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Dash mechanic discussion

Jack Burton

Running is mainly used for covering ground quickly. Much faster than dashing bro. Never played KOF?
My question wasn't what was running used for, it was what's the purpose of having a dash function in the game when running gave the player so many options. @THTB explained a possible reason why dashing would still be useful in the game.

For example, KOF has running, but no dashing because it's unnecessary when there's a run function in KOF.

I use to play KOF competitively at Southtown ranbats (although I wasn't that good at the time, I understood how the system worked).
My question wasn't what was running used for, it was what's the purpose of having a dash function in the game when running gave the player so many options. @THTB explained a possible reason why dashing would still be useful in the game.

For example, KOF has running, but no dashing because it's unnecessary when there's a run function in KOF.

I use to play KOF competitively at Southtown ranbats (although I wasn't that good at the time, I understood how the system worked).
I can only say what dashing and running are used for in a general matter. As for how or why there's dashing and running in MKX remains to be seen. However, idk what the fuss is about. From the look of the walk speed footsies should be great this time around.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
that you never 2-piece, which consisted of a melee which stunned you followed by a insta-kill shotgun blast, my team abused it, when you play comp, you kind of don't use honor. Of course, I hated it, I didn't enjoy doing it, but, it won me games.
2-piece is sweet. Only way I could get kills in that game. :REO


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
The game is punishing you for being a pussy? Aw this doesn't sound like your game at all! Maybe MK11 will be better for your cowering needs.
This shit right here is just...maaaaannnnn...

It's annoying when people talk like the act of zoning is classless and unintentional.

1. You CANNOT basic dash block or cancel your basic dash with an attack.
2. You can run (uses endurance meter) and cancel the run with attack/block/jump/back dash.
3. You can do a basic dash into a run cancel and cancel the run with attack/block/jump/back dash.
TOM, do u see any dial combos?

Dandy J

i can see all the amine

concern 1. trying to block after dashing will result in a run if done too early

concern 2. if you cant break without full stamina, i would think everyone is just going to walk back and forth and avoid dashing or running altogether (in neutral)

Dandy J

i can see all the amine
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Ryu, O. Sagat), Marvel vs. Capcom (Duo War Machine), Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (any Cable team) and vanilla Street Fighter IV (Ryu, Sagat) say hi.
First I would not cite mvc1 as a game that doesn't look/isn't stupid as hell haha. Cable in mvc2 went in the backburner as the years went on, a more appropriate example would be storm or sentinel, but those chars were more run away/space control+lockdown than what people he are talking about. And if vanilla lived on, Cammy Viper etc. would have become very strong when people got better at the game; those were the most powerful versions of those characters, not just the fireball/dp characters that everyone already knew how to use.

But really, I don't understand why people get bent out of shape about certain playstlyes not being represented/strong. When that happens in other games, style specialists simply don't play those games. For example, you won't see traditionalist grappler specialists playing many anime games (even though they have their own grapplers). People are so loyal to certain games/series just on principle, but I don't really understand it. Just play the games that play to your strengths instead of hopeful wishing that a game is going to be exactly what you want.

In short: hope is for the weak.



concern 1. trying to block after dashing will result in a run if done too early

concern 2. if you cant break without full stamina, i would think everyone is just going to walk back and forth and avoid dashing or running altogether (in neutral)
This is my biggest concern. The breaker system is one of the best and worst things about MK9. Those who required less meter, could break more, and had more HP. It's going to be hard to make advantages from running outweigh just sitting on the meter.

It does however give a huge advantage to some zoners depending on how instant the block cancel is, and if it can refill during combo's or not. If it can't, you do NOT want to run at someone like sub zero/scorp or anyone else who can combo off a projectile, because catching a projectile means eating a full combo with no break, regardless of meter.

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
This shit right here is just...maaaaannnnn...

It's annoying when people talk like the act of zoning is classless and unintentional.
Where did I say its classless or unintentional? I'm entitled to an opinion, and my opinion is zoning (especially pre-patch DS) was fucking annoying as hell to play against and just plain retarded. How does somebody even have fun zoning like that for wins? Something i'll never understand. But rest assure I know, it's "all part of the game".


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Where did I say its classless or unintentional? I'm entitled to an opinion, and my opinion is zoning (especially pre-patch DS) was fucking annoying as hell to play against and just plain retarded. How does somebody even have fun zoning like that for wins? Something i'll never understand. But rest assure I know, it's "all part of the game".
Not those exact words, but...
The game is punishing you for being a pussy? Aw this doesn't sound like your game at all! Maybe MK11 will be better for your cowering needs.
Pretty much close enough. The strong point of a 2D fighter IS the projectile game. The zoning. The space control. The projectile is a big part of why 2D fighters are STILL popular. To sit there and be like "I don't understand how someone has fun zoning" is a really big indicator that you basically don't understand what even makes these types of fighting games appealing. Tbh, it actually confuses me that people DO play 2D fighters, yet say stuff like that.

Play a 3D fighter if you do not want to deal with someone throwing fireballs at you relentlessly.


Where did I say its classless or unintentional? I'm entitled to an opinion, and my opinion is zoning (especially pre-patch DS) was fucking annoying as hell to play against and just plain retarded. How does somebody even have fun zoning like that for wins? Something i'll never understand. But rest assure I know, it's "all part of the game".
If you really think that zoning is retarded and can't be fun to use then you have proven once again how much of a scrub you really are.

Proper zoning against good players is hard to win with. It takes incredible match up knowledge and spacing fundamentals to succeed. Yes you can defeat random Xbox live idiots with mindless zoning but you can defeat those fuckers by face rolling your stick. But against good players, throwing out an improperly spaced fireball could cost you the game. That is where the fun is.

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
Do you BOTH suffer from downs? I mentioned crystal fucking clear that I am aware it is part of the game... Once again, follow along ok?... I, CANNOT, PERSONALLY, STAND IT! That is an OPINION! How is that proving i'm a scrub cyke you stupid fuck, cause I don't prefer a zoning style? So in your opinion in order for me to shake this scrub status you've given me, I should enjoy ALL styles and aspects of a 2D fighter. Sorry, but who the fuck are you lol stfu and gtfo kid.

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
Not those exact words, but...

Pretty much close enough. The strong point of a 2D fighter IS the projectile game. The zoning. The space control. The projectile is a big part of why 2D fighters are STILL popular. To sit there and be like "I don't understand how someone has fun zoning" is a really big indicator that you basically don't understand what even makes these types of fighting games appealing. Tbh, it actually confuses me that people DO play 2D fighters, yet say stuff like that.

Play a 3D fighter if you do not want to deal with someone throwing fireballs at you relentlessly.
"Pretty much close enough". So basically, not really at all you're just grasping for straws to prove your point. Gotcha.