Are you serious? I saw you play on stream against wonderchef's Green Lantern and you barely touched him. He was keeping you out all day long and you kept eating b1s, miniguns and random lifts. Your constant theory fighting and overglorification of Bane is sickening to say the least. Reno racks was right about you.
To begin, I've never claimed to be a good Bane. In fact, I go on record constantly to say that while I am very good at finding techs and analyzing his tools, I am underwhelming in performance. On another note, Chef is a much better player than I am both execution wise and in fundamentals, and I've also attested to such. I'll never say he didn't beat me, nor that it was a fluke or that I could best him in a set. He outplayed me entirely, and even given a set of 10 I would be unlikely to take even a single game off of him.
He played probably the best GL I've ever had the honour of going against, and honestly I do wish I had made a better showing but
Maxintensity25 can pretty much tell you I'm not an aggressive Bane which is necessary in most matches. I believe myself to be one of the worst Banes, though I'm often told otherwise.
To that extent, however, your point is accurate. Beyond it, all it ended up as was one of the better GL's in the game outzoning an inferior player using Bane. Me losing doesn't make my point any less valid or true, it simply is coming from someone who has lost to a GL. We fought in one match and he beat me, yes. To believe that automatically dismisses my point is nothing short of idiocy, but then you were never one to show yourself to be of any higher merit so I'm glad I didn't expect otherwise.
In short, yes.
EGP Wonder_Chef is a much better player than I am and I underestimated him as I'd yet to fight a GL who can properly use rockets.
AK Reno_Racks was correct in saying that I, as a player, am likely not entirely skilled although his line of thinking was baseless it wasn't incorrect. You pulled a comment from long before I had a chance to fight Chef so either you are pandering to make yourself feel more important like a "I was right" moment, or you are honestly just that much of an idiot to think that while I can be stubborn I'm incapable of admitting I am wrong or reconsidering my opinions.
If you are done finding your thoughts from other people's posts, then I welcome you to join some intelligent discussion. I hype Bane because there's no point in being super depressed about your character like some people are and I'd rather enjoy myself, however when it comes down to the on paper I'll be the first to admit he has problems and that he has some match-ups that are plain unwinnable while only a select few that are. I'm open to saying that I feel he can be mid-tier according to other sources, but I still openly say I feel he is still in the bottom 5 because for all the dirt we find for him, he isn't capable of using it as consistently as other characters. Chef said it himself that I get obnoxious when I talk about Bane players and Bane in general, which to be honest I told him I found him obnoxious but admitted he was right and I was indifferent towards the opinion. I enjoy having fun, and my kind of fun isn't for everyone but most people tend to enjoy the positive energy the Bane forum brings towards their character.
Even still, nothing is set in stone and no one is always correct. Before you give the "You are always wrong" rebuttal, you should know that for the most part I haven't been incorrect when I'm not purposely antagonizing the Killer Frost players, but also that I base my cases on the general consensus of the people around me barring when I know certain things are not true. I'm willing to debate my point or view, but you'll rarely if ever catch me being decisive in my answers since I prefer to keep adding points to continue the discussion. I still, even after the Chef match, feel that GL is not a bad MU and certainly not a 3-7 or 3.5-6.5 MU. I was short-sighted and misinformed about my own numeric beliefs, however I can't bring myself to believe that its as bad as Nightwing or Lex Luthor. I don't see Minigun as an end-all solution and I feel that a better Bane could probably provide more challenge towards a GL player than myself.
Is there anything else you feel like adding? If not, then you can see yourself out since your opinion on me isn't important here. Make a topic blowing me up in the main forum if you feel like it, but if you are going to call me out, I have no quarrel informing you that I am indeed a human who doesn't have complete accuracy, but does have the audacity to admit as much.
I won't bother lowering myself to insult you any further, and if I have or offended you then I apologize with as much fervor as I defend my character. I'm not here to make enemies, though it would seem you've made a task of making one of me, and I really do wish you wouldn't do so. I won't call out Chef or Max or anyone to defend me because I'm not going to hide that I'm not a skilled Bane when it comes to fighting in matches. I didn't make it out of pools in EVO, losing to a Doomsday from Washington state and the KOF champion of the previous year playing Nightwing in succession and only 2-0'ing an Aquaman. I don't beat
RunwayMafia or
Espio in matches often, with only a few select victories based on me happening upon the luck of a good read, I can't beat
Blind_Man because his Raven is the pride of Trigon, hell even
Mr. Mileena 's Zatanna, a MU I felt was in Bane's favour, beat me 0-10 cleanly. All of them can tell you that my records against them are far from positive, and some might even say that as a Bane player I'm lacking in a lot of core fundamentals he needs to succeed. As I said in the first bit, I've never said nor will I ever say I am a good or even one of the best Banes. I am simply one who knows a very long list of techs and continues to add to it, and one that is very good at analyzing the playstyles of other players. Outside of that, I am average at best and I admit to such.
PND_Mustard was the first to say that the GL Match-up wasn't as bad as we thought and gave us several reasons why, many of which I restated in the topic and some of which were recently discovered (such as mini-gun being block dashable). If you have a real issue with my ideals, take it up with him since that's where most of them were founded.
P.S.S: My opinions on Shazam are actually 90% incorrect, but I don't bother hiding it because I've admitted time and time again I don't know the character and usually ask someone from Shazam forum to correct me one or two instances withholding.