Trust me, I'm a doctor
Its standing 2. A 12 frame unarmored mid. And f.1, a 24 frame unarmored mid.That still sounds like Bane specific tech. Are you armored? Bane's normals are probably meaty enough that he can do something like that. Not everyone has normals with those kind of active frames, certainly not Batman. Even if they could no one in their right mind would try to meaty Up Venom, cuz if they time it wrong, then they eat it, and DD is under control. If DD chooses to not Up Venom, then they eat a full combo if they're meaty isn't safe.
Its not Bane specific. After DD starts moving, he loses invuln. Considering the range and the fact that DD will have to spend time standing back up in general, I can't imagine a move that would stuff it but be unsafe allllll that length of time.