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If/When IGAU2 is made, what do you want to see in it?

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Ah, silly me.

While I agree with you, we should take into consideration that NRS don't support their games for longer than about a year. They even don't do things kind of like Relic did back then, leaving one employee to crunch and fix some numbers from time to time "in his spare time" just to make sure no bull is left in the game 2-3 years after its release. I don't really know where is that golden middle is between getting as much feedback as possible before changing stuff and having a luxury of polishing passes later on.
i guess the happy middle ground could be patching it once or twice instead of 8 billion times. they could have easily supported the game for just as long but not patch it as frequently


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
1. Useful walkspeed and shorter/faster dashes (some characters already have this dash like Bane/Grundy)
2. Less dominant jumping attacks (Batman/Joker j2 are ridiculous as they lead to ground combos on hit... high priority j3 attacks are ok as they pushback on block and can't be canceled to ground combos)
3. NO SPECIAL CANCELING ON D2... I'm looking at you Yoloman Grundy


Original Liu Kang cop.
I hate when people say 'better footsies'. It's not a case of the game's footsies getting better, it's the player's.

Some traits need revamped as do some characters i.e. Cyborg. I think the general design of long range attacks need to be tweaked to make the reward slightly less. Fast, safe and damaging is too much.


Face it, you're done.
Game is great, I just wish to see Darkseidas a playable character and Wonder Woman without an ugly ass face.

That is all.


First of all I would love to hear better music, because as much as i like the game the Sound is just so boring and bland. We need Stage Music, and Character sounds other then grunting, a better announcer then the robotic voice and it really is one of the worst things about this game.
Also the Characters are a bit slow, dashing is absolutely mandatory to cover ground and well, since you can't cancel a dash it is kinda unsafe, but I think Dash cancelling would change the game way to much.
A small improvement on the combo System would be nice for people like me who just aren't as good in the game, maybe increase the time window of linkers. I mean yes, I can do my combos on Shazam and Sinestro, but each time I think I want to play a new character it frustrates me to learn the combo timing because they vary so much from character to character.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
i think its worth mentioning that it would be nice to have more anti armor options. would also be nice if NRS realized there are more ways of buffing/nerfing a move other than their frames or their damage. would be cool if invuln wasnt exclusive to wakeup


Justice 4 Firestorm
Air Combat

Add more characters/skins/stuff I like (Circe, Cheetah, Powergirl, Darkseid, Gorrilla Grodd, Firestorm)
Keep: Nightwing, Cyborg, Ares, Killer Frost

Replace Star Labs

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Administrator and Community Engineer
i guess the happy middle ground could be patching it once or twice instead of 8 billion times. they could have easily supported the game for just as long but not patch it as frequently
Sup Jonnitti:

Patch 1.01 -- The day 1/week 1 update that fixed the fact that the game was broken or some major features had issues. Lex Luthor had an infinite, this was fixed.

Patch 1.02 - Adds Lobo, some fixes for online connections. Fixes stage transition issues, the ridiculous damage on OTG interactibles, the hitbox issue with Doomsday's splash hitting you from a mile away

Patch 1.03 - This was the first major balance update. Also fixed hero card bugs, the ragequit loss bug, fixed the game so it could be played with 5 button sticks, fixed the Space Ship allowing for easy 100+% combos, and fixes the bug where the tool chest or Motorcycle bug out and ruin the entire match. Also fixes the ridiculous Cyborg IAFB block inifinite, the issue with Grundy's chain grab being unclashable for the win, and fixes Ares' semi-guaranteed reset.

Tones Superman down a bit, makes Sinestro's Arachnid sting usable so he can wake up, gives Shazam, Lobo and Joker a little bit of help, gives Bane the dash which he sorely needs, tones Deathstroke's Call of Duty gunplay down so he has to play Fighting Games. Tones down Aquaman's trident rush chip (can you believe it used to do even more damage on block? yikes)

Patch 1.04 - Fixes issues where you couldn't wake up when you were supposed to be able to. Fixes incorrect frame data. Fixes a bug where the Flash would perform Sonic Pound without you inputting it, fixed the bug with Deathstroke's Sword flip not working correctly as a wakeup.

Balance-wise, minor: 4 less frames on KF daggers, HG mace charge block adv. changed a bit, Flash can MB Lightning charge.

Patch 1.05 - Second major balance update. Fixes the ridiculous bees-to-honey tracking on flying interactables, reduces the half-the-screen-wide explosion hitbox on the drones and chandelier, fixes the bug where pressing 1, then 3 gets you an interactible attack and ruins your combo. Gives the cast anti-air, at last. Fixes Batgirl's broken infinite MB Bola madness, and fixed the fact that you could MB Lex's mine without spending a bar (also his incorrect d2 damage). Fixed Grundy's walking corpse whiffing when it looks like it connects. Fixed the incorrect hitbox/level on flash's running man.

Balance-wise: Superman MB breath block advantage of death toned down, Scorpion no longer competes with top tier using only teleport, hellfire and j1/j3, Nightwing's ridiculous near block-inifite d1 toned down, KF vortex toned down a bit, Joker and Harley get a bit of help, Flash is finally fast, Catwoman no longer gets that crazy +8 on 1f2, Black Adam's crazy damage toned down a bit, Bane charge becomes useful and Aquaman's f13 no longer a frame trap.

And then 1.06, which as we know now was a major update 6 months in that pretty much saved the game's competitive life.


So when you look back through the patches, a lot of them just fixed things that were either critical to fix or were really hurting the gameplay; while there are a couple of questionable things (poor Green Arrow), not every patch was a major balance update. I'm not sure why people always act as if they majorly changed the balance of the entire game with every patch.

There were a lot of major issues to fix and not all of them could realistically be fixed at once.

Let's be real.. How silly would it have been if Superman and BA kept their original damage and day 1 frame data, combined with the original interactible damage and hitboxes, just so people could say they "didn't patch the game?" Or Cyborg kept his IAFB as an automatic win against half the cast, the Space Ship was an automatic 100% every time you were hit with it, and d2 was useless for all but 3 characters just so NR would avoid making a patch?

Imo they did a good job and fixed a lot of things that probably should have been fixed anyway. And it's probably the only thing that kept the game and its competitive community alive.
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I hate when people say 'better footsies'. It's not a case of the game's footsies getting better, it's the player's.
When people mention "footies" they generally mean normals, both baiting them and punishing wiffs or unsafe block strings. That's great and all, except generally the quickest moves is a d1 (6 frames if you're lucky) which has fuck all range, and most long-range normals are 10-15 frames. There are a few exceptions - Superman's f2, Grundy's d2, Doomsday's d1 spring to mind - and those normals are utterly amazing. In addition, most normals have quite a short range and Injustice has very large stages so the characters are often spaced much further apart, mostly using special moves to get close and start pressure.

Compare an Injustice character's start-up frame data to this: http://www.eventhubs.com/guides/2008/nov/13/ryu-frame-data-street-fighter-4/ 3 frame start-ups and you'll see why "better footsies" isn't about the player's getting better. Most wiffed normals (hell even a lot of blocked ones) are impossible to punish due to high start-up frames on said punishes. Again, some characters have normals or specials which get around this. Injustice is not a footsie-orientated game. This is not a bad thing (I prefer this kind of style to SF's instant-everything) but saying people need to level up when the game doesn't support that kind of play is daft.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
loads of bullshit
i see where you're coming from, but still, 2 months into a game is not nearly enough time to come out with a major patch. im not saying don't patch the game. im saying let it rock for several months before making any decisions. think of how useless wesker would be if they patched ultimate marvel 2 months after it came out? look at wesker now. he aint the go to anchor everyone used to use, and thats still the same wesker. you have to give people time to wisen up before doing major balance updates. id say at least 4 or 5 months


Administrator and Community Engineer
i see where you're coming from, but still, 2 months into a game is not nearly enough time to come out with a major patch. im not saying don't patch the game. im saying let it rock for several months before making any decisions. think of how useless wesker would be if they patched ultimate marvel 2 months after it came out? look at wesker now. he aint the go to anchor everyone used to use, and thats still the same wesker. you have to give people time to wisen up before doing major balance updates. id say at least 4 or 5 months
I feel you, but I honestly think that if they'd waited half a year to start addressing interactibles, infinites, stage glitches, 100% rocket combos, safe divekicks, and block inifinite fireballs, etc, the game would have died and that'd be it.

Marvel can be hype to watch due to the brokenness, but the balance is terrible and I wouldn't be playing IGAU if that's how it'd been left.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
I feel you, but I honestly think that if they'd waited half a year to start addressing interactibles, infinites, stage glitches, 100% rocket combos, safe divekicks, and block inifinite fireballs, etc, the game would have died and that'd be it.

Marvel can be hype to watch due to the brokenness, but the balance is terrible and I wouldn't be playing IGAU if that's how it'd been left.
yeah they should have addressed those and nothing else. i still to this day believe that superman was only as bad as he was because his damage and meter gain. it had nothing to do with f2 or breath.


yeah they should have addressed those and nothing else. i still to this day believe that superman was only as bad as he was because his damage and meter gain. it had nothing to do with f2 or breath.
f2 was far more than a block-stun loop (that could be back-dashed out of).


Get rid of the 2 second cinematic that broadcasts that you are performing a super move. There's no such thing as a surprise anymore. I see the cinematic, go take a piss, and come back in time to block.

It should be more like mk9.


Meta saltmine
Get rid of the 2 second cinematic that broadcasts that you are performing a super move. There's no such thing as a surprise anymore. I see the cinematic, go take a piss, and come back in time to block.

It should be more like mk9.
I kinda support this. On this note, can somebody explain why super moves are so badly telegraphed in a lot of fighting games? And ofc I don't understand why it applies to IGAU. I don't think X-Rays were issue in MK9...