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I will have to test this out, usually I just do D2 and take the 14%. What can you get off of the 3?
Absolutely nothing reliably. I've just personally found it more reliably beats a cross-up jump that's point blank. Might be different for you if you find D2 is your best anti-crossup. For me if feels like it whiffs all the time.

I think the reason it works for me is she dips her head super low which causes the cross-over jump punch to whiff, and they get caught by the

I'm not sure if it's more optimal than standing 1.

I'm wondering if it has any high-crush properties now...
... ehhh, after more testing I can't really find any good high-crush uses for it, and I think it's not as good a crossup-stuffer than standing 1 now.

It is probably too tricky to get consistent and without any good juggles off it the reward just isn't there :(


Standing 3, I feel has good anti air properties, I've knocked a couple of jump kickers at the last minute.

I haven't tested it though, it's just an involuntary reaction.


Has anyone found a use for f3? Can't really find a purpose for it, and I really want to because it looks cool as hell
Brutality, always finish people off with a drop kick and f3, for guaranteed brutality.

Apart from that I throw it occasionally during a match to mix things up, the move has reach.


Stole this pic from Doombawkz :P
Has anyone found a use for f3? Can't really find a purpose for it, and I really want to because it looks cool as hell
If I am midscreen and in demo variation, you can use it in an air juggle to give you enjoy space to reload. It's matchup dependent but it's an option you have available. Off the top of my head, Sub's slide and Mileena roll end right in front of you if you try to reload when they wakeup with those options.


Official Sonya simp
There's someone on Twitch going to every fuckin' MKX stream and saying that Sonya is low tier, that she needs buffs. lmao
And I couldn't agree more. :DOGE

Just kidding.
One thing I can say about the Quan Chi matchup:

Think before you break. And 95% of the time, the answer is going to be "DO NOT BREAK". The harm he can do to you at a distance when you are out of stamina is almost always going to be worse than what the combo will do to you.
Truuuuue. But depending on the type of Quan Chi player, sometimes that combo just leads to his vortex game. So i guess it depends on what you're better at dealing with, defending against the 50/50 & hard-to-blockables or getting through his zoning gauntlet. haha.


Purse first, ass last.
So what does D'Vorah (venomous) get to do against this character? Get put into a combo video 50/50 world and die? Seems like Sonya gets to push every button that ever existed and it beats everything I can do. Can Sonya ever be punished or is it just a wrap whether you block her or not?


Stole this pic from Doombawkz :P
So what does D'Vorah (venomous) get to do against this character? Get put into a combo video 50/50 world and die? Seems like Sonya gets to push every button that ever existed and it beats everything I can do. Can Sonya ever be punished or is it just a wrap whether you block her or not?
Well none of her special moves are safe in Covert Ops. B14 is punishable if they don't special cancel out of it. B142 is also punishable as well. In Military Stance if you guess right, you get combo punish on Sonya as well. If you read that she is going to throw, you can neutral jump punch her or crouch without blocking since it will whiff on you. If you read that she is going for the low out of Military stance, just low block and punish with whatever you want since its -22. If you read that she is going for the overhead, just stand block and punish with whatever cause its -18. You can also armor through her B14 if you have meter and want to take the risk.

*Do not try to armor through inbetween the military stance cancel into overhead if she does it right away. You will get launched.

If you are playing against Special Forces, you can't punish any of the drone commands outside of drone park and park remove. The overhead blast is +3 on block. The missile is +35. The low and mid kamikaze are >+30. So you have to respect her frame advantage there. Since you are playing Dvorah, you can always low puddle her when she is trying to call the drone cause she has no safe way of calling it out unless she confirms a hit. Unfortunately though, by the time puddle hits, she might or might not have the drone out when you try to trade or stop her entirely.

Im sure there is more to this. Unfortunately I can't remember off the top of my head. Going to tag other people on this to see if they might enlighten you on in the MU.

@AoK Ryan @SidTheHaze @FCP/EMP SCAR @Death


25th place Tempest Lao
So what does D'Vorah (venomous) get to do against this character? Get put into a combo video 50/50 world and die? Seems like Sonya gets to push every button that ever existed and it beats everything I can do. Can Sonya ever be punished or is it just a wrap whether you block her or not?
OK so dvorah has much longer normals than Sonya such as d4 and f2...
.if anything Sonya is the one trying to get in on you. Njp also stop a lot of approaching options from Sonya. Other than that if Sonya gets in your options are limited since your wakeup can be baited out rather easily. On the flip side sonya cant punish bug spray from max distance and on the chance that Sonya does armor through one of your string gaps into bug spray, sh only gets 10% and a knockdown that puts you half screen.
This mu is I believe is definitely 5-5.

Im talking about covert ops Sonya BTW since that's her default variation pretty much.


Purse first, ass last.
Sorry I forgot to mention I mean the Covert Ops variation. Will take the advice given and attempt to apply. Fuck, this chick is annoying to deal with lol.

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
So what does D'Vorah (venomous) get to do against this character? Get put into a combo video 50/50 world and die? Seems like Sonya gets to push every button that ever existed and it beats everything I can do. Can Sonya ever be punished or is it just a wrap whether you block her or not?
I love this matchup, The parry really comes in handy in this match-up. But once people learn to punish properly, she will not be as high on the tier list as she is right now. Everything she does is unsafe.


OK so dvorah has much longer normals than Sonya such as d4 and f2...
.if anything Sonya is the one trying to get in on you. Njp also stop a lot of approaching options from Sonya. Other than that if Sonya gets in your options are limited since your wakeup can be baited out rather easily. On the flip side sonya cant punish bug spray from max distance and on the chance that Sonya does armor through one of your string gaps into bug spray, sh only gets 10% and a knockdown that puts you half screen.
This mu is I believe is definitely 5-5.

Im talking about covert ops Sonya BTW since that's her default variation pretty much.
On the flip side, if Sonya blocks D'vorah's f22, (block high on the overhead and low on the mid. blocking high on the second hit isn't as reliable), she can d2 (up close) or d4 (mid range) in between the bug spray. :)


Like Father, Like Daughter
Did anyone make a list of what armoured wakeups b33 blows up? Could get a free mixup going on certain chars.
How on earth do you play special forces sonya like lol the drone is not shooting it's just sitting there chilling. I don't even know where to start with her bnb's. lol someone help me.
It's not as hard as in seems...I've been playing her SF for a few days now and I must say it's my new fav! Mix-ups, and keeps the opponent guessing and helps with dealing better damage!
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