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Konsider the Following: Ep. 4 -- Podcast Ft. LotF, King Hippo, Coolwhip, Saucy and Home Lee

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Blue Blurs for Life!
If you guys are worried that multiple weekly podcasts would flood the front page, maybe you should include them all in one post like on every friday or something? Check out this weeks podcasts ect.
I realize that tournaments are more important and I agree, but IMO podcasts like these are important for the scene and should get more recognition.
I actually like this idea! Thank you for the suggestion.

There is an issue when KI stuff gets front paged, and recieves 0 likes/comments. And then this doesnt get front pages but has a ton of love.

Its not my place to tell you how to do your job, Blake. I just see an issue here.
There hasn't been one KI article that received zero likes. Comments, perhaps.

In any case, there isn't an issue when the site supports Killer Instinct content as @STORMS announced last year. Promoting it is part of my job description. As for the podcasts, Killusion's suggestion is a sound one and will be discussed.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I actually like this idea! Thank you for the suggestion.

There hasn't been one KI article that received zero likes. Comments, perhaps.

In any case, there isn't an issue when the site supports Killer Instinct content as @STORMS announced last year. Promoting it is part of my job description. As for the podcasts, Killusion's suggestion is a sound one and will be discussed.
you could have avoided a lot of this "hog wash" by saying that you were open to suggestions from the beginning.


raise your hand if you ever had a boss tell you "sorry that's the way it is, its policy"

Maybe instead of saying that "it is policy sorry", mods on a site for the fans should consider that rules can be changed and modified based on the current situation.

If Blakes rule is correct, we don't really know yet, can't we all understand that that wall made at a very different time under very different circumstance?
I've actually had a boss tell me that....
.actually a lot if bosses say that


Original Liu Kang cop.
I think I'm only now realizing the good that podcasts do for TYM. Not just this one, but all of them. We definitely need to get 2 or 3 stable podcasts for MKX; they add excitment and hype, a bit of drama, and they allow for discussion and greater knowledge.

TYM is certainly more interesting now that this podcast is up.
Some points here.

1. The overhead or low 50/50s.
When Injustice first came out I was mad that there were a lot of those types of 50/50s in the game. It didn't make sense to me. But then my fighting game teacher Slips told me that the skill is about not being in a place where they can apply their 50/50. Then it made more sense to me. Before that knowledge I would get mad if there was an overhead or low and I guessed wrong. Then I realized that the skill of the MU is not letting yourself get put into a position where you have to guess a 50/50.

2. James Bond movies.
Coolwhip I will only give you half of a lashing about this subject. To say that the James Bond franchise has been a success would be an understatement of tremendous proportions. The only James Bond movies to not turn a profit in domestic gross are "License to Kill," "The World is Not Enough," and "Quantum of Solace." However every single movie when totaled with world wide gross has always turned a huge profit.

So you have a movie franchise from 1963 to present day that has never lost a dollar on any movie they have made and a franchise that does well world wide. This franchise has proven itself to be both timeless and successful in different cultures. You've got some amazing classics like "Goldfinger," "The Spy Who Loved Me," and "Casino Royale" to name just a few. Some of the movies are dated but most stand the test of time. Movies like Goldfinger influenced modern day classics like "Die Hard" where they took their villain who is usually supposed to be a terrorist and changed them into just being common thieves. You have "The Spy Who Loved Me" with its henchman Jaws who is very similar to current day horror super stars such as Jason and Michael Myers all three of whom never speak and are unkillable. I could go on and on but I'll wrap it up. You only receive a half of a lashing because Skyfall was absolutely horrible.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Some points here.

1. The overhead or low 50/50s.
When Injustice first came out I was mad that there were a lot of those types of 50/50s in the game. It didn't make sense to me. But then my fighting game teacher Slips told me that the skill is about not being in a place where they can apply their 50/50. Then it made more sense to me. Before that knowledge I would get mad if there was an overhead or low and I guessed wrong. Then I realized that the skill of the MU is not letting yourself get put into a position where you have to guess a 50/50.
I agree with that only so far -- because depending on the MU and the characters' tools, it might not actually take a lack of skill on your part to put you in that situation. In fact, you may actually be required to put yourself in that situation to have any chance at getting damage.

For example, (to take a case from GGA) how is say, CW supposed to maintain offense against Bane without putting herself in a situation where she can be knocked down for a 50/50? It's not really just a question of skill; she has to guess right at a range where Bane has superior length/hitboxes + armor, to even avoid the knockdown in the first place. If she gets lucky, then great; if not, then "those are the breaks" and she's on the ground.
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I agree with that only so far -- because depending on the MU and the characters' tools, it might not actually take a lack of skill on your part to put you in that situation. In fact, you may actually be required to put yourself in that situation to have any chance at getting damage.
Well you are talking about bad MUs then and that is why some MUs are much harder than others because in some MUs the victor has a super easy time of putting you in a 50/50 or something even worse for you than a 50/50. I was talking in general for fighting games when it comes to guessing blocking high or low.

So for example. Let's say MKX comes out and there is a character with both a low combo starter and an overhead combo starter that they can apply after you block a heavy jump attack. Let's also say that both of these starters are + on block. A new person might look at the data and complain saying "I have to guess high or low and if I guess wrong I eat a full combo and if I guess right I am at negative frames!" What they said is correct however they first need to look at why are they having to guess high or low in the first place. This is being applied because the heavy jump attack has enough block stun to put them in this situation. So that person should look into anti-airing, armoring, backdashing, etc. before they say how stupid something is.
I agree the Bond films are a huge bill. Always found them super boring and cheesy. Haven't even bothered with the new movies.

I did love Goldeneye on N64 though. Story and all.
Look here Dood. If you think Goldfinger, The Spy Who Loved Me, or Goldeneye are boring... I don't know what to say. Maybe they are zoning and you like rush down?


For example, (to take a case from GGA) how is say, CW supposed to maintain offense against Bane without putting herself in a situation where she can be knocked down for a 50/50? It's not really just a question of skill; she has to guess right at a range where Bane has superior length/hitboxes + armor, to even avoid the knockdown in the first place. If she gets lucky, then great; if not, then "those are the breaks" and she's on the ground.
It's really no different to asking how is Cage supposed to maintain offense against Kenshi without putting himself in a position to be armored out and sent 3/4 screen again. That's just a part of terrible match-ups.
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