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EVO 2011 - MK9: The favorites!

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I think its absolutely anyones game and i dont particularly like participating in these threads but since its all in fun and speculation ill throw out a top 5.

In no particular order
1. ATL redd (he wont lose to chris G ever again, book it and bet me...if you count him out it just means you dont know him nor or you're not famliar with him. Trust me on this one)

2. Brady (Nothing but confidence for the legend himself, looking for brady to place at least top 8 and put it to his doubters)

3. Reo (Probably the best fundamentals of anyone named in this thread)

4. Crazy Dominican (again like reo, overall IQ in fighting games in terms of fundamentals is above most and gimmicks wont win you a championship at evo)

5. Detroitbailling - my underdog pick to wake up (no pun) and surprise tons of players. His kabal is as deadly as Mike's however Detroit knows how to adapt to ANYTHING you throw at him and easily is the most impressive player ive played and seen next to reo.

Sneaky feeling about this one::: Bone, I just dont know why but ive just got this sneaky feeling that when he picks Jade it might cause someone to question their tactics (which is a big tourney no no) because their lack of experience against Jade. If Bone gets in a bracket w 100 east coast players i could see him going deep at evo

SHOUT OUT TO DR DOGG for $100.00 betting me :)

Sorry chef: this year not for u :(

shout out to juggs for making thread but doesnt even play mk9 but supports it....? confrusing

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
konqrr will win evo!!

if i listed 6 people i would have easily put him 6th, i choose detroit for 5th spot because i wanted an underdog listed :)

Konqrr is primed for this and has been around long as i have if not longer. I route for him at every event he attends except against me if we fight each other :) - that kit bitch is going down :) lol


Shang Bang
if i listed 6 people i would have easily put him 6th, i choose detroit for 5th spot because i wanted an underdog listed :)

Konqrr is primed for this and has been around long as i have if not longer. I route for him at every event he attends except against me if we fight each other :) - that kit bitch is going down :) lol
I havent seen Detroit's Kabal, but his Shang Bang is one of the best in the business. If he plays Shang @ EVO, I'll root for him.


Let's just say this, and i think we all can agree

If Sub-Zero wins in the Finals it will be Tom Brady

If Kitana wins, Konqrr will be the Victor!

If Reptile is the winning fighter, it will be Chris G .

If Kabal wins, it will be Michelangelos Kabal!


Elder God
I think it's up for grabs to be honest, there has yet to be a big tourney wher all the killers are in the same place.
I havent seen Detroit's Kabal, but his Shang Bang is one of the best in the business. If he plays Shang @ EVO, I'll root for him.
I saw few videos from Detroit's Shang, and this guy has some crazy skills... Hope he will go to EVO and prove it !

If he plays Kabal at same lvl as Shang, that will be nasty !


This guy looks kind of tuff...
I saw few videos from Detroit's Shang, and this guy has some crazy skills... Hope he will go to EVO and prove it !

If he plays Kabal at same lvl as Shang, that will be nasty !
He played his kabal against michalengelo on a stream last night for a clan battle between au and 88s.
He beat mikes kabal in a mirror 4-0. It's online I know but still. Sick kabal by Detroit.
u guys might not have heard of him but im rooting for TDATyrant if he goes. Probably the best player I played against.Oh yea and does any1 know if that TylerLantern guy is going. I want to see how how he plays offline.


u guys might not have heard of him but im rooting for TDATyrant if he goes. Probably the best player I played against.Oh yea and does any1 know if that TylerLantern guy is going. I want to see how how he plays offline.
Tyrant is wrecking shit up in SoCal. Hopefully we can find him a ride so he can make his first appearance at WNF this week.

My second favorite player next to Chef. :p


This tourney is up for grabs because their hasn't been a single tourney where this many different players have come out.

Characters to watch out for that haven't really been mentioned....

DetroitBallin-This man is good. His Shang and Kabal are both nasty.

Tomahawk-Idk if he's going, but he has the best Noob I have ever seen.

Conk-AKA Sektroll. People seriously underestimate Sektor. Thats gonna hurt on the big stage....

Slips-Dont know if he's going as well, but I heard his scorpion has tricks not yet seen...ever.

KrayzieBone-I use Jade as well, and I am bias. The fact that no one I've seen besides myself and Krayzie use Jade at a high level is gonna help him get far.


Bad Reputation
I'm personally pulling for Tom Brady, REO, and Konqrr.

All 3 of these guys are HUGE assets to the community and just really nice guys in general.
Tom Brady has something to prove after people starting nay-saying when he pulled 9th (As if that's a bad thing - what the Hell is wrong with people!?)
REO needs to put Nasty Homosexuals on the map. LOL!
Konqrr, I just want to win because he's so damn cool. ^_^ & he plays Kit, so if we see a ton of Laos, he may just do it.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I'm personally pulling for Tom Brady, REO, and Konqrr.

All 3 of these guys are HUGE assets to the community and just really nice guys in general.
Tom Brady has something to prove after people starting nay-saying when he pulled 9th (As if that's a bad thing - what the Hell is wrong with people!?)
REO needs to put Nasty Homosexuals on the map. LOL!
Konqrr, I just want to win because he's so damn cool. ^_^ & he plays Kit, so if we see a ton of Laos, he may just do it.
Lol @ REO comment


Don't know if there are any high level competitors that main Jax but that would be so awesome, seeing someone take the tourney with Jax! Imagine the look on peoples faces. Priceless.
u guys might not have heard of him but im rooting for TDATyrant if he goes. Probably the best player I played against.Oh yea and does any1 know if that TylerLantern guy is going. I want to see how how he plays offline.
TylerLantern is all about flashy, stylish combos. I've seen most of his fights online and all he does is go in and try to do his combos over and over again.


I'd rather a nobody win EVO then SF4 player. There is going to be mad trolling by capcom fanboys iif that happens.

MKK hanzo


Only because we all secretly know that if some SF4 punk wins, the Crapcom fanboys will never stop mocking the MK community.
Then its up to he MK heads to win this. if any SF player takes MK9 evo then it will be cause they are really better. To this I might add that any SF tourney player have A LOT more big tourney experience then any of us MK players, so that is a BIG start. That + fundamentals + combos + "shenanigans" = killer player

Shotout to Arturo Sanchez who posted earlier and thanks for the support on the MK tourneys.

BTW my personal pic: Tom Brady: old school player + crazy reading/adapting skills + experience in tourney scene + KILLER TURTLING STYLE.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Funny thing is that the ONLY person I saw in this thread who said the correct answer was Cat. He said that he is going to win EVO.

Don't count out the SF4 players FloE, JWong, PR Balrog, Sabin, and LI Joe. They are all very good and could take it.

But I'm only counting on one person, and that is me...I am taking EVO.