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POTH makes me question my sexuallity
You aren't the only one that thinks that..I believe on the first page of this thread, there was someone hoping that grenades hit low =[
It doesnt make since to be mid does it? Sure it gives Demo a hard to block mixup but why isnt Jacqui's low rocket (db3?) a mid? :confused:


Stole this pic from Doombawkz :P
It doesnt make since to be mid does it? Sure it gives Demo a hard to block mixup but why isnt Jacqui's low rocket (db3?) a mid? :confused:
Well think of it like this, would it make sense for her grenades mid air be considered a low? If they were considered high in the air, the opponent can duck under them if they aren't blocking. They could have done something similar to it like they did with jumping attacks. Where on the way up, it hits one area(mid) and on the way down it hits another(overhead). So for grenades, it could have been mid while airborne and low if they are touching the ground at the moment of explosion. But at this moment, there isn't much we can do about that =[


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
Well think of it like this, would it make sense for her grenades mid air be considered a low? If they were considered high in the air, the opponent can duck under them if they aren't blocking. They could have done something similar to it like they did with jumping attacks. Where on the way up, it hits one area(mid) and on the way down it hits another(overhead). So for grenades, it could have been mid while airborne and low if they are touching the ground at the moment of explosion. But at this moment, there isn't much we can do about that =[
I didnt mean that the mid air granade should be low. I just wanted the ground one to be low. But i do agree on that it would be nice if they did it somthing like jumping attacks. That would make sense


NJP is so annoying, and everybody is doing it online! especially Shinnoks and Quan chi's, use her 3 or arc kick but not guaranteed, if desperate xray!


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
NJP is so annoying, and everybody is doing it online! especially Shinnoks and Quan chi's, use her 3 or arc kick but not guaranteed, if desperate xray!
Quan's NJP is godlike, its no wounder people use it ;P


I love Kitana
How on earth do you play special forces sonya like lol the drone is not shooting it's just sitting there chilling. I don't even know where to start with her bnb's. lol someone help me.


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
How on earth do you play special forces sonya like lol the drone is not shooting it's just sitting there chilling. I don't even know where to start with her bnb's. lol someone help me.
check the command list? <_<;
NJP is so annoying, and everybody is doing it online! especially Shinnoks and Quan chi's, use her 3 or arc kick but not guaranteed, if desperate xray!
Yeah, Quan's nj.p is probably one of the best. If you want to contest it, at best you can trade with a D2 if you're close, or you can try to read the jump and beat them out with a j.1, but it's risky either way. (Especially against Quan Chi since it comes out in 5 frames)

I personally stopped contesting it as much and just wait for them to land. nj.p 's usually have a decent amount of recovery on them, so you should be able to punish a whiffed one with something like F2 > ...
Any tips on dealing with Cassie Cage? Always feel like I'm missing opportunities to punish her, or she pokes me out of everything with down 1??

Any ideas


Mid Tier
How on earth do you play special forces sonya like lol the drone is not shooting it's just sitting there chilling. I don't even know where to start with her bnb's. lol someone help me.
Just started with the Dronya, but you basically sent the low Kamakazi drone instead of cancelling to MS, then use that Stance specific B2 I think it is to follow up.

So you would do something like B332 ~LowDrone B2 and what not after, there is a post somewhere where Scar posted his BnB's. Works the same for B14 ~LowDrone. You just can't buffer the LowDrone thing, you gotta time it, but it will combo.

Dronya seems awesome though, feels alot safer, seem to have better options too.


Kuff Bano
Any tips on dealing with Cassie Cage? Always feel like I'm missing opportunities to punish her, or she pokes me out of everything with down 1??

Any ideas
I find it hard as well but you really gotta learn how to block her strings because she's negative on most of them. Also you can parry, EX parry or X-ray her b124 before the last hit. Thus you're able to shut down one of her best tools.
is the b124 the string that ends with her front kick that's pushes you almost full screen? The one that is safe on block?

I'm sure my friend spams out D1 a lot which I find hard to deal with online..... he D1 then either throws, or goes for her D/F1 low/OH starter which I can't react to


This dream has a sad ending
is the b124 the string that ends with her front kick that's pushes you almost full screen? The one that is safe on block?

I'm sure my friend spams out D1 a lot which I find hard to deal with online..... he D1 then either throws, or goes for her D/F1 low/OH starter which I can't react to
dive kick
the minute you know he's going to d+1, jump back dive kick and make him eat a 30% combo
ub dive kick is a very important tool not just for comboing dive kicks, but also baiting them with fake whiffed dive kicks and then punishing them.
I utilize it more for mobility baits more than anything, especially if I'm fullscreen. Two quickly inputted dive kicks will put you in their face, bonus points if you can get over a projectile.

Wasn't sure if anything said this yet, but while playing locally with a buddy who plays GM SZ you can dive kick over the clone just enough so your foot hits their face, breaking the clone and allowing you to continue your string. Same thing goes for the arc kick, it's just way harder to do.


Fabulous Goofball
So anyone else feeling Sonya is bit easy to use and yet is very difficult to fight? Rarely do I ever actually have to try with her online unless I'm fighting another Sonya.
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