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Dash mechanic discussion

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I don't think I've ever directly responded to a post of yours before, but I've always had a ton of respect for your opinions.

Holy shit, do I hope you're right on this one. An MK game with fast-paced footsies akin to the way KI works right now would be SPECTACULAR. Running and dashing and all that in moderation. Oh man, I would fucking go nuts over an MK game that had high-speed, more traditional footsies. I think the rest of the FGC would as well, judging by the appeal KI has had across the NRS/Capcom/Anime/Tekken communities.
Thank you! That's awesome to hear... and I agree with you. The KI footsies is great! The walk speed variations and the presence of solid normals is refreshing in that game.

The more I watch I see dashing more than walking still (I'm responding here since the past thread was closed) which worries me but over all I like it.

I really want to see community players go at it in exhibition. To see what they do and what they abuse and what they punish.

I'm really hype though!


Cage ban wagon?
I would think they have some sort of invincibilty frames since it currently cost half your endurance bar.

I also think this endurance bar won't regenerate THAT fast, because everything is tuned up for the presentation. Like unlimited meter.
Yeah it could be I guess


Dojo Trainee
I'll reserve judgement until I get a chance to play and feel it out, however, to me Injustice's movement feels very awkward and sluggish as a result of not being able to cancel dashes with block or attacks. Granted, there isn't a run mechanic, so maybe that will improve the feel. With that said, Injustice's movement feels awkward and sluggish to me compared to MK9, that is certain, while this new system not feeling awkward because there's a run mechanic is a possibility. A possibility does not cancel out a certainty, in my opinion.

One thing I know about MKX is I really love the look of the game, character design, etc. I'm very much hoping that movement feels fluent to me, similar to MK9 which I enjoyed very much--if that can be accomplished with no dash cancelling by including a run movement, great.
Shit I like the whole run deal with the meter faster gameplay better cancels I'm sure it would work fine I agree 100% for the run mk needs it, it isn't mk9 who cares for combos with dashes in it that isn't the case anymore the game mechanisms and combos are different now we won't know anything till we have our hands on the game
With all the options that running gives you currently in MKX, why dash at all? How does running enhance the neutral (footsies) game that dashing MK9 style couldn't? Why dash, then cancel to a run when you can just run? I want to know how these gameplay changes are an improvement from MK9.
Running is mainly used for covering ground quickly. Much faster than dashing bro. Never played KOF?


Is that an opinon? Better chill out with those bro or you will get blown up.
Wow you are a salty kid. Having an opinion is fine, but blowing up a game based on speculation and a lack of details is silly. If you hate the dash mechanics and are done with MKX like you said, stop posting and move on. You're obviously still intrigued because you're posting here--so quit being so negative. Folks like you give this community an absolutely horrendous reputation.


dash and block inputs to run potentially interfears with trying to block after dashing

dash and hold forward potentially interfears with trying to walk forward after dashing

its a pickle


Master of Quanculations
Forward dashing costs no meter while the game punishes you for trying to turtle.

How can anybody call these mechanics fair to zoning characters?
Depends on how good different character's zoning tools are, compared to their normal's ranges, their walk speed, their back dash distance, and their need for stamina meter. Stop thinking that "zoning" is just this one magical thing.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
@General M2Dave I just wanted to point out that in KI, Glacius is a heavy zoner and he can't dash at all versus an entire cast of characters who can.

Just because back dashing is governed by an endurance meter in MKX doesn't mean that zoning is dead, it depends on the characters and their tool sets. Some characters may have a retreating special move, or moves / strings that put them at max distance when they land, or allow them to combo a mid to long range. You never know AS NRS has only shown six probably unfinalized characters, so I think it is pretty premature to say any thing; just chill and wait.

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
Forward dashing costs no meter while the game punishes you for trying to turtle.

How can anybody call these mechanics fair to zoning characters?
The game is punishing you for being a pussy? Aw this doesn't sound like your game at all! Maybe MK11 will be better for your cowering needs.
Now that the run system is broken down, I feel much more positive about it…

It seems like having even more capabilities, and also improve the goofy dash cancel animation.
i'm excited for the execution MKX sounds like it has. 8D one thing that was disappointing about MK9 was the cookie cutter... well, everything. i hope it's different this time around.



1. You CANNOT basic dash block or cancel your basic dash with an attack.
2. You can run (uses endurance meter) and cancel the run with attack/block/jump/back dash.
3. You can do a basic dash into a run cancel and cancel the run with attack/block/jump/back dash.

havent had a chance to sift through this whole thread yet so this might have been posted but here is some excellent detail on the Run system....

More info from trmk.org


The first thing I noticed is that the control layout is what you expect from Mortal Kombat (2011), but just a few changes and one major addition. The major addition is a new Run component to the game. Instead of a dedciated button like previous games, now if you HOLD BLOCK while dashing forward, you will run forward until you let go of block or run out of stamina. The stamina meter is just below the health bar and reduces when you dash, run and use a stage interactibles. This prevents the player from spamming these abilities too much because once it's depleted it takes about two full game seconds to regenerate (at this time).

The throw button has been moved to the L1/LB button, in place of Tag, but can also be used by pressing 1+2 together like before. The R1/RB button is the new stage interactibles button, just like in Injustice. The block button is also still used for enhanced attacks and breaking combos like in MK9.

Despite those minor control changes the game feels pretty close to how Mortal Kombat (2011) did. It's just noticibly faster paced game. If you wanted more Mortal Kombat, this is what you got. It's not Injustice but clearly has learned a few tricks from that game. It's a bit faster than before as well,


PSN: Skkra
I just noticed for the first time that you can cancel a run into a backdash. THAT is going to be awesome.


Forward dashing costs no meter while the game punishes you for trying to turtle.

How can anybody call these mechanics fair to zoning characters?
It is possible to create a zoner given the current mechanics of the game:

- The could make a zoning teleporter. The agility meter could be used to escape 'run' pressure and mount a zoning-based offense.
- They could make a character that drains agility.
- A character that constructs barriers that must be run through, thereby reducing the damage potential of the opponent when they do get in.

It is likely there will be at least one dedicated zoner. My guess is, that character will be very strong. (I just hope it's a male character)


A valid point was raised about why dashing would be preferable at all in any situation. The entire point of dash cancelling is the ability to shorten dash distance. So, from what I gather, you can do that by holding block and then dashing (running), which would allow you to cancel the run at any point afterwards... far, close, rightaway, whenever. Why would you dash? ever?