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Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) Character Forums

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Mysterious Kombat League Delayed a Week
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So you know that icon for something called "The Kombat League" that pops up whenever you go to play MK11 online? The countdown timer had us set to find out what that was today, but it appears to have been reset to go live "In 7 Days".

Ninjakilla confirmed to beat Sonicfox in set 10-3

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Last night, Sonic Fox got wrecked in 10-3 in a match with who appeared to be a random Jacqui player. We've now learned the identity of this random player, who isn't actually a random.

Delicious "OVI-LOOPS" for Queen D'vorah!

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Some video and tech for those of you looking to play D'vorah. How to use her effectively, and some things you can do to psyche your opponent out, check it out!

Anti-Wakeups U+3 & Anti-Flawless Block Tech

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Sup guys!

This is quite advanced but something similar in MKX already worked. For this reason I am already applying it and I hope that it will serve those of us who do not know this technology.