Something does bother me a little... Now I know its not a fun subject but religion. So lately I keep seeing these things like "omg they said something something god and jesus, share if you agree."... Yet at the same time, it just seems off. They are strongly against the suppression of their religion, which is fine... yet they are strongly for the suppression of literally every other religious outlook.
For example, I read some thing where people were mad about saying happy holidays instead of merry Christmas because they don't feel its right to have to change their sayings for the sake of others. That's fine, until the following lines where they say to leave the country if you don't like their customs or traditions.
Ok, so its not right for them to ask you to not say "merry Christmas" because my goodness if you have to say the word "holiday" its too much, but because they don't agree with your view they have to leave? Where is the line drawn, where its ok for some but not for all?
This wouldn't bother me at all, if it weren't so common and just all over the place. Its a decent political issue, and one that might as well be discussed. Another thing is people saying "Oh, Obama had a Muslim curtain at one of his things, he must be un-American." Correct me if I'm wrong, but how is being Muslim inherently related to being un-American? Are there not American Muslims? Are there not Muslim soldiers in the U.S. military, fighting for your freedoms? When they come home, and choose to live as they wish, are they suddenly less American because they aren't Christians?
If you walked into a place and said that Jewish people were un-American because they weren't Christian, or that African American people who celebrated other religions were less important than those who were Christians, what response would you get? Do you think people would be jumping out of their seats and saying "YEAH!"? More than likely, you'd get the opposite, and if you asked most Christians if Jewish people were un-American, they would say no. Yet, we have a president that MIGHT NOT BE CHRISTIAN and suddenly everyone is up in arms about it. As though every president before him was the same denomination, religion, and so on.
Also, since when is Christianity the new apple pie? The country wasn't founded on Christian beliefs, it was founded with the belief of religious freedom without fear of persecution. Heck, "under god" wasn't even in the pledge of allegiance until 1954. Most of the "traditional" views people hail as being the end-all-be-all are out the door just like the "traditional" views that got sorted out in the civil rights movements. Remember back when God said it was okay to own slaves? I'm sure aristocratic plantation owners in the south did, yet now its not the same.
Why do we value these "traditions" so much, yet act so blind to the evils that grasping onto obsolete customs brings about? Why are we fighting people's right to love and marry who they choose, simply because some people don't agree? Don't bring up Leviticus, because there is a mile long list of biblical practices that no one ever quotes. Why are we battling the creation of love, and not the destruction? Where is the protests for divorce? Why are we fighting science, proven things, backed with nothing but pages that have been mistranslated for years and years, over and over, as though this time we have it right? Do we still teach kids that Heaven is up and Hell is down, even though we know full well that up is space and the earth is made up of minerals upon minerals below our feet? What kind of 12th century things do we try to pass off, even today?
Don't take this the wrong way, in no way am I saying Christianity is any less of a religion, or a good religion, than it ever was before. I can appreciate the community it brings, the good values it insists on, and so on... However, this idea that its something that has to exists on its own or not at all. Christianity is about acceptance, tolerance, and love. Too many people slap the word God and Jesus on things and pretend its valid Christianity, or that it emphasizes proper Christian morels, when in reality a good amount is hate-mongering using the religion as a guise to deflect personal responsibility for a skewed world view.
Can we stop pretending? Can we stop scouting for key words and agreeing blindly? Not just Christians, but everybody. Can we stop using unity to break people apart? Can we stop using community to alienate people? Can we stop using God as a weapon, Jesus as an excuse, and just learn to be who we are? We don't need to be Christians who hate Muslims, we don't need to be Christians who hate homosexuals, we don't need to put hate next to an all-loving being like God. Stop the judgments, life is too short to hate people, and no judgment you make in this lifetime will matter in the next one. God won't look into you and say "oh well this person didn't like them so I guess I better not let them in".
--- I wrote all of this in response to this ---
My question to you, forum: Am I correct for seeing a sort of insensitivity and inconsistency in this, or am I wrong?
I'll leave it up to you to decide.