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Joker waiting room
I'm sl150 with shit low/mid level gear lol. Can't upgrade anything because I don't have the dull ember yet so I get owned in PvP. I have no idea what SL these invaders and dragon riders are but they all have end game maxed out crap that's for sure lol.

Also my Soul Memory is over 3M so I have trouble being summoned.
Go get it from Iron keep, it's pretty easy to reach, also get to the giant king and start farming him with ascetics, free 2 twinklins, ascetic, blessing and 150k+ souls at NG+.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
So many easy-mode casuals with their Cloud swords and heavy armor. Here I am with my badass Thief set and Rapier. Had to switch to an Utchi since the Rapier is probably the worst weapon in the game.

The best PvP is at the Belfry Sol with the Bell Keeper covenant. Shit's hilarious.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
I'm sl150 with shit low/mid level gear lol. Can't upgrade anything because I don't have the dull ember yet so I get owned in PvP. I have no idea what SL these invaders and dragon riders are but they all have end game maxed out crap that's for sure lol.

Also my Soul Memory is over 3M so I have trouble being summoned.
In NG+, Soul Memory doesn't matter, so I'd advise doing all your PvP shit in there. Unless you just want to do random invades, and if that's the case, 3mil+ soul memory is not going to be very helpful.


EX Ovi should launch
PVP is alright at the moment but they need to bring poise back to what it used to be. Having 100+ poise and still getting staggered from 1 hit of katana is kinda dumb.

Magic seems to be bad atm compared to MLGS, the only thing you get hit by is the occasional flame swathe. Connections to people seems to be pretty good this time round, hitboxes are wonky in places, and stunlocking is so easy now, but so is parrying. The hitboxes issue seems to have affected parrying as well, you can parry someone from 2ft outside their swords hitbox and still riposte them.

Just saying that i recommend everyone get themselves a bleeding or poison "broken straight sword" the thing uses like 0 stamina per swing, stunlocks, and also has good range and movement on the R1. You can go HAM at someone, swing 20 times with the stone ring (+ poise damage) and you can just stunlock someone. You will see why the poise in DS2 is useless.

Also from what i can tell leveling strength gives you a shit ton more damage than leveling dex this time around due to the way strength scales full damage, while dex is split between damage/bleed/poison bonus. A spear/halberd is now a lot stronger in a str build, unless you are trying to stack poison or bleed, which you probably shouldnt.


Elder God
i kinda like how the poise system works. There might be some broken stuff atm but it will get fixed

never was a fan of hitting someone with a Greatsword after they wiffed something but since they had havel leggings and gloves on i got punished for it. I like that no matter how much armor you have on, if i hit you, you will feel it.


EX Ovi should launch
i kinda like how the poise system works. There might be some broken stuff atm but it will get fixed
100+ poise and you get staggered from 1 hit of a katana (while blocking) and then they can just open up on you for 2-3 swings before you can move... also the chip damage from magic weapons can get retarded, buffing MLGS with magic ember and then crystal weapon, or the twinblades spinning attack, that can chip you out with magic + crystal buff.


Elder God
i'm fine with the chip. its not hard to out space a MLGS and its bad on wiff

i have yet to fight against a twinblade though


Joker waiting room
ATM my weapon setup

Left hand

Priest chime
Notched Whip
Parrying Dagger

Right hand

+5 Lightning manslayer
+5 Lightning shotel

someone clarify, do I need to go on NG+ for better invasions? Does this apply in the PvP arena?


This mean you don't like me?
ATM my weapon setup

Left hand

Priest chime
Notched Whip
Parrying Dagger

Right hand

+5 Lightning manslayer
+5 Lightning shotel

someone clarify, do I need to go on NG+ for better invasions? Does this apply in the PvP arena?
In NG+ soul memory is irrelevant. If you're pvping you're bound to see more action in NG+


EX Ovi should launch
Even in Bell and rat places + Arenas? Can't I replicate the result with an ascetic?
Soul memory is for all type of summoning, friendly included. Basically the more you sunbro, the more souls you gain, and the less likely you are to be able to sunbro with people in that area/boss. In NG+ this doesnt matter, but i dont think it works with ascetics. People can +1 their bonfire and still summon phantoms from 1st playthrough. I was sunbro-ing sinner and a couple of times the fight was the NG+ version with the black phantoms, but people from NG+ cant summon or invade people outside of NG+.

-Basically theres only so much online play you can do in your 1st playthrough before your soul level outranks the majority of people. From made it so that you can only play so much NG before you have to move on


This mean you don't like me?
All I know is that I'm SL125 and no where near close to beating the game. I get summoned for jolly co-op sometimes more than I can handle. I have incredible amount of souls as a result so as high as my soul memory is, you have to realize it isn't the sole factor for determining co-op summons. Hollow, SL, and Soul memory are all taken into account, but no one factor is inherently responsible. Though they CAN be limiting. In NG+ that is out the window, but as for specific invasion areas, I don't know.


EX Ovi should launch
All I know is that I'm SL125 and no where near close to beating the game. I get summoned for jolly co-op sometimes more than I can handle. I have incredible amount of souls as a result so as high as my soul memory is, you have to realize it isn't the sole factor for determining co-op summons. Hollow, SL, and Soul memory are all taken into account, but no one factor is inherently responsible. Though they CAN be limiting. In NG+ that is out the window, but as for specific invasion areas, I don't know.
Its still the first weeks of the games release . All summoning / co-op will be booming right now. On day 1 i think i killed each boss once for my self and then about 4/5 times as a white phaontom and i could tell people were ripping each others throats out to get at the summoning signs. Now (on that same character) i just got through iron keep and am level 100 but it takes me 5-10 minutes of waiting around to find a summon. I have a problem with picking my souls back up and have just left 160k on the floor because i couldnt be bothered to get them back, just went elsewhere, but this isnt new as i have probably left in the way of about 500k souls by now, and maybe about 150k on shopping. So thats my level 100 souls + about 600k and im not even through the game on this character. Anyone who cares about their souls more than me would be level 150-200 by now, and anyone who rushed the bosses wouldnt have nearly as high soul memory from pvp/co-op/farming stuff. I feel like in your first playthrough these will be the deciding factor on how much you can interact with other players online, and seeing as the playerbase will at least half in the coming month, NG+ is gonna be the place to go.


This mean you don't like me?
Its still the first weeks of the games release . All summoning / co-op will be booming right now. On day 1 i think i killed each boss once for my self and then about 4/5 times as a white phaontom and i could tell people were ripping each others throats out to get at the summoning signs. Now (on that same character) i just got through iron keep and am level 100 but it takes me 5-10 minutes of waiting around to find a summon. I have a problem with picking my souls back up and have just left 160k on the floor because i couldnt be bothered to get them back, just went elsewhere, but this isnt new as i have probably left in the way of about 500k souls by now, and maybe about 150k on shopping. So thats my level 100 souls + about 600k and im not even through the game on this character. Anyone who cares about their souls more than me would be level 150-200 by now, and anyone who rushed the bosses wouldnt have nearly as high soul memory from pvp/co-op/farming stuff. I feel like in your first playthrough these will be the deciding factor on how much you can interact with other players online, and seeing as the playerbase will at least half in the coming month, NG+ is gonna be the place to go.
I just beat Iron Keep. I'm at SL125 and put my sign at the boss door. I have *WHOOPS BEING SUMMONED AS I TYPE THIS LOL* been having a great deal of ease getting called on without really waiting. 5 minutes tops. Maybe if you have to set your cross region play with 'open?' Whatever the case NG+ is the way to go from what I hear. I thought with all this jolly cooperation and the surplus of souls I'm getting I would be closing myself off to others but this isn't the case. Ran out of things to do with my souls so I leveled up more than I really wanted to, upgraded things I'd never use and have more lifegems than I ever had crescent moon grasses. And STILL it doesn't appear that my Soul memory has affected much of anything. (WHOOPED SUMMONED AGAIN!)


EX Ovi should launch
I just beat Iron Keep. I'm at SL125 and put my sign at the boss door. I have *WHOOPS BEING SUMMONED AS I TYPE THIS LOL* been having a great deal of ease getting called on without really waiting. 5 minutes tops. Maybe if you have to set your cross region play with 'open?' Whatever the case NG+ is the way to go from what I hear. I thought with all this jolly cooperation and the surplus of souls I'm getting I would be closing myself off to others but this isn't the case. Ran out of things to do with my souls so I leveled up more than I really wanted to, upgraded things I'd never use and have more lifegems than I ever had crescent moon grasses. And STILL it doesn't appear that my Soul memory has affected much of anything. (WHOOPED SUMMONED AGAIN!)
Yeah i had the same problem with souls and not having much else to do with them, they are very easy to farm effectively and SL 150-200 wont be hard to reach in a single playthrough (i could have easily done it already on my sorcerer and didnt even make drangleic keep yet)

Basically the problem with soul level and soul memory being seperate things is that : I have accumulated level 100 + 500k souls. Someone else at level 100 will not have the same soul memory as me. If i spent those souls on levels i could be SL 150 with the same Soul memory. It basically stops you twinking, but at the same time im trying to sunbro every boss as much as possible, and after a point that is gong to stop being possible. If i went and put my sign at the Ruin Sentinels for example, a bunch of level 20-30 characters who have like 10k soul memory will never be able to summon me, while someone with the 600k soul memory as mine will not be fighting/summoning at that boss.

RM Truth

Unintentional Tier Whore Follow me @TruthRM
Who else has solo'd all the bosses they came across? And if you're reached the sentinels, I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on that fight, without spoiling anything for the others.
Managed to beat them on my first try with a friend. I've heard it's one of the harder fights in this game.


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
All I know is that I'm SL125 and no where near close to beating the game.
You're not the only one. I'm SL 150 and I just got "that ring". But, then again, I've soloed all bosses and played practically the 80% of the time as a member of the Company of Champions.

Managed to beat them on my first try with a friend. I've heard it's one of the harder fights in this game.
It is. Those three and the Rat Authority (with his four little friends that Toxic you with barely two hits) are the hardest ones I've found so far.

P.S: Or, if you are as stupid as I am, Mytha the Baneful Queen will be the hardest one. I managed to beat her (after A LOT of attempts) without emptying the poison pool.


EX Ovi should launch
You're not the only one. I'm SL 150 and I just got "that ring". But, then again, I've soloed all bosses and played practically the 80% of the time as a member of the Company of Champions.

It is. Those three and the Rat Authority (with his four little friends that Toxic you with barely two hits) are the hardest ones I've found so far.

P.S: Or, if you are as stupid as I am, Mytha the Baneful Queen will be the hardest one. I managed to beat her (after A LOT of attempts) without emptying the poison pool.

I also beat the first 4 bosses in the champions, it was pretty damn annoying to figure out what had happened.

Solo'd all bosses so far (in my own world) but some i did do some Jolly co-op before killing them, just to get a bit of practice in and have a peep at their stuff.

The first boss i struggled to solo was the Lost Sinner, but i think i went there early as i could, like as soon as the sentinels died. Sentinels took me 4 attempts, the first 2 i jumped straight off the platform and caused the other 2 to agro. The 3rd time i didnt quite kill the second sentinel before his bro rammed me. Next time i managed to fire like 8 soul arrows at the second sentinel before he reached me, and kill him before he had landed from the jump. Third guy was a total joke on his own. 3 sentinels = impossible fight, 1+1+1 sentinels = easymode.

Rat man took me like 20 goes because i was really high and kept messing up a roll. Got him down to like 5-10% hp 6 or 7 times before just rolling into his paws and getting 1 shotted when i could have probably just walked out of range. When i finally did that boss it wasnt even satisfying at that point because i had dodged the same attacks about 200 times in the space of an hour, and just couldnt wait to get out of the friggin room.

Vulcan Hades

Even in Bell and rat places + Arenas? Can't I replicate the result with an ascetic?
btw be careful about using your Bonfire Ascetics. I've read that some players keep them for NG++ because that's when all the bosses start having "special drops". And Ascetic is your only chance to make them respawn to get a 2nd of those drops.

I'm not a fan of that. Having to play through the game 3 times just to have bosses have their unique drops. It should be NG+ not NG++.. but whatever.


EX Ovi should launch
btw be careful about using your Bonfire Ascetics. I've read that some players keep them for NG++ because that's when all the bosses start having "special drops". And Ascetic is your only chance to make them respawn to get a 2nd of those drops.

I'm not a fan of that. Having to play through the game 3 times just to have bosses have their unique drops. It should be NG+ not NG++.. but whatever.
If you join the Covenent of Dark you can use Cracked Red Eye Orb or Red Sign people in the Dark Chasm and get a bonfire ascetic when you kill them. You invade as a "Abyss Spirit" and all enemies in the area are hostile to you as well as the host.

You also dont need effigies to go in the portals if you get to covenant rank 3, so there is a point where you have access to infinite bonfire ascetics.


Joker waiting room
btw be careful about using your Bonfire Ascetics. I've read that some players keep them for NG++ because that's when all the bosses start having "special drops". And Ascetic is your only chance to make them respawn to get a 2nd of those drops.

I'm not a fan of that. Having to play through the game 3 times just to have bosses have their unique drops. It should be NG+ not NG++.. but whatever.
Old giant has a respawning ascetic everytime you burn one so it doesn't cost a thing.


ATM my weapon setup

Left hand

Priest chime
Notched Whip
Parrying Dagger

Right hand

+5 Lightning manslayer
+5 Lightning shotel

someone clarify, do I need to go on NG+ for better invasions? Does this apply in the PvP arena?
ng1+ better players and stronger + you can get the cracked eye easier and there's good places to invade and the pvp arena


Confused Thanagarian
Anyone feel like Dex got shafted? Weapons are (reportedly) weaker and a lot of weapon types have like 0 durability (looking at twinblades and whips). I've been fine with my Heide Sword, but doesn't seem like I'll have many other good options. Miracles seem way more viable in PVP though, Lightning Spears don't take years to come out.