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I told you ex leg grab and flying kick should get a damage boost!!

And I got blown up for it!

As for boomer cancel advantage,
All I can think is that it is different with no grenades loaded so..


Official Sonya simp
Exactly I don't know what this means yet :confused: If frags do more it allows us to go for sexier corner combos but midscreen I might stick to stuns if the damage difference isn't too much since they're easier to convert off of.
Wonderchef showed her buffs in his stream today and it seems that now she can use more than one grenade in a combo. He was doing B14 stun grenade 4 stun grenade 4 stun grenade.


Kuff Bano
Ok very good news fellow demolitionists. This buff did actually push our variation A LOT. First of all her damage is GREAT now. Did 36% mid screen no bar (b13 csg, f4 -cancel first hit- csg, f4 - cancel first hit - 2134). Guess low starter will add a few %. She still has unsafe reloads BUT the energy ring buff means she can keep them away, throw meaty EX rings and reload. Furthermore frags now do 8% dmg which means she can keep people from advancing since she can blow up nades at will. Plus you can set up meaty stuff if you end a combo in f4 ffg ex ring. Should chip quite a bit. Now she still doesn't have safe reloads but 21u4 ended means they'll be far away and you can mix between energy ring, ex energy ring and reload.

In the corner she gets ~ 35% meter less from 112 punish string (f4 csg njp 4 csg 2314), 39% from b13 (csg, f4 csg, njp 4 csg 2134) and 41% from b33212. Granted I had about 10 min to test so they can certainly be optimised.


Ok very good news fellow demolitionists. This buff did actually push our variation A LOT. First of all her damage is GREAT now. Did 36% mid screen no bar (b13 csg, f4 -cancel first hit- csg, f4 - cancel first hit - 2134). Guess low starter will add a few %. She still has unsafe reloads BUT the energy ring buff means she can keep them away, throw meaty EX rings and reload. Furthermore frags now do 8% dmg which means she can keep people from advancing since she can blow up nades at will. Plus you can set up meaty stuff if you end a combo in f4 ffg ex ring. Should chip quite a bit. Now she still doesn't have safe reloads but 21u4 ended means they'll be far away and you can mix between energy ring, ex energy ring and reload.

In the corner she gets ~ 35% meter less from 112 punish string (f4 csg njp 4 csg 2314), 39% from b13 (csg, f4 csg, njp 4 csg 2134) and 41% from b33212. Granted I had about 10 min to test so they can certainly be optimised.
Your post was on to something. Here's what i was able to work on:

Practical 39% and 41% with b14 and b332 starter:

With a jump in + dive kick (not so realistic):

Somewhat practical 50% 1 meter corner:

Corner carry impractical swag:

Unicorn but could happen more often than I can imagine 77%:


Tony at Home

Nice to know we get some good damage in demo now. Will definitely help when taking out the lifebar.

But unless it's an "it could kill" situation, I definitely want to stick to one-grenade combos with a 2134 ender. Getting safe reloads so I can have safe repeated combo starters drives this variation.

There are probably some situations where I might think of using 2 grenades in a single combo now though. Will take alot of trial to get a feel for what I should and shouldn't be doing.


Kuff Bano
Nice to know we get some good damage in demo now. Will definitely help when taking out the lifebar.

But unless it's an "it could kill" situation, I definitely want to stick to one-grenade combos with a 2134 ender. Getting safe reloads so I can have safe repeated combo starters drives this variation.

There are probably some situations where I might think of using 2 grenades in a single combo now though. Will take alot of trial to get a feel for what I should and shouldn't be doing.
You can safely reload midscreen


It will get nerfed, for sure don't get too comfortable.
Going to see if I can push it from 77% to 80% tonight.
Also, I noticed that even after doing 74%, the kotal kahn only gained like 75% of a meter bar. Although he could've combo broke out, I can see that you're royally screwed if you don't have the bars to break that.

Tony at Home

So I have a '2 grenade bnb' now. So long as I end in 2134, it's a safe reload, so I don't have to worry about being down 2 grenades.

b13 xx Shock Grenade, ji2, f2 xx Shock Grenade, forward dash, 2134

Does 29%. She can definitely get higher, but when you're doing a combo that takes up two grenades, dropping it and not getting a safe reload ender will totally leave Sonya screwed.

Haven't looked into what's optimal after a b33 yet.

I don't think her BnB changes really if she only has 1 grenade left though.. At least until I can find something else, and I don't think I will, a perfectly safe refill with 1 grenade will net her slightly less damage now because of the decrease on Shock grenade damage. Not a huge decrease at all though.

Tony at Home

Is it better ending a combo with f4 then replenish. Or is it better to do 2134 then replenish?
Pretty sure both get you a replenish free. Pre-patch, I couldn't find any combos where an f4 ender would give me 2134 damage though, so I stuck with 2134.

This may have changed since with the better carry on shock grenades though, so f4 might have some increased potential as an ender- will have to test tonight :)


The saltiest
With the 112 buff I believe she gets a free safe reload every time.(if done mid combo, not sure if on ground too.) even if it doesn't have the same animation, it still carries its same properties. And with the hit advantage. I believe she gets a safe reload...so 112xdd1 should work mid combo.


The saltiest
Excuse my noobness for dropping the first combo. I don't know any high dmg combos with demolition but basically ending any combo with 112 can result in a safe reload now.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I'll post this from the safe reloads thread, my opinion on Demo after the patch:

Interesting....this really changes the way we need to think about playing. Still playing around mixups and punishes we can either spend all our grenades in one combo for mid 30s damage and risk a reload at some point or spend one grenade at a time per combo for maybe low 20s damage. But even better it's still all meterless! F2 seems to scale the least in juggles so use that between grenades, I'll be doing that except for my bnbs where I do 21, 213~csg instead for more damage.
For example:
B14~sg, dash or run cancel 21, 213~sg, F2~csg, F2B1 which is 36% over
B14~sg, F2~sg, F2~sg, F2B1 which is 33%.

I see no reason not to use stun grenades. If anything this patch has just made them even better in every way...if anyone is using frags over stuns in certain situations feel free to tell me where because I'm not finding a situation I wouldn't use stuns instead.

Oh and in your bnbs if you choose to do F2s between stun grenades make sure to delay the explosion of your stuns ever so slightly so you can get a full dash in before the next F2~sg for maximum corner carry.

When hitconfirming B14 and B33212, cancel them into our newly buffed BF2EX if it's blocked. If they hit combo obviously but if they block the mixup and you do BF2EX then you're safe and they can't duck it. SAFE HIT CONFIRMABLE MIXUPS IN ALL VARIATIONS. Also if you're in the corner and they get hit by the BF2EX you can convert off of it with 12 for god knows how much damage (I haven't looked into it too much yet).

That's just my opinion of the variation anyway.


Kuff Bano
What situation exactly? I know after any leg grab ender, a refill is super easy for the opponent to punish. Even without a teleport, characters like Kotal can just run up and punish the crap out of her.
end in f4 dd1. Reptile won't punish you with his slide, tech roll or no tech roll. Pretty sure you recover in time to block teleports as well. Otherwise end in 2314 against teleporters.
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