main, but his options after F41D2xxDB
seem to be too strong. Vs some characters with short range he has complete advantage up close because they'll
get destroyed if they try to poke him after dark beam is blocked.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I don't really want him to get nerfed either because I'm a day 1 Shinnok main, but his options after F41D2xxDB
seem to be too strong. Vs some characters with short range he has complete advantage up close because they'll
get destroyed if they try to poke him after dark beam is blocked.
On hit he's at +8, the only thing guaranteed is f4, which is a low block. The OH is risky and generally not worth it unless you need a comeback. After f4 you do the combo, f4 1 d2 xx DB for 4% chip, which means his one bar BnB is 34-35%. If you end with MB HellSpark, you get 9.10% (if you follow up with f4 1 d2 xx DB), but it costs a bar. So 2 bars for 39-40%. Each time you do f4 1 d2 xx MB HS that's 5.10%, so you could do 44-45% for 3 bars, which is not at all broken or needing to be nerfed.

On block you are at -4, it's not punishable but you're not at an advantage either. So you you basically can look at it as you get 35% for 1 bar, 40% for 2, and 45% for 3. But you trade damage for meter building, aka chip damage on block. None of which deserves to be nerfed, imo.
Reactions: SPY
On hit he's at +8, the only thing guaranteed is f4, which is a low block. The OH is risky and generally not worth it unless you need a comeback. After f4 you do the combo, f4 1 d2 xx DB for 4% chip, which means his one bar BnB is 34-35%. If you end with MB HellSpark, you get 9.10% (if you follow up with f4 1 d2 xx DB), but it costs a bar. So 2 bars for 39-40%. Each time you do f4 1 d2 xx MB HS that's 5.10%, so you could do 44-45% for 3 bars, which is not at all broken or needing to be nerfed.

On block you are at -4, it's not punishable but you're not at an advantage either. So you you basically can look at it as you get 35% for 1 bar, 40% for 2, and 45% for 3. But you trade damage for meter building, aka chip damage on block. None of which deserves to be nerfed, imo.
I'm not talking about the restand. Thats fair.

I'm talking about the spacing and block advantage of dark beam.
after the opposing character blocks F41D2xxdarkbeam
his options are very powerful. vs characters like Ermac they cant even really poke Shinnok after the string is blocked.
If they try to poke then they get whiff punished with another F4. So they have to stand there after blocking or take a risk----
allowing Shinnok to constantly loop the string vs some characters on block because you have to respect Shinnok's superior range.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I'm not talking about the restand. Thats fair.

I'm talking about the spacing and block advantage of dark beam.
after the opposing character blocks F41D2xxdarkbeam
his options are very powerful. vs characters like Ermac they cant even really poke Shinnok after the string is blocked.
If they try to poke then they get whiff punished with another F4. So they have to stand there after blocking or take a risk----
allowing Shinnok to constantly loop the string vs some characters on block because you have to respect Shinnok's superior range.
After a Dark Beam is blocked, Shinnok is at -4. Meaning the opponent can make a read now and isn't locked into block strings. If you read another f4, you can easily jump and punish it. Or you can armor through it. Or you can backdash it. Not being able to poke means you shouldn't try to poke, there's other options to beat an 11 frame gap window. And there's plenty of characters that have moves quicker than 11 frames and can reach shinnok to beat out f4 after a blocked dark beam.
Reactions: SPY
After a Dark Beam is blocked, Shinnok is at -4. Meaning the opponent can make a read now and isn't locked into block strings. If you read another f4, you can easily jump and punish it. Or you can armor through it. Or you can backdash it. Not being able to poke means you shouldn't try to poke, there's other options to beat an 11 frame gap window. And there's plenty of characters that have moves quicker than 11 frames and can reach shinnok to beat out f4 after a blocked dark beam.
most the cast being forced to make a read after blocking the string is ok then.
shinnok also has downpokes like d1 which is 6 frames and a long range d4 which is 11 frames. these also have to respected because if d1 hits shinnok gets a free f4 string. he can also make a read with ex scoop that grants him a full combo.

its not a fair situation at all for the opponent after f4 is blocked


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
how bad do you guys think Shinnok is gonna get nerfed in the next patch?
I hope they dont send him back down to bottom 5 again
"Shinnok" in general won't get nerfed at all, or at least shouldn't be getting nerfed. I'll assume you mean just Bone Shaper since it's the only real candidate for nerfing for obvious reasons in which case I've no idea how he'll be nerfed. It's hard to say what'll happen because even though we suggest one thing on TYM they usually end up changing something else entirely or they change two things where we only asked for one lol. We could assume they'll make F41D2 and/or BF1 more unsafe but they might also change the hit advantage of BF1 or god knows what else.

As long as Necro gets buffed I don't care what happens ;)