Mobility wise, not so much no. We catch deathstrokes, I don't see how MMH is going to do much. The moment your feet leave the ground its safe the charge since it blows up both teleports, but outside of that your zoning is horrifically sub-par and your tools to keep us out are limited to an air dash and a decent but not great backdash. You don't have the means to open us up on debuff, and once you get knocked down you don't have any options to stand up for 18 seconds at a time, and then some.
Jump back teleport gets blown up by charge, by the by. Bane charging in the neutral is a weak point to argue, but we CAN safely check you with it. Once you hit the corner its over for the most part, and Bane has huge amounts of wall-carry to boot. Add in he can ignore a lot of the orb set-ups thanks to his armor and your zoning is mostly one-hit with huge recovery. We can basically auto-pilot at level 3 thanks to the auto-corrects and you'll need to be burning a lot of meter to try and keep us out (which, of course, you can't forever) so clashes and trying to get to us in cooldown will be made that much harder. As far as the neutral game, you don't have anything that beats out DP so we can mill that one out and try to bait the Mb b.3 from you.
Beyond that, our Mb b.3 covers your backdash AND airdash range because of its monsterous reach and our f.2.d.3 string is another huge issue to deal with since its unpunishable on block and covers about half the screen in real-estate. The oki is one of the other huge points, as MMH has trouble almost universally against enemies who have armor to play with. Every knockdown is a 33/33/33 between CG, low starter, and OH, and every wrong guess sets you back on the floor with 40% less health. We don't need the upper levels to get in or keep pressure, so our debuff would be about the length of one Mb f.3 on wake-up and then right back into the groove with a +9 on block to lead the way, if not a 33% combo and situation reset.