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Scorpion: Perfect Pressure Tutorial (Advanced Tech)

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Hello. This is some really high level dirt, explained and demonstrated in detail.
Anyone who would like to optimize their offense with Scorpion, watch this video, and feel free to ask me any questions you have here in the forums, on twitter @FGMonkeyBizness, or on the Youtube video comments section itself.

Kung Lao - Combos With Interactions (New Setups) (Before EVO)

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Some more Kung Lao tech to think about throwing into your gameplay if you are going to EVO. Or if you are just staying home, there's sure to be something for every Lao player out there.
EVO 2019 Commentators and Times
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EVO2019 is this weekend, and as such, we are going to have a lot of people talking during the matches to help keep things spicy. So we have an official announcement for who's going to be on mic, as well as some sort of locked in times for the games and panels going on.
TYM News Show 3 - with Jolt
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After a bit of a hiatus, the TYM News Show with @Jolt is back, recapping the major stuff you may have missed from last week. Scope it out down below!