They absolutely need regulation (basically everything does these days), but once regulated, they really don't warrant a public ban. If you bother to read the article that this bitch is referring to- and seriously, people should never EVER EVER just take someone's word for it when it comes to scientific studies; ALWAYS read shit for yourself, because many conclusions are often drawn and people will only tell you what they want you to know- they say that when tested for cytotoxicity (being toxic to cell cultures when introduced directly to the E-cig liquids and vapors), there were wildly varied results, from some showing high toxicity to some showing absolutely no toxicity. The same goes for things like lead and formaldehyde being present- some companies are scumbags and don't do a good job of controlling well enough for such things, while several do. Because of their rapid expansion, E-cigs have attracted a lot of companies that are hopping on the band wagon and not caring if they hurt people in the process. Once they are better regulated, this will no longer be the case, or they will at least be forced to release safer and better products. Til then, unfortunately, a ban is kind of necessary for the same reason restrictions on cigarettes exist, but once things are improved in the future, they will be perfectly harmless and continue providing a safer and more inexpensive alternative to cigarettes.