escrima of ecrima or staff?
escrima of ecrima or staff?
the problem with Supermans F23 is as simple as a hit box ajustment honestly... cause when he starts the motion his hurtbox leans back a lot... meaning if you try to challenge hit you kind hit a wall... cause theres no hurtbox direcly there for you to hit while with other characters their hitbox goes praticly alongside the string your using... unless your NW or someone with a weapon with some range on it...honestly the only change i would do to superman would be ajusting his hurtbox long side his F23 so it matched the movement, and give icebreath a neutral 0 on block i would leave verything else as it... ( ok maybe the scaling on the DB3 should be ajusted in combos)Just give NW's Supes F23 and GL's B13.
the problem with Supermans F23 is as simple as a hit box ajustment honestly... cause when he starts the motion his hurtbox leans back a lot... meaning if you try to challenge hit you kind hit a wall... cause theres no hurtbox direcly there for you to hit while with other characters their hitbox goes praticly alongside the string your using... unless your NW or someone with a weapon with some range on it...honestly the only change i would do to superman would be ajusting his hurtbox long side his F23 so it matched the movement, and give icebreath a neutral 0 on block i would leave verything else as it... ( ok maybe the scaling on the DB3 should be ajusted in combos)
I will always stick around this community. I Love the NW community, very cool peoples. does anybody think they will buff Escrima?
Wouldn't him simply being able to walk faster than my dead grandpa be a huge Escrima buff?The rumblings that have come out seem to indicate that they wont be touching Nightwing. Would be nice to get a small escrima buff.
I am starting to want just a movement speed buff more than anything tbh. It takes Nightwing forever to get off the ground.
i mean depends a lot on the superman your fighting against.... usually i try to see what he does after the loop see what kind of reactions or precautions... most supermans continue the offensive, but that just seems like a brainless superman on the other side of the controller... let me try to explain in a nutshell how i try to control the match up so i dont fall to far out of a neutral 5-5 match up..This is my biggest beef with Superman.
Do you D1 or 11 after the breathe loop?
Wouldn't him simply being able to walk faster than my dead grandpa be a huge Escrima buff?
honestly i wish they would fix the "spin"bug against air dashing characters... on ambiguous situations where NWs figure should be still for you to decide where you want to block... No.. he spins around 360 its almsot damn near impossible to block anything if your character is spining 360 with the opponent is in the air... i also notice that MMH also has this problem not its not as frequent...And if they can buff MB staff spin so that it doesn't whiff on any of the characters that would be great... at this point I really don't care what they do with scatter bombs I hardly use it but hey if they buff it then great.
I wonder if they're going to nerf NW....
And if they can buff MB staff spin so that it doesn't whiff on any of the characters that would be great... at this point I really don't care what they do with scatter bombs I hardly use it but hey if they buff it then great.
I wonder if they're going to nerf NW....
Both of us can't be looking up! GG man. Great punishes on the wingdings, everyone was telling me how unsafe they were in the mirror, no one was showing me!Even though it was one rank match, good stuff NightwingDayZero. I'm randomly playing all the nightwings I look up to all of a sudden lol
Fuckin superman, so stupid... It's like, you try and grind out the mu, just to realize how depressingly hopeless it is..I lost to a superman last night in tournament.
I main Grundy and NW. I knew I was screwed.
I feel so free to GL. I fear his B12 and Lanterns might to much and can't go in all ham against him which i wantWhat I wrote in the video thread about the GL matchup:
I make almost all of my local GL players hate this matchup, because if they win it should be a pain in the ass for them. Ground sparks mean he can't walk in free, and ground spark dash cancels forward under air rocket means he has to be scared about using them. Don't let him air rocket for free, make sure you punish it, or at least get free pressure. Once you are under it you can j2 and confirm into whatever you want. You beat GL for free in escrima at full screen, so make sure you maintain that distance, unless you feel like you need to do something else. I feel like 90% of this matchup is about misdirection and tricking your opponent. Suddenly stance canceling to staff for a mb ground blast after not using it in zoning all game is the kind of stuff I go for.
You should never, ever be opened up by Gl without the mixup being ridiculous. His basic high/low game isn't enough to crack you, and teching throws isn't a problem (Plus, eating a throw instead of a b13/f3 is better anyway). Your pressure works well on GL, and you have lots of ways to time jump ins that avoid lift on wakeup. His b13 rocket pressure can be dashed on reaction, and everything else after is easy to deal with. If you see him trait cancel, then you should be d1'ing. If he does trait cancel into lift, then you might get hit, but you just learned a lot about the person you are playing.
In footsie range, don't try contest b13. Either get out of it's range with a jump back, or down back and wait for him to do it. Don't get stuck in the limbo in between and get hit for free. That moment where you decide if you should do something or not is gonna be what gets you hit. B2 is probably only going to be useful for setups/punishing lifts at a far distance in this matchup.
In general, don't let him get away with zoning you or walking backwards. He should be forced to come in, and then you can get away with whatever you want. Approaching GL is usually suicide, so making him come to you is a huge gift in this matchup.
so i wanted to ask you guys person to second for thoughs bad matchups?
Well i hate autocorrect!Killer Instinct 3.
Excuse the sarcasm. Mad salty tonight. Batgirl. All day.
But i'm not geting a xbox one ps4 all day.Killer Instinct 3.
Excuse the sarcasm. Mad salty tonight. Batgirl. All day.
Yeah i know what you mean but, let me weight in here on something... usually when im fighting GL i just look for 2 things Air Rockets and dash ins with B13, why is that.. because 1. Air Rockets like Sajam said are a easy way in for NW, i mean as soon as you see him jump just dash in and you will be just fine ( usually the combo i do here is: wait for him to be considerably close to the floor to do an Escrima fury into staffcancel to MB groundspark B3, J3,1,.. this will leave him close for a safe J2,or J1 and more pressure... if you practise enouth with the safe J2 doesnt matter if he does Lantern Might, Machinegun, or whatever, you will get your J2 in and be safe at time if he wakes...)I feel so free to GL. I fear his B12 and Lanterns might to much and can't go in all ham against him which i wantI usually end up in the "limbo" state of mind and becoming a sitting duck right infron of him
. So maybe your tactic is a better way to play this MU, will try to make GL come to me next time i play it!