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Comprehensive 1-10 skill chart. Rate yourself or others or just refer to it for fun.


Cages_Shades from MKO
I won't lie, atm i'm a 4

uppercuts all day long!

Haven't taken an MK fighting wise seriously since Deception, but for MKX i'm going to actually try again and might even go to a tourney or two

MK Led

MK9: I wanna say 6 but I would like to think I have the combo knowledge and execution of a 7... So probably 6.5 :p

Everything else: Mmmmnnh...

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior

MK9: 6.5

I choke away the lead too much when I'm close to winning. I get impatient and just wanting to close it out so I can breathe a sigh of relief, I do some stupid shit like sliding hoping to catch them not blocking only to have my back blown out from the punish and lose. I also am too afraid to Anti Air so I will let ppl jump in for free and eat tons of chip b/c I don't wanna take that chance of getting combo'd @DownfouralitY ... I hear ya on the JIP JIP JIP lol

Injustice: 4

Never practiced or worried about matchups... learned a couple bnbs and that's about it. Didn't like the game

Would like to make it to 8 in MKX

MK Led


MK9: 6.5

I choke away the lead too much when I'm close to winning. I get impatient and just wanting to close it out so I can breathe a sigh of relief, I do some stupid shit like sliding hoping to catch them not blocking only to have my back blown out from the punish and lose. I also am too afraid to Anti Air so I will let ppl jump in for free and eat tons of chip b/c I don't wanna take that chance of getting combo'd @DownfouralitY ... I hear ya on the JIP JIP JIP lol

Injustice: 4

Never practiced or worried about matchups... learned a couple bnbs and that's about it. Didn't like the game

Would like to make it to 8 in MKX
Can I change my answer to yours exactly?
I'm an "8" if I play alone in a dungeon.
However my social and tournament skills are useless, and whenever I go to a public tourney with people yelling and talking crap and calling me "free" before I even play, my nerves go to the shitter and I can barely hit a 2 hit combo.

I go down to a "3" in these cases, and the psychological strain on my nerves to pull off the win is tremendous, and usually leaves me a vegetable. Most of the time I will lose my next match almost guaranteed because I can barely concentrate to guard stuff.

Dammit brain why do you suck so much....
youre just a 2 when you play against kl though


I like to play bad characters
Cool thread.
Started Inj as a 4 and then went to a 6, though I don't throw controllers.

I'd be quite pleased to reach a solid 7 in MKX. Hope I have the time.


KH Fusion
solid 8 (although it took me FOREVER to get over my tourney nerves) I'd like to thank the KH homies for that!

looking to finally have my "rise to fame" so to speak come MKX. looking to travel more and collect hella skulls.


I don't go to tourneys so I'm probably really lame at most fighting games.

I'd rate my self a 5 in MK9 and a 3 in Injustice.