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Salt Proprietor of TYM
No:D Im not Zyphox, i don't post my tech everywhere so everyone knows my setups...

He has a dirty dirty little trick in the corner. If he doesn't negate your wakeup completely, he makes it go the other way, it's all about the timing. People say Flash, Supes and DD have the best corner games...they have no idea how OP black adam is in that regard.

Tried it with KF and 4/10 out of the it changed direction, the other 6 times it negated the wakeup completely.
Hiding tech really? T.T People like you hold this community back, but I still respect you. :p


That list is pretty good

But do people really seriously downplay GL?
What? that list was Awful,

Noone downplays GL

Shazam IS bad

None of the top Flash players are downplaying

DD is regarded by everyone i know as a really good character and definitely viable

GA is rightfully downplayed imo when only Chris G is doing anything with the character, and still has to run to Black Adam for some MUs

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
What? that list was Awful,

Noone downplays GL

Shazam IS bad

None of the top Flash players are downplaying

DD is regarded by everyone i know as a really good character and definitely viable

GA is rightfully downplayed imo when only Chris G is doing anything with the character, and still has to run to Black Adam for some MUs
lol I agree with this

I haven't seen a single person on the GL forums downplay him ever.

Shazam is fucking terrible (by the way Flash's D2 interrupts Shazam's 22 haha. Scar was doing it to me a lot the other night...)

You know what forum EASILY has the biggest downplayers?


"he's fine"

"nerf him again and he'll be unplayable"

"learn the matchup"


Best Doomsday in the world
Realistically though I don't understand half the shit going on in this thread. Doomsday is good. Probably A+ tier just at the bottom of top 10. If you can block ES I'm going to have a lot of trouble fighting you because of how much I have to mix it up with the lack of good normals my character has. I always need meter or trait to fight anyone with a projectile. Match ups like BA, Nightwing, and Batman are really difficult, and take a lot of patience and out playing to win. He isn't some S tier character with no flaws. He's a character with good mix up, and amazing defense that rewards people with good fundamentals. The oki doesn't really mean shit in this game to be completely honest, fully invincible wake ups are too much. Even though I do have various ways around them. So I don't really understand where the "STOP DOWNPLAYING" pitchforks are coming from. If this was on the Sinestro forums, I'd understand.


Hates NRS for making me not like Superman
If VxG is a major does that mean every WNF is a major now?
And thus, this comment was insta-liked by the notable WNF players in the room.

As far as Doomsday is concerned, they don't always wakeup, and if trait is on, who is gonna wakeup against that, especially if they don't move during the attack.


I don't even care... watching Doomsday is awesome. PL had excellent pressure too.

Lord knows all we need is Superman mirrors in every grand finals >_>