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The saltiest
So you guys really want Sonya to get buffed?
Fixing b332 would be a reasonable, good place to start. I'm not asking to make leg grab neutral on block or anything like that, so it's really not "buffs". As for her EX ring toss being a mid. Why not? It's the least they can do. What's her EX ring toss damage like 12% I believe?(not sure). They could lower it down to 10 and hit mid. Or -2% from whatever it is now.
I think there's two ways NRS would "fix" Sonya's b332

1) "oops, that's not supposed to whiff against crouching!" And they make it a proper mid
2) "oops, we got the frame data wrong, it's supposed to say 'high' both hits!" And they leave it as it is.

I think it's best to keep in mind they may very well approach it from the perspective of 2

Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
I think there's two ways NRS would "fix" Sonya's b332

1) "oops, that's not supposed to whiff against crouching!" And they make it a proper mid
2) "oops, we got the frame data wrong, it's supposed to say 'high' both hits!" And they leave it as it is.

I think it's best to keep in mind they may very well approach it from the perspective of 2
the first hit is mid, and the second hit is high.

if it's a double high, then that means I wouldn't even use the 2 anymore.


The saltiest
Well if they are gonna "fix" b332 so that the last hit hits high as "intended" then for sure they would owe the Sonya community an EX mid ring toss to mix it up with b33 ex ring toss to punish people attempting to duck the "2".


Official Sonya simp
Well, but the b332 hitbox issue is not really a buff, it's a fix. I hope they approach it from the perspective 1. She can be punished because of that whiff.


So you guys really want Sonya to get buffed?
Yes, even more so now that I've seen what NRS have done with Tanya.

You know seeing Tanya and her arsenal, I was shocked to see her ex low drill kick include armour and launch, she's also got more mix ups than Sonya and an excellent comboing in teleport with three incredible variations.

It made me feel resentful, and to think it's even taboo to ask for a better ex leg grab for Sonya, Tanyas ex drill even hits Low!

I mean if Sonya is allegedly top 5 material ( which I completely disagree with) then Tanya is probably top decimal point material.

Sonya's mix ups are fine but her ex moves need some attention.
Reactions: jmt


Official Sonya simp
Yes, even more so now that I've seen what NRS have done with Tanya.

You know seeing Tanya and her arsenal, I was shocked to see her ex low drill kick include armour and launch, she's also got more mix ups than Sonya and an excellent comboing in teleport with three incredible variations.

It made me feel resentful, and to think it's even taboo to ask for a better ex leg grab for Sonya, Tanyas ex drill even hits Low!

I mean if Sonya is allegedly top 5 material ( which I completely disagree with) then Tanya is probably top decimal point material.

Sonya's mix ups are fine but her ex moves need some attention.
What is it about Sonya that you completely disagree about her being top 5 and Tanya being decimal point? Tanya is nowhere near better than Sonya. lol
You're forgetting that Tanya's mixups are unsafe, just like Sonya's. Block the flip kick and you can punish, block the drill and you can punish too. Sure, Tanya can make you guess more, but none of her mixups lead to good damage, it all just ends there, the only thing you should look out for is her ex drill which is a launcher. Sonya's mixups are harder to read, especially in the corner because she can combo off of the low and overhead option. Sometimes I wish she had safe mixups, but that would make her OP. Imagine how salt inducing it would be to fight a character with safe 50/50 mixups making you guess all the freakin' time and getting away with punishment?

Anyway, I think the only things she needs is to get her b332 string fixed and a faster grenade reload in demolition.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Assuming you are playing against a player who knows to force the whiff in B332 string, which as time goes on will be more and more prevalent at the highest level, than I think it's safe to say B332 is a useless string, and then this characters whole strength becomes almost non-existant, except against players who haven't practiced blowing up the string, making her a character that serves no other purpose than wrecking noobs/online, and terrible for actual competitive play since she works so differently. It's not really a buff, it's asking to fix it so it continues to play the way it has been so far and will continue to.

However asking for buffs to ring toss, or anything else for that matter, are kind of unjustifiable. This character needs no buffs, she is really strong and it's ok for her not to be perfect at everything.
Assuming you are playing against a player who knows to force the whiff in B332 string, which as time goes on will be more and more prevalent at the highest level, than I think it's safe to say B332 is a useless string, and then this characters whole strength becomes almost non-existant, except against players who haven't practiced blowing up the string, making her a character that serves no other purpose than wrecking noobs/online, and terrible for actual competitive play since she works so differently. It's not really a buff, it's asking to fix it so it continues to play the way it has been so far and will continue to.

However asking for buffs to ring toss, or anything else for that matter, are kind of unjustifiable. This character needs no buffs, she is really strong and it's ok for her not to be perfect at everything.
B332 gives me a grenade fill on connect. When I'm out of grenades I really don't have much other way to fish for a reload apart from other very risky options.

they may know that b332 will whiff at the end, but they still have to know a low is coming to begin with when I have a gawdlike overhead.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
That is true actually, I don't know what I was thinking when I made that post and I retract all statements. B332 is fine as is, nothing wrong with it being punishable
One thing I'm getting away with online ALOT is f2b1.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is punishable af. Yet for some reason no one even TRIES to punish it. I haven't a clue what's going on. I'm probably building bad habits because I throw it out more than I should now.

Also online I sometimes b13 xx Grenade Reload..... uuuugggghhh online is teaching me sooooo many things I should never do


I'm back to messing with Sonya more and focusing on Special Forces like before, but trying to go for a more footsie based build/style with her for this variant. Struggling to find a co-main at the moment unfortunately. Cage, Sonya, Kitana or Tanya hmm...

Incorporating back 3,3 up 4 since it has no gap and isn't crazy negative. It has the added perk of leading to juggles in the corner, which is sick. I'm also generally looking at all of her other normals like 1,2,1, which is listed as plus on block and other points of the string are neutral making it the perfect string to use for tick throws and other mix ups.

Looking forward to looking deeper to help set up a more neutral focused Sonya when I have more time.

One thing I'm getting away with online ALOT is f2b1.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is punishable af. Yet for some reason no one even TRIES to punish it. I haven't a clue what's going on. I'm probably building bad habits because I throw it out more than I should now.

Also online I sometimes b13 xx Grenade Reload..... uuuugggghhh online is teaching me sooooo many things I should never do
The only people who can really punish it is Cassie with getaway flip and Reptile with ex slide that I'm aware of anyway, maybe some other exceptions exist, but nothing too crazy. It's minus six on block so most characters just get their turn to swing really. It's not, negative as fuck by any stretch. It got made safer in and earlier patch cause it was like minus nine lol.

If you mix in forward 2 alone with forward 2 back 1 you can throw them off and prevent them from getting you as well. It's a decent footsie normal/string still as is.

I don't play demolition, but the frames for grenades to get loaded and all set are so long that I don't even know how that would be legit unless the lag is so bad that it's borderline unplayable lol. You know what's legit, focus on that and you're golden.
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Honestly I am struggling to find a second for my Sonya. I have been playing Sonya since about day 3-4 and prior to that I went with Kung Lao because he felt "most MK9-like" to me. But now I am so focused on Sonya that I really am struggling to even "feel" anyone else.

I've jumped into the lab with Jax and Johnny and I like both ... but I lose really badly with them. My footsie game and my rushdown game are just nowhere near as strong with them as they are with Sonya.

Do any of you recommend a pocket character that compliments Sonya that I could focus on?

Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
What is it about Sonya that you completely disagree about her being top 5 and Tanya being decimal point? Tanya is nowhere near better than Sonya. lol
You're forgetting that Tanya's mixups are unsafe, just like Sonya's. Block the flip kick and you can punish, block the drill and you can punish too. Sure, Tanya can make you guess more, but none of her mixups lead to good damage, it all just ends there, the only thing you should look out for is her ex drill which is a launcher. Sonya's mixups are harder to read, especially in the corner because she can combo off of the low and overhead option. Sometimes I wish she had safe mixups, but that would make her OP. Imagine how salt inducing it would be to fight a character with safe 50/50 mixups making you guess all the freakin' time and getting away with punishment?

Anyway, I think the only things she needs is to get her b332 string fixed and a faster grenade reload in demolition.
lmao Tanya isn't unsafe and neither is Sonya in Special Forces. Tanya is better because she can get in a lot easier. Tanya is also a lot harder to catch and is almost always on the offensive.


Official Sonya simp
lmao Tanya isn't unsafe and neither is Sonya in Special Forces. Tanya is better because she can get in a lot easier. Tanya is also a lot harder to catch and is almost always on the offensive.
Tanya's mixups are unsafe on block. If the opponent guesses right, you can punish her. Sonya is the same thing. If the opponent guesses that you're going for the overhead or low and blocks it, you can punish her. I really don't think Tanya is better than Sonya in the mixup department. When Sonya puts you in the corner, it's difficult to get out. But yeah, Tanya has the best mobility in the game.

Filipino Man

Retirement my ass
Tanya's mixups are unsafe on block. If the opponent guesses right, you can punish her. Sonya is the same thing. If the opponent guesses that you're going for the overhead or low and blocks it, you can punish her. I really don't think Tanya is better than Sonya in the mixup department. When Sonya puts you in the corner, it's difficult to get out. But yeah, Tanya has the best mobility in the game.
if your mixup is the spiral arrow or the flip kick, then yeah, but those aren't her main mixups lol
What should I use as my punisher? I keep trying to punish with back 1 and back 3 and I keep getting blown up. Also what's the proper way for me to use forward 2 I feel like I should be using it more?


What should I use as my punisher? I keep trying to punish with back 1 and back 3 and I keep getting blown up. Also what's the proper way for me to use forward 2 I feel like I should be using it more?
Ideally Sonya should punish using a combo but online there is no ideals,

Her uppercut is too shaky for me to use,

F2, leg grab is a good 15% punisher but it's alot of work for damage almost equivalent to an uppercut. Also

None of her ex moves serve as good punishers, her ex arc kick if the first his misses you end up dishing out meager 4% damage otherwise it's still a low 9%.

1,2 leg grab or 1,2,1 leg grab are good options.

But ideally you'd want to make most out of a punishing opportunity so you've got to b3,3 launch,

This is where an a faster ex drop kick would have become very useful, it would have made a crushing punishment tool.


Guys I'm starting to get better with her Parries and they're becoming a bigger part of my instinctual play, I must say the ex parry 2 or 4 followed by an uppercut is the easiest and most satisfying 29% damage dished out online, the animation is great!

also that ex parry brutality is quite lovely.

Orbit Aquary

Want a balloon?
So you guys really want Sonya to get buffed?
- Fix B332
- Charging grenades should take less time (Demolition).

Not essential:

- EX leg grab should have an additional property instead of only armor. Either a pop-up or additional damage (like in MK9).
- Her dive kick should have an EX version with more hits (like in MK9).
- Grenades detonated on the ground should hit low (Demolition).


Kuff Bano
Does b332 REALLY need a fix? I mean it's annoying but you can just cancel after the first hit. I mean I'd love a fix but I don't think it's crippling


The saltiest
I'm tempted to make a thread about every single unsafe special in the game and what sonya can punish with. And also what string sonya can use to punish for every single string/normal in the game. I don't care if sonya gets only a f2 or ex db4 for some but atleast we know she gets something guaranteed. I will need help from every Sonya player to chip in and share your valid info.

Edit: not to mention, I'm not a kombat pack owner nor do I own any DLC individually. So I won't be able to do those chars.
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Official Sonya simp
- Fix B332
- Charging grenades should take less time (Demolition).

Not essential:

- EX leg grab should have an additional property instead of only armor. Either a pop-up or additional damage (like in MK9).
- Her dive kick should have an EX version with more hits (like in MK9).
- Grenades detonated on the ground should hit low (Demolition).
I agree with the essential. Grenades hitting low would be amazing too though. lol
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