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Match-up Discussion Nightwing Matchup Discussion

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Truth, justice and the American way.
I did a write up on the GL matchup on the page before this.

The long and the short of it is: You outozone him from full screen, so NW wants to stay there. Ground sparks will shut down all of his zoning. When he starts walking forward and going for air rocket, NW can cancel ground spark and dash forward under them for a full punish. Everywhere besides full screen though, GL has the advantage on NW, so the matchup is about being at the right distance from GL at all times.

I still believe that GL should not be losing this MU. There are simply entirely too many things working in his favor.


Nightwing In Retirement
So if you needed more information about the NW mirror for any reason, I broke down a 40ish minute set between NightwingDayZero and myself. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Also, I'm so sick of talking about how winnable the GL matchup is that I'm going to make a video breaking down the matchup once and for all, so I can just link it over and over when people bring it up.


Also, I'm so sick of talking about how winnable the GL matchup is that I'm going to make a video breaking down the matchup once and for all, so I can just link it over and over when people bring it up.
Yay! Looking forward to see it!:)


Flying Grayson
Also, I'm so sick of talking about how winnable the GL matchup is that I'm going to make a video breaking down the matchup once and for all, so I can just link it over and over when people bring it up.

Please do. That is legit like the only MU (that I have extensive experience in) I have trouble with nowadays.


Neutral Skipper
Also, I'm so sick of talking about how winnable the GL matchup is that I'm going to make a video breaking down the matchup once and for all, so I can just link it over and over when people bring it up.
That would be cool... my friend plays a really good GL, beats my ass with him most of the time.


So this past weekend i got eliminated in losers semi by GGA pimpimjim. He played hawkgirl at a very high level. I felt like all my reads were on point. I had him scared to mace charge, but I still ended up losing. It was just to hard to establish good pressure and she just seems to wake up for free and go back in the sky with no risk, which resulted in me trying to get her grounded. any tips someone can give me?



The struggle is real
Raven is a weird matchup. I have to somehow win by being extremely patient, but almost all of nightwing's damage comes from rushdown. No idea what to do, and how safe to play, seeing how she can punish everything


How can she punish Nightwing when almost everything he does is safe?

MB Flipkick
Ground spark
Spark dash cancel
Everything staff

it's all safe...


Dead Kings Rise
The distance to do all of those is in her range for her command grab, that's what I'm saying
I've played the MU hundreds of times with Blind_Man and we both agree its 5-5. Nightwing beats her up close. If she is pressuring you, block low and react to overheads. Most of her strings are safe so you can't punish her. She can delay a soul crush after most of her strings to catch you pressing buttons, so just wait for it. On wakeup she's pretty free, just bait crushes and punish. Once she respects it you can oki her or whatever.

Far away is when she does well. If you block a soul crush you get a free dash in. Do not dash in if you duck a shadow raven, she can crush you if you touch buttons. Just be patient and corner her.

If she activates demon stance, I really don't recommend waiting it out. She does good chip, builds meter for pushblocking/ mb soul crush and it recovers super fast. You have to make reads to get it. Her pillars and neutral and her full screen crush is -6. Basically if you think she's going to pillar then crush, do not move. If you think she's going to pillar and then pillar, you can dash in if she didn't expect you to dash.

I probably didn't explain it as well as I wanted to lol, but basically just play patient. Don't try to mindlessly rush in.


Dead Kings Rise
So this past weekend i got eliminated in losers semi by GGA pimpimjim. He played hawkgirl at a very high level. I felt like all my reads were on point. I had him scared to mace charge, but I still ended up losing. It was just to hard to establish good pressure and she just seems to wake up for free and go back in the sky with no risk, which resulted in me trying to get her grounded. any tips someone can give me?

Cosmic_Castaway had a good write up a page or two ago, check that out.


Princess of the Sisterhood
I've played the MU hundreds of times with Blind_Man and we both agree its 5-5. Nightwing beats her up close. If she is pressuring you, block low and react to overheads. Most of her strings are safe so you can't punish her. She can delay a soul crush after most of her strings to catch you pressing buttons, so just wait for it. On wakeup she's pretty free, just bait crushes and punish. Once she respects it you can oki her or whatever.

Far away is when she does well. If you block a soul crush you get a free dash in. Do not dash in if you duck a shadow raven, she can crush you if you touch buttons. Just be patient and corner her.

If she activates demon stance, I really don't recommend waiting it out. She does good chip, builds meter for pushblocking/ mb soul crush and it recovers super fast. You have to make reads to get it. Her pillars and neutral and her full screen crush is -6. Basically if you think she's going to pillar then crush, do not move. If you think she's going to pillar and then pillar, you can dash in if she didn't expect you to dash.

I probably didn't explain it as well as I wanted to lol, but basically just play patient. Don't try to mindlessly rush in.

Actually I think it's 6-4 Raven now.


Dead Kings Rise
Yes come play with meeee sometime soon.
My phone is currently M.I.A (had a lifeproof case, dropped it in water, suddenly ceased to be life proof, etc) so I can't text you. I'll be on a little before bed since schools started again. Also I'm guessing the guy was talking about soul crush, but I dunno lol.


Princess of the Sisterhood
My phone is currently M.I.A (had a lifeproof case, dropped it in water, suddenly ceased to be life proof, etc) so I can't text you. I'll be on a little before bed since schools started again. Also I'm guessing the guy was talking about soul crush, but I dunno lol.
Oh god that's bad but awesome lol. Alrighty. I await for your dick.


Dead Kings Rise
Oh god that's bad but awesome lol. Alrighty. I await for your dick.
What really sucks is that the lifeproof/apple insurance doesn't cover it, so I'm doing the rice trick and praying to sweet lawd jebus that it works, if not then I'm out $600 lol. Enough of my white people problems though.

I'm on now if you wanna go.


Nightwing In Retirement
I still need to play you also Blind Bro! Brad still has my copy of Injustice but I'll probably get it back before the week is over.
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