Marksman Erron is better than Outlaw Erron, for a lot of reasons, and Kung Jin Bojutsu is completely outclassed by Marksman Erron.
Let's compare the characters.
Bojutsu Kung Jin is known for his ez-pz meterless damage confirms off of BF4 bo swat, right?
Jin's is extremely negative and punishable.
Marksman Erron Black has a move that fills the same purpose, but is completely safe.
He has this, in addition to gun cancel pressure, in addition to a cancelable 17% command grab, in addition to low overhead strings that he doesn't neven need to hit confirm, and again, all of his low or overead strings is cancellable and hit confirmable into his safe launcher that goes into more damage than Bojutsu Kung Jin could ever have in this patch.
Ancestral Kung Jin outdamages bojutsu at the wall, too.
Kung Jin doesn't have safety anymore, either, his hitconfirmable overhead option is full combo punishable by 8 frame reversal specials, which are easier to do if people were to just do them.
Tempest Lao is the better Lao too, and the better character.
Pre-patch Jin is dead. 1 1 isn't plus. DB4 ex isn't plus. F2 4 is punishable.