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Opinion on the what the current tiers look like


Wtf is jason doing up there the man with probably the worst pokes in the game with garbage normals and strings, unstoppable loses hes meter every round wether he likes it or not, Relentless having a useless zatanna ripoff special with waaaay too much startup and recovery.

And why do people think heavy weapons is better than wrestler Jax, when wrestler WILL open u up no matter what after any f2, f21, 11, b3d2, b121 > command grab Mb if u expect a poke not to forget hes +7 energy wave thats forces the opponent to decide wether they want to be - and deal with more pressure or poke and eventually eat a OH smash. WIth a Air Grab to maixmize ur damage if u win an air to air which will happen alot with hes great jumping 1 or 3.
Heavy weapons is good but poke/armor beats the cancel all day also only able to do one cancel is kinda...if it was like scorpions or D'rovrahs cancels heavy weapons > Wrestler.
Wrestler jax can lock down Some1 like quan chi (summoner and sorcerer) or Blood god kotal kahn.


Official Sonya simp
I agree with this list for the most part. Even though the game has been out for two months (precisely), it's still kinda early to tell for sure. In the first tier list, Sonya and Scorpion were listed as #3 and #5 best characters respectively and everyone agreed that Raiden was the best character in the game. Kung Jin was low end top 10 and Subzero was top 10. lol
Anyway, Reptile being that low is so... :(


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Yes sorry but shinnok is good
IMPOSTOR Shinnok is good, Bone Shaper is decent, but Necromancer needs fixes badly because right now it's only viable against people that don't realise you can just run past or for some characters WALK past his "tracking" projectiles. Players being good doesn't mean characters are :p why do you think he's so good?


Head Cage
In Order

erron black

quan chi
cassie cage
kung jin
sonya blade
tanya* - early to tell but based on her tools this is where i'd would place her

johnny cage
kung lao
jacqui briggs

kotal kahn
liu kang


This is based on the overall character, not just the "best" variant. I think every tier except C is viable for a solo character main that can win a major. Winning a stacked tourney with solo Goro or Kitana is possible but extremely unlikely

I'll probably post my reasonings and overall thoughts for every character later on
Do you even know what s+ means?


In Zoning We Trust
Jax surely should be higher. I can accept pretty much everything else on the list. It's about time people started acknowledging the obvious.

Oh and thanks for placing Kano accurately where he is currently. Leave it to some to call him Top 10 and upper mid. :rolleyes:


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Maybe considering the best variation of each is a better idea, as many of the cast only have 1 truly viable variation
Haven’t listed all the best variations from every character but heres some of the obvious ones

(not in order)

erron - outlaw
kung jin - bojitsu
raiden - thunder god

d’vorrah - swarm queen
kung lao - buzzsaw
tanya - (watching CDjr play, could maybe be S+)
scorpion - hellfire
jax - heavy weapons
lui kang - dragons fire
ermac - master of souls
quan chi - summoner

cassie - spec ops
sub zero - grandmaster
kotal kahn - war god
jacqui - full auto
kenshi ?
sonya ?
ferra-torr ?
mileena - piercing
shinnok - imposter
takeda - shirai ryu

kitana - royal storm
goro - kuatan warrior
reptile ?
kano ?
johnny cage ?

jason (lol)

Its obviously matchup dependent also; for instance quan chi gets shut down by cassie cage and johnny cage (a-list) on knockdown because of chi's lack of a good wakeup, and because of cassie and johnnys strong wakeup/corner pressure (even though quan is higher tier)
Marksman Erron is better than Outlaw Erron, for a lot of reasons, and Kung Jin Bojutsu is completely outclassed by Marksman Erron.
Let's compare the characters.
Bojutsu Kung Jin is known for his ez-pz meterless damage confirms off of BF4 bo swat, right?
Jin's is extremely negative and punishable.
Marksman Erron Black has a move that fills the same purpose, but is completely safe.
He has this, in addition to gun cancel pressure, in addition to a cancelable 17% command grab, in addition to low overhead strings that he doesn't neven need to hit confirm, and again, all of his low or overead strings is cancellable and hit confirmable into his safe launcher that goes into more damage than Bojutsu Kung Jin could ever have in this patch.
Ancestral Kung Jin outdamages bojutsu at the wall, too.
Kung Jin doesn't have safety anymore, either, his hitconfirmable overhead option is full combo punishable by 8 frame reversal specials, which are easier to do if people were to just do them.
Tempest Lao is the better Lao too, and the better character.
Pre-patch Jin is dead. 1 1 isn't plus. DB4 ex isn't plus. F2 4 is punishable.


Goro Lives 
Marksman Erron is better than Outlaw Erron, for a lot of reasons, and Kung Jin Bojutsu is completely outclassed by Marksman Erron.
Let's compare the characters.
Bojutsu Kung Jin is known for his ez-pz meterless damage confirms off of BF4 bo swat, right?
Jin's is extremely negative and punishable.
Marksman Erron Black has a move that fills the same purpose, but is completely safe.
He has this, in addition to gun cancel pressure, in addition to a cancelable 17% command grab, in addition to low overhead strings that he doesn't neven need to hit confirm, and again, all of his low or overead strings is cancellable and hit confirmable into his safe launcher that goes into more damage than Bojutsu Kung Jin could ever have in this patch.
Ancestral Kung Jin outdamages bojutsu at the wall, too.
Kung Jin doesn't have safety anymore, either, his hitconfirmable overhead option is full combo punishable by 8 frame reversal specials, which are easier to do if people were to just do them.
Tempest Lao is the better Lao too, and the better character.
Pre-patch Jin is dead. 1 1 isn't plus. DB4 ex isn't plus. F2 4 is punishable.
Except for the big punishable gap during block caused by the safe launcher.


buff goro

because ppj said so

I think it's funny that when asked about Goro, Ed Boon told us "Ever played Doomsday in Injustice?" That puts a certain image in our heads of a fast, relentless rushdown monster

What we got was a slow, lumbering asshole who can't sustain any form of pressure and even though his main appeal is his four arms (previously enormous in past games), he apparently lost them in the comics only to replace them with Sektor's. At best, Goro is a counter to rushdown characters, but only with meter, and he's mediocre at rushing people down himself barring, perhaps, Quan Chi. The only thing that's really comparable to Doomsday is the fact that both of them shit out armor like they just came out of Taco Bell

I think there's an issue when a character like Erron Black is a better grappler than a character who's meant to use it a lot more often. I don't know what NRS was thinking making Goro's grab but there's no reason it should send people half a screen away when Erron's leaves them right in range for him to slap you with another 50/50. Having more tick options similar to cowboy fuckhead would be a godsend as well, and I think a necessity in order to compete with Erron's plethora of options (this goes true for a lot of characters with command grabs). I think that to compensate for Goro's greater struggles versus mobility and his own lack of it, he should be rewarded with a much more intimidating up-close game that isn't relegated entirely to the corner.

tl;dr rip goro never allowed to live, but not really i'm just semi-shitposting

PS: how come the best normals that both of the Shokan we've had playable back to back are their kick moves, what's the point of having 4 arms if you aren't even going to use them that much
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Downplaying from me aside, I don't see how all variations considered, Ermac is that high when Mystic and Spectral are booty buttcheeks. I'd agree if it was just MoS, but....pls.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Such a cruel world when my honest grapplah has to make two reads that failing either gets me full combo punished. But Erron shithead black gets ticks off hit and a 3,000 hit string plus 50/50 that he can mb to be safe and low launch.

Why paulo, what did goro ever do to you?