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Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) Character Forums

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Let's try something fun... "The Character & The Player"

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I encourage everyone to participate in this of course. This is something I randomly saw on X that I think could be fun... it's basically you sending a photo of yourself, along with the character you main. Thank of it as a meet & greet!

MFSlayer asks a question we can all appreciate

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In the fighting game scene, the lore that draws us in can be many things including the games, the players, rivalries that begin. At the end of the day or even as years pass, if you ask who your favorite player is, who would that be?


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Get hype, everyone! Injustice tonight with Mr Aquaman at 5PM via www.twitch.tv/mrraquaman

Street Fighter 6 sales catch up with Mortal Kombat 1

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In various media outlets this morning, we learn that fighting game rival, Street Fighter 6, has now sold 4 million units. This number now matches Mortal Kombat 1's previous sales number.

You can read more about this here: