I'm trying to gather information about possible characters I want to use before I decide to take time to really learn one of them, and Babs is next. Looking for an answer to the following questions:
1.) What are the most optimized combos for Batgirl?
2.) Could someone explain the vortex I see all over the forums?
3.) What are her best wake-up options?
4.) as
haketh said above, what is the difference between the traits, and is it worth it to go with one over the other?
1.) This will take some time so I'll edit with these. (EDIT: See below)
2.) After a bola (bf1), if you use (ji2, 111) or (ji2, b2d3) you are left at enough +frames that you can begin another combo (either off an overhead or a low) and because the frame advantage is so great, the only choice the opponent has is to block (either overhead or low). Since they can't block both options simultaneously, this gives you the opportunity to reset the combo and deal another round of damage. Since both the overhead and the low options combo back into bola, this situation resets again in an infinite loop until your opponent manages to guess right and block correctly. EDIT: batgirl's vortex combos can be started from any of the vortex combos listed below. The two most common starters are b12 (as it has decent range for punishing) and dd3 as it punishes jumps, interactable and projectiles from full screen.
3.) Cartwheel (db2), flying bat (df2) and smoke bomb (dd3) are all really good wake up options in different circumstances. Cartwheel is basically a free mixup because it can hit either overhead or low (depending on whether you press down or not), flying bat catches jump ins and can be meter burned into d2 to start the bolo vortex. dd3 also catches jump ins and has full invincibility on wake up so there's that.
4.) Her punch blade stance (what she begins with) deals more damage than her electrified knuckles stance, but less chip. Since the damage is usually only 1-2% less and the chip provided is basically 10x more, electrified knuckles is considered the superior stance.
The percentages in [square brackets]indicate Punch Blade damage while the percentages in (round brackets) indicate electrified knuckle damage. These are the most optimised combos (damage wise) but execution can be difficult. I'll update with damages because I don't know some of these off the top of my head as they are not what I normally use. Combos requiring meter are asterisked (*)
(overhead) b2u3, b2u3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111 [28%](27%)
(low) b12, b2u3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111 [26%](25%)
(overhead to low) b2d3~bf3 (MB), b3, ji3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111 [32%] *
(smoke bomb) dd3 (MB), dash, b3, j3, d2~bf1, ji2, 111
[25%] *
(overhead) b2u3, ji2, f23~df2(MB), d2~bf1, ji2, 111
[38%] *
(low) b12, f23~df2(MB), d2~bf1, ji2, 111 [34%] *
(low) b12, b2u3, d2~bf1, dash, b3, j3, f2~db2u
(overhead) b2u3, b2u3, ji2, f212~db2u
[36%] (34%)
(overhead) b2u3, ji2, f23~df2 (MB), 212~db2u [42%](41%) *
(low) b12, f23~df2 (MB), 212~db2u [38%](37%) *
NOTE: All midscreen combos (except for the overhead to low) can be performed in the corner with nj2 replacing ji2 but they are not the most optimised corner damage.
(overhead) b2u3, f2, f23, d2~bf1, nj2, 111 [34%]
(low) b12, f23, d2~bf1, nj2, 111 [29%]
(overhead to low) b2d3, db2u, f21, d2~bf1, nj2, 111 [34%]
(overhead) b2u3, f2, f23, f23, f212~db2u [46%]
(low) b12, f23, f23, f23~db2u [42%]
(overhead to low) b2d3~dbdu, f21, f21, f23~db2u [44%]
(overhead) b2u3, f2, f23, f23, f23~df2 (MB) f23~db2u [56%] *
(low) b12, f23, f23, f23~df2 (MB) f23~db2u [53%] *
(overhead to low) bd23~db2u, f23, f23~db2u, df2 (MB), f23~db2u [60%]*