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Beliefs, Non-Beliefs, Worldviews and Philosophy v2.0


undefeated online evo champion
Well if you believe in Jesus as your savior, you will go to heaven no matter what. That's what they believe.

And can you give me an answer since it's silly?
For the same reason you can't go on a murder spree and still be accepted in to Heaven. It's a sin. You don't get to decide when your time is up.


Confused Thanagarian
The Church added in the bit about going to hell if you commit suicide for that very reason during the Middle Ages if I remember right


Main: Rain
It's my understanding that the death of Jesus absolved humanity from original sin (i.e. Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge), not all sin whatsoever.
So........ they're not guaranteed heaven? So if you're good, you go to heaven, and if you're bad, you go to hell?


Yes I understand that it's a waste of life, but I'm asking: Why does it matter if you're going to go to heaven anyway? Heaven is eternal and life on earth doesn't even compare. What's the worth of sticking around for another couple years?
maybe it's not about following the rules, but living a fulfilling life because that is what god wants, simply giving up life isn't as good as living it.

I am just arguing for skae.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
So what do those denominations believe will happen to people that believe in Jesus, yet they are bad?
If you sin against the holy father, regardless of your faith in his son he will punish accordingly.
To quote the pamphlet "Only a corrupt judge would let you continue to break the law. A JUST and TRUE judge would see you punished."
So even if you believe in Jeebus, if you are a dick to the world then god will pretty much say "gtfo"


Dojo Trainee
Now before I ask this question, I would like to say that this isn't an attack on any religion. I don't want to spark any religious debates. This is for my curiosity only. I will not reveal what my beliefs are, in order to stay unbiased. Every Christian I've asked this question, hasn't been able to provide me with a solid answer.
Please be civilized.

Ok here's the question:

Christians believe that as long as they believe Jesus died for their sins, they're going to heaven, no matter what. So if this is true, why don't every Christian, gather up their family, and all kill themselves? As long as you are all Christian, won't you all go to heaven? Why waste your time on this earth, when you can kill yourself now and go to heaven?
Any sin can be forgiven if you repent. However committing suicide = getting thrown into Hades with no chance of repentance. Such was the case with Judas Iscariot. After he betrayed Jesus, he still had the chance to be forgiven, but he committed suicide. Even until your final breath there is still chance for repentance. Like with the case of the thief and murderer that was crucified to the right of Jesus. He lived his whole life in sin, murdering stealing etc. Right when he was about to die he turned to Jesus and asked him to remember him in heaven, and Jesus told him: Tonight, you will be with me in paradise.
I hope this answers your question and clears up a few things.

Bovine McKow

Dojo Trainee
Because life can be pretty cool sometimes? Just because someone believes in eternal bliss in the afterlife doesn't necessarily mean they are in a hurry to get there. I'm an Atheist by the way. Just to assert that it doesn't matter to me either way.


cr. HP Master
I'll be honest. I live in the south and the majority of my friends and family believe in a higher power. At times I do not understand it, but then I take a look at my sister and her family and see how happy they are so I will never mock religion, but I get around.


davs13, why is suicide unforgivable when it harms noone but judas would hav ebeen forgiven despite outright harming otherS???


undefeated online evo champion
So if you kill yourself, you go to Hell?
I'd like to believe God goes case-by-case instead of a blanket rule.

In any case, I've never heard of any non-extremist group being cool with suicide. The idea is generally poo-poohed by most religions I imagine.


Main: Rain
maybe it's not about following the rules, but living a fulfilling life because that is what god wants, simply giving up life isn't as good as living it.

I am just arguing for skae.
Yes but being in heaven MUCH better than being on earth. Why wait?


Main: Rain
Any sin can be forgiven if you repent. However committing suicide = getting thrown into Hades with no chance of repentance. Such was the case with Judas Iscariot. After he betrayed Jesus, he still had the chance to be forgiven, but he committed suicide. Even until your final breath there is still chance for repentance. Like with the case of the thief and murderer that was crucified to the right of Jesus. He lived his whole life in sin, murdering stealing etc. Right when he was about to die he turned to Jesus and asked him to remember him in heaven, and Jesus told him: Tonight, you will be with me in paradise.
I hope this answers your question and clears up a few things.
Ok if I may ask, what type of Christian are you? (Catholic, Born-Again, etc..)

Because even when I Google the question, the answers I get are: "It's a bad thing to do, but a true Christian will go to heaven if he commits suicide." So I'm guessing they might be from a different sect of Christianity than you.


Main: Rain
Because life can be pretty cool sometimes? Just because someone believes in eternal bliss in the afterlife doesn't necessarily mean they are in a hurry to get there. I'm an Atheist by the way. Just to assert that it doesn't matter to me either way.
If Eternal Bliss was waiting, why would someone wait? In Heaven you can do whatever you want, anything you do on earth, you can there PLUS no work, no school, etc...


Trust me, I'm a doctor
If Eternal Bliss was waiting, why would someone wait? In Heaven you can do whatever you want, anything you do on earth, you can there PLUS no work, no school, etc...
Better question is, why wouldn't someone wait?
Not like heaven is going anywhere. Also I have concerns about the idea of "free reign in heaven" since you're not in charge up there.
Is it more peaceful? Sure. Is it better? I guess. Can you do whatever you want? I doubt it.


Main: Rain
Better question is, why wouldn't someone wait?
Not like heaven is going anywhere. Also I have concerns about the idea of "free reign in heaven" since you're not in charge up there.
Is it more peaceful? Sure. Is it better? I guess. Can you do whatever you want? I doubt it.
Haven't you seen the movies? It looks pretty cool