@Lt. Box
ONE PLAYER has ever done well in tournament with batgirl and that is sonicfox.
I have to disagree entirely. What killed the game was the game... because it was built on every character having ridiculous 50/50's into 50/50's into 50/50s. 2 guess and you're dead.
While I agree that IGAU's demise has nothing to do with Batgirl....Can we please sop the "only one player" nonsense?
In MK9 people say Cyrax was broken.. Why is that when "Only one person ever won a major with him"? Look at just how flawed that logic is. Before DJT used him as a main there was basically just Maxter who consistently had him in the top. After Maxter stopped playing we didn't see Cyrax in the top anymore until DJT used him to place top and then go onto win EVO. To this day, DJT's win at EVO is the only time Cyrax has ever won a major.
How about Kenshi? People to this day joke about how broken he is. Why is that when "Only one person was winning with him"? During the prime of the game, NO ONE besides Pig was terrorizing people with him. In fact Pig was also the only person who was consistently winning Kenshi's 7-3 adv match ups like Kitana at the highest level. That's right... Players were trying to use this broken character but not only could they not place, they couldn't even win some of his 7-3s!!!!!! Yet we call him broken because only one person who showed us all why.
Now..to end this "what killed Injustice" thing...
1. The safe meterless vortex and safe 50/50, into safe 50/50, into safe 50/50, etc... - Many players here say things like "this character only has a 50/50" but do not realize just how powerful a SAFE 50/50 is when BOTH options lead to a full combo. A safe 50/50 with both options giving a combo is one of the most powerful tools that a character can have in a fighting game, especially in a game where not all characters have this. A safe 50/50 that goes to combo is like playing poker with your own money vs someone else playing for free. Every hand they look at you, smile and say "WOOOOOO HOOOO!! THIS HAND IS GREAT!! I'M ALL IN!!!!" and they can do this because they have ZERO consequence when they are wrong. It would become almost impossible to read when they are bluffing or actually have something because there is 0.0% risk for them. You however are sweating bullets because losing for you means you go home broke. The other player has a GREAT read on you because they know that you literally cannot afford to be wrong.
People got tired of the safe meterless vortex and safe 50/50's so they began to quit one by one until there just weren't many players left travel for tournaments. Batgirl didn't kill IGAU, people were getting tired of this before her.
2. We turned our community into an a place that felt uninviting - Many of us, including myself are guilty of this. Constant bickering, name calling, sitting online for 3 hours waiting for someone on your friends list to sign on so you can finally get in a quality set, saying things like "Why is this guy allowed to talk about the game" which makes players feel like they are not allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions, etc.. all became huge turn offs. One of my biggest regrets is my inability to let go of my own childish ego for the better of the community. MANY of us let our ego's and petty differences rip things apart. Not only did players already here get turned off by this, but anyone looking to get into the game but unsure also became turned off.
Whats done is done and we need to move on and know that this cannot carry over into MKX. Let it die right here, right now with IGAU.