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YouTube Gets Exposed For Their Hypocrisy, Double Standard and Damage Control Through Mortal Kombat 11!


Vampire mommy simp
Sex appeal =/= nakedness ffs
We ain't 13 anymore]
Besides, we've know for a while that YT can be extreme amounts of bullshit sometimes. I 100% support content creators "bitching" about it, because the ability to complain and seek improvements to your workplace "or in this case, means of work" is an extremely important tool for any worker. It's not because it was your choice to work with youtube that you immediatly give up right to try and get better work conditions.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
I highly doubt MK11 will surpass MKX's longevity. I'm still getting matched up with the same guys in MK11 during ranked and casual matches and the game just came out. A few of you are bringing up double standards, but I'd go as far as to say that this game was dumbed down for casuals and women as well. MK was always considered the "causal" fighter, but MKX 'almost' had it right. You couldn't really spam, I mean "zone" in the last game, unless you were really good. You were forced to fight, manage your meter and stamina meter and land every combo. In MK11, you pretty much have a get of jail for free card with fatal blows, and your meter regenerates over time, favoring reckless gameplay and wakeup rolls for bad players. Crushing blows are even worse, because now everybody just mashes D2 and gets lucky. Crushing blows were supposed to take the place of combos right?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we hear so much about the "neutral game" in MK11 before it released? What happened to this game being different from the last two. Guess what? Only the fan favorite characters have cancels along with every other tool in the book. This is why everybody picks the same 4-6 characters every match.
I challenge anybody here to fight an Erron Black player that knows how to utilize his pressure. It is IMPOSSIBLE to break out of that pressure. Scorpion can also cancel. It's fucking hilarious.
There are double standards and NRS is clearly catering to the low IQ, fluoride drinking crowd that doesn't want to think about what they're doing. Meanwhile half the cast remains broken. The same way they're catering to loud mouth, single women and media talking heads that don't even play videogames. Scarlett's character design is PATHETIC, fact. I see a lot of chiseled pecs and 6 pack abs though. Funny how that works.
Notice how they only "fixed" the towers of time with the update. This is so NRS can say, "We made a mistake, it wasn't intended this way, we'll listen to your feedback and fix it."
It's all LIES! They know what they're doing, and most every developer today is guilty of these scheming tactics. A random Krypt? Give me a break. And YouTube has been the new Twitter for a while now. I didn't have to see that video. Where has everybody been? There should be more outrage.
Reckless gameplay? Get of jail for free? Getting lucky with D2?

I'm sorry but you're straight up wrong. Yes MKX did had you to manage the meter properly and it was more difficult to Zone in MKX. But 1) Zoning is just much of a skill as anything else, and if you can't counter the opponent's Zoning in any game you are just not good enough. 2) MK11's Zoning is not that strong, it's not difficult to overcome it at all. 3) MK11's doesn't encourage reckless gameplay, in fact it shows less then that because now everyone is on the same plain field and everyone can manage the same amount of meter. And 4) If you get hit by "lucky" D2, just get gud dude.

Also, I still see a lot of people in the online rooms every day, you have a ton of people to play, and I get matched very quickly in Ranked against different people. And Skarlet's design is fine, I personally love her Blood Pixie skin and her other colors for that, its is really cool.

And NRS didn't lie, they said they are gonna fix the Towers and they did. MK11 had no flaws other then that, and even that is gone. And IJ2's mother box system was also random, and not everything in the Krypt is random. It's not that difficult to complete it.

Get your facts straight dude.
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Reckless gameplay? Get of jail for free? Getting lucky with D2?

I'm sorry but you're straight up wrong. Yes MKX did had you to manage the meter properly and it was more difficult to Zone in MKX. But 1) Zoning is just much of a skill as anything else, and if you can't counter the opponent's Zoning in any game you are just not good enough. 2) MK11's Zoning is not that strong, it's not difficult to overcome it at all. 3) MK11's doesn't encourage reckless gameplay, in fact it shows less then that because now everyone is on the same plain field and everyone can manage the same amount of meter. And 4) If you get hit by "lucky" D2, just get gud dude.

Also, I still see a lot of people in the online rooms every day, you have a ton of people to play, and I get matched very quickly in Ranked against different people. And Skarlet's design is fine, I personally love her Blood Pixie skin and her other colors for that, its is really cool.

And NRS didn't lie, they said they are gonna fix the Towers and they did. MK11 had no flaws other then that, and even that is gone. And IJ2's mother box was also random, and not everything in the Krypt is random. It's not that difficult to complete it.

Get your facts straight dude.
  1. There is obviously a learning curve with anything, but zoning (spamming) doesn't take skill. It's also hypocritical to buy a fighting game, but not fight. Instead you'd rather throw projectiles and run away like a coward. Perhaps you should play an FPS. This is also one of the main reasons why MK is never taken seriously by the fighting game community. If I had it my way, projectiles would be unsafe and cost meter. You're jumping to conclusions about me not being able to counter zoning (spamming) without even playing against me and knowing how good of a player I am. Blind assumptions.
  2. Consider the characters that are used in certain matches. It's very hard for some to counter zoning (spamming), but it's very easy for characters with a teleport.
  3. You are absolutely insane if you think D'Vorah or Kotal Khan are on the same level as Geras or Erron Black. In this game, some characters have everything while others have nothing. Some characters don't even have an overhead. Some crushing blows are very easy to pull off, while it's difficult for others. Some characters have crushing blows with ridiculous damage, while some characters deal much less damage. There isn't a level playing field in MK11. In fact, we can see the character bias clear as day.
  4. You are lying if claim you don't see way more D2 mashing in MK11 than the last two games. The uppercuts in MK11 are like MK3 uppercuts on steroids. The fact that you can proc a crushing blow and combo after it is ludicrous considering the damage it already does. Please, use Johnny Cage for at least 100 matches before saying it's everybody else's fault that we're getting hit with uppercuts in every match. There's only so much you can do to open somebody up. If you're going to tell somebody to "get good", you have to tell everybody which characters you use so we can see who exactly is boasting about being good at the game, then beat the person you're talking to and back it up. I can most likely beat you with the handicapped characters that I use, without using fatal blows or jumping. Just fighting.
I bought MKX 2 years after release. During peak hours, there were always at least 85-100 players in the Black Dragon room. This player count remained steady until about 1am. In the early morning hours, you'd have 40-60 players. In MK11, you're lucky to get 60 or more players after 3pm. I'm still getting matched up with familiar players during ranked or causal matches. Most players are in KOTH too. Matches take way too long to finish to sit through a KOTH lobby. It's just the nature of the game. Maybe this will change with time, but I doubt it. Nobody wants to deal with bullshit, scrub friendly mechanics. Nobody wants an Injustice clone. We want MK.
There are plenty flaws in this game that I and others have been talking about in each forum. Your fanboyism is clouding your reasoning. As far as I can tell, they didn't truly fix anything. We, the players, the MK fans, the consumers, the people that bought the game with our money, want modifiers REMOVED entirely. We DON'T want microtransactions in our beloved series. We DON'T want the Krypt to be random. And we DON'T want the AI to fight our matches for us. Imagine buying a video game and NOT PLAYING it! This is a clown world!
Also, I and many others hate Scarlett's design. I don't like the fact that she looks like she crawled out of some cave in the Middle East somewhere. She's supposed to dress provocative, look sexy, and be deadly. That's her style. What's next? They're going to dress Mileena up like a Nun and have her give money to the poor in her ending?
NRS needs to get their shit together, because they're pushing away their loyal fans.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
sigh amazing how people still see nostalgic outfits that happen to be more revealing as =automatic sex, has nothing to do with being 13 or a perv. This gen just don't get it.

So not only you're ignoring half of my points, you're bringing stuff that was never a part of the discussion, and even spreading lies such as me supposedly flip flopping and me saying stuff that I never actually said. LMAO that is just sad. You just want to come back for more, fine then.

When I said that agree with you and Vslayer that NRS/WB have caved to SJW's? I never said that at all. Give me the link to that post, otherwise you are straight out lying.

Also, you're putting words in my mouth. I never said that "men have no sex appeal to women and only women can to men". What I said regarding the Edenian not having anything with sex appeal was true to both male and female characters. I only talked about Jade and Kitana because we neither of us talked about Rain until you brought him up. And if you wanna mention his MKX skin as a "proof", how can you explain that he never showed any skin in all of the other games he was in (MK3, MKD in a cameo, MKA and MK9)? So now we see Jade and Kitana with less revealing skins, being Edenian doesn't have anything do with sex appeal. So how is it bad that Jade and Kitana are ones who show less skin? Because it's not what you're used too? I'm sorry but that's stupid.

And that brings me to the classic skins as well. I never, EVER, said that those skins are not sexy, I said that they were never MEANT TO SHOW ANY SEX APPEAL. Just because they show a good amount of skin that might be sexy enough to people, that doesn't mean they are showing any sex appeal by intention to make that the focal point of their design. Again with Mileena in MKX, she was more covered they she was ever before, yet she still showed more sex appeal that she showed in some of the games that she more revealing costumes, because the sex appeal actually became a part of her personality. The amount of skin you show doesn't automatically indicating any sex appeal, even if it looks sexy to some people, because that wasn't the intention. Here is a non-MK example: In the DC cartoon's in the 90's, Poison Ivy in the Batman cartoon was very covered up yet she still showed her sex appeal, which she should because that was a part of her personality and character, while Wonder Woman in the Justice League show had showed much more skin then Ivy. Are you gonna say that Wonder Woman have showed the same amount of sex appeal as Poison Ivy, if not even more, just because of the amount of skin she showed in the cartoon? Lol that is dumb.

Also, I myself mentioned that Ed Boon dealt with politics ever since MK1 from 1992, which means he won't cater to SJW's and politics now. You basically repeated my own point. And regarding the quote from the interview regarding reality, are you actually think that Ed Boon does moving away from that idea just because of how much skin is shown on the characters? So all of the gruesome Fatalities, all of the huge lore and fantastic story of the series, the amazing characters with their larger then life special powers and martial arts capabilities, all of that doesn't mean anything and now MK is on par with our reality because of skin and sex appeal? That is just as stupid as saying that just because Cassie is an adult and cute she must have more revealing skins to back it up. You're basically toning down the whole series to just sex alone. That is just bullshit.

And you're bringing now stuff that wasn't even a part of that discussion from the get go. Regarding the Jax ending, it was revealed almost immediately that there is nothing SJW related in it. All they did was making Jax creating Wakanda from the Black Panther movie. Also, one of Baraka's Outro animations in the Kustom Variations section is called "Tarkata Forever", as if "Wakanda Forever". It can't get any more obvious then that. He didn't do anything wrong towards white people or anything. Also, I find really funny that you and the Anti-SJW are using that non-canon ending to proof it's all SJW, yet you are almost completely ignoring Kano's ending regarding the sex appeal with Sonya and Cassie.

And if you don't wanna take my word regarding Jax' ending, watch those videos. Again, it can't be anymore obvious:

And regarding the micros and the grinding. I saw Tom Brady's vid two weeks ago, and I already called him out for his bullshit. He barely even mentioning the grind if at all. All he basically saying is: "I know that the I can only buy 5 things at a time, that I can unlock all of that stuff in the game, all of those are optional , they encourage to buy only what I really want when it shows up and they are not shoving it down my throat, but because I know that there are packs of micros and because I can only buy 5 items at a time, they are supposedly forcing to buy all the stuff is in the shop every cycle and buying the most expensive pack every time, while in actually I just can't control myself and have to buy it my lack of self control alone".

That's what it boils down in Tom's vid, it's basically childish tantrum. And trust me, it's not the first time he did stuff like this that caused him to wrongfully accuse NRS for stuff.

And regarding "thousands hours and dollars" thing, It was also already proven to be wrong. As the Reddit user who "did the math" got it all wrong with the information he had. And then Ed Boon himself corrected him on Twitter by stating the the vast majority of skins in MK11 can't even be bought in the store and can only be earned via gameplay (that BTW proves my point against Tom even further). So after that the Reddit post was updated. That female YouTuber's vid is basically outdated, straight up.

Here is the Reddit post, now updated, including with Ed Boon's Tweet.

So basically it is not even practical to rely on the micros. Even if you wanna buy stuff with the micros, by the time you bought what you wanted, you would much rather PLAYING THE GAME in order to get what you want instead of waiting. It's not practical at all. They are not forcing to buy micros at all.

And no, the chests in the Krypt are not loot boxes, because you are not spending any real money. I said that also regarding the Fighting Chance system in Street Fighter V, that this is not a loot box system because you're not spending any real money. This is true to both MK11 and SFV, and SFV was a truly bad game at launch.

And regarding the grinding, NRS games ALWAYS HAD GRINDING, it's not something new, and they even increased the grinding in their games over time, like what they did with the Legendary Gear in IJ2. The only REAL MISTAKE that NRS did in MK11 was the difficulty level with the Towers of Time, people just jumped into conclusions because NRS gave a huge amount of grind right from the start unlike with IJ2, along with the accidental high difficulty level at the TOT's.

But hey, all of those YouTubers, internet ban wagoners, anti-SJW propaganda bitches, and haters got it blown in their face, because once again, MK11 have sold so much already, 1.8M units on digital sales alone, not counting physical ones. And it become the best selling game of the release month on ALL OF THE FOUR PLATFORMS, unlike MKX which wasn't the top selling game of it's release month on THE ONLY THREE platforms it was released. Will MKX still hold the record for most sales in the series history with 11M overall? Maybe, but MK11 already shows how successful it is, so it doesn't matter at all.

One more note, I also already mentioned Captain Marvel and how it was successful in regards to the Anti-SJW's, you clearly skipped that part.

So you are missing facts, putting words in my mouth, mentioning unrelated topics in full force, and above all else, you're accusing me for being a flip-flopper. I want accept you calling me either a liarI, a hypocrite or a flip-flopper. If you're gonna respond to me, at least give the to that post, otherwise you're lying, once again.
You just lied to yourself, you said your other post was going to be your last one lol. You're just trying to get last word but that don't really work with me lol. I'm trying to make you understand my point but you don't seem to be digesting it. lol Captain Marvel was not successful from a review perspective, not even close. The movie was shit, feminist bs the writers and Brie Larson even admitted this, her fellow actor peers HATE her and the fans HATE her. For good reason, the movie did well at the box office but you see this doesn't mean a movie is GOOD, it just means it's trendy. Also, Rotten Tomatoes protected that movie by removing audience scores(yeah that's not bs at all lol) and critics praised it to try to help it, but I suggest you look at the fan feedback, they hated it. That's not a good movie, sorry. It was just another Ghost Busters and poor example of SJW trash, gender washing and politicizing with man hating nonsense and a shitty story. Why do you think she was literally in Endgame for like 10 minutes? LMAO...deep down, Marvel and the Russo Brothers knew that bitch would ruin it if they let her, thank God they didn't.

RT fan/audience rated it 78% critics. 56% audience/fans=which is bad...for a bigtime Marvel film especially. It was at 30% at one point the first few weeks lol so box office means crap to me it doesn't define the quality of a movie or not. Merely popularity. Please, the shill media have protected CM more than a 3 layered condom lol.

Among many, many others I can post lol.

Shazam(the real Captain Marvel) was MUCH better as was WW by far.

Shazam critical reception=90%. Audience/fans=87% both MUCH better than the trash that is Craptain Marvel.

WW critical reception=93% Audience/fans=88%, again much better than CM. Also did well at the box office, but doesn't matter because WW was lightyears better than CM. Oh and you had some SJW's bitching over WW being "sexualized" too btw, but are as usual ignorant to the fact that that's how she's looked since her creation.

You're the one missing the facts dude, it doesn't matter what Ed Boon says. He's not the one who decides these things it's WB, they own NRS, they call the shots but NRS shouldn't say something then do the opposite a la the " no loot boxes" then go ahead and do it anyway via a different form of randomized chests. You should watch Tom's video seriously, he explains it the best among many others out there. You ignored what I said with feedback, yes a lot like MK 11 but not everyone and for good reason. No, not every NRS has had a grind lol, not like this. Injustice 2 had it and this game has it. MK9, Injustice GAU and MK X did not have this kind of grind, not even close.

Yes you are spending real money on optional MT's to get time krystals one the store shop, which is also randomized every, single day. They literally are selling outfits for 5 bucks each or 500 Time Krystals. Now, I have no issue with the OPTIONAL MT's however, my issue is if you're going to do that, at least LET me buy what I want instead of putting up random shit. It's forcing the players to grind for things you're not even going to get more than 50% of the time with things the player actually wants, instead you get randomized prizes. It's a flawed system, period.

It's not lies lol you said one thing in another thread, and the opposite in this thread. Not sure if you're afraid of SJW's on here or what but that's what's sad. If I wanted, I could just dig up the times you've said the polar opposite. As for MK, ahh I remember when I was you. Blindly defending NRS/MK no matter what. Guess what, I will always play and love MK but that doesn't mean I don't accept or know their flaws, when they cave into shit or deceive their fanbase with "oh no, no lootboxes this time, we'll just put in another kind of randomized system that forces you grind!" Guess what, the main character I use which is Raiden, I have half his outfits unlocked atm and I've lost track as to how many hours I've put into this game. I've spent well over 2 million coins in the shrine, only to get randomized outfits I don't want for characters I don't play, chests most of the time that have nothing good. I only have half his outfits because of doing ToT which at least tell you the prizes so if anything THEY'RE worth the grind, but the krypt? Hell no. It's fun to explore but very flawed and will turn off most players in that regard. The feedback on it is more bad than good.

No you said that. You said the men being half naked isn't the same as the women, that's merely another way of saying "men have no sex appeal like women" now youre backpedalling lol. But ok, deny it. I used Rain as an example of Edenians(including men) having a more revealing, exotic look. He's exposing his chest more and showing more skin than his MK 9 and UMK3 outfits...being my point.

I never said Edenians are about sex appeal, I said their outfits have always had an exotic look and regal theme to them. You seriously are reading what you want to read, then you tell others to stop putting words in your mouth? lol This is too funny. Their older outfits though DID have more sex appeal than now, kind of obvious. You also totally ignored my images I see, because everyone else here knows they have a sexy appeal to them, not that they're meant to turn on geeks and gamers but that they're more sexy than MK X and more so MK 11 outfits where they're mostly covered up with armor or neck down a lot more.

You're ranting on about the history of women's outfits, already been addressed. To make it short, they used to be sexier and more revealing, now they're not. End of story. I also never said Jax's ending had anything to do with the outfits, those were SJW's bitching. Jax's ending was just being PC, ridiculous and racist, most accept this, the blind deny it. Notice, he could have changed time better for ALL yet he chose one region saving his own people due to color. He even says this for Christ's sake lol. Yes, I've seen you agree with me on various political topics. So if you disagree now you've demonstrated A. you're a flip flopper or B. you've been brainwashed into a more progressive liberal line of thinking since last time I saw you. But I know what you've said in the past. I don't remember if you posted in those Jax topics but I know damn well you were being attacked by others here for defending more Conservative ideals with certain issues and pretty sure you said you didn't like SJW's at one point, you even admitted here they get offended by everything lol. If you're going to post your views, be consistent please. The fact that you change things makes you come off as a flip flopper.

You're missing my point entirely, lol I never said MK is about just sex. What? Yeah you've totally done a 180 on this issue for whatever reason, You should have stuck with your initial views. Those of us who want the older, classic outfits want it not because of sex appeal, but because that's what we grew up on knowing these characters. I don't care about seeing more cleavage or ass, there's better places to go for that. I care about seeing characters I've known for over 25+ years now. No, I said Ed Boon USED To not give a shit about politics, critics etc but has now changed. He even said himself on interviews regarding the outfits the same shit their designer said about "oh we changed the outfits on women due to more maturity, realistic stuff they'd wear" (then proceeds to cover them up yet put heels on them anyway because that's realistic) I can be here for years explaining to you why no women in their right mind nor realistically would fight in high heels, watch an UFC match and you'll see they're more exposed than anything you see in MK 11 lol. NRS and Boon caved with the outfits.

Yes, krypt is merely another FORM of loot boxes. Loot boxes=randomized slot machine. Guess what? With the exception of skull chests and Shao Kahn chests which cost hearts and have to be unlocked first, they're hardly in the krypt. There's like 10-12 if that much. The regular chests, soul chests and shrine are 100% random. So yes, the krypt by majority is like I2's loot boxes, randomized rewards is randomized rewards. Accept and move on, stop trying to defend NRS's deception here. Nobody but you is buying it.

Again, the optional MT's I have no issue with, BUT the fact that they pretty much put you in a corner between insane grinding, having a life and/or buying the things you want is bullshit. Again, Tom among many others, Angry Joe, Jeff Jahn's etc have already dived into this and the're 100% right. Unless you seriously A. have no life 24/7 but to play games all day(which are not most people) B. are paid by WB and NRS to defend their game by all means or C. Just a seriously, blind, delusional fanboy to the point where you'll ignore any and all flaws. Most people will disagree with you on this bigtime.

Also, again not every NRS has had grinding. MK X had an option to BUY the entire krypt, outfits etc for those who have lives, work, school, etc, etc and that was GREAT! But MK 11 denies you this option which sucks, they pretty much said "hey we're going to do an alternative form of loot boxes, force you to grind and oh we'll put 5 randomized things you CAN buy if you want but not WHAT you want unless you get lucky and see something you actually want, otherwise just play tot, get lucky spending hours upon hours upon hours in the krypt, earning coins, hearts and souls, grinding in the krypt etc, etc. Because that doesn't take massive amount of time at all....

Also, if NRS felt they didn't mess up then why fix the krypt? hmm latest patch from other day.

I think I can count the amount of people I've run into who've actually completed the entire krypt on one hand literally....You didn't read what I said did you, you literally repeated what I said with MK 11 setting a record, but at the same time WB didn't actually post the numbers and various number sites have said MK X had a faster pace, but like I said the switch version no doubt will help since it's really popular and great for portable MK 11. But again, just because something sells well doesn't make it successful on that alone. Numbers wise, yes great for the developers but that doesn't mean the game is without flaws, no game is perfect.

I'm not lying, I'm posting facts but again if you want to deny it and just be a blind fanboy, be my guest. I've seen tons of people on here argue with you dude lol. Yes, some folks have given me shit over time as well but it's not because of my MK knowledge that's for damn sure or because I'm not aware of what's going on. You seem to be the type of person that's willing to turn the other cheek because it's something you like and pretend it doesn't exist but that's not how the world works.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I highly doubt MK11 will surpass MKX's longevity. I'm still getting matched up with the same guys in MK11 during ranked and casual matches and the game just came out. A few of you are bringing up double standards, but I'd go as far as to say that this game was dumbed down for casuals and women as well. MK was always considered the "causal" fighter, but MKX 'almost' had it right. You couldn't really spam, I mean "zone" in the last game, unless you were really good. You were forced to fight, manage your meter and stamina meter and land every combo. In MK11, you pretty much have a get of jail for free card with fatal blows, and your meter regenerates over time, favoring reckless gameplay and wakeup rolls for bad players. Crushing blows are even worse, because now everybody just mashes D2 and gets lucky. Crushing blows were supposed to take the place of combos right?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we hear so much about the "neutral game" in MK11 before it released? What happened to this game being different from the last two. Guess what? Only the fan favorite characters have cancels along with every other tool in the book. This is why everybody picks the same 4-6 characters every match.
I challenge anybody here to fight an Erron Black player that knows how to utilize his pressure. It is IMPOSSIBLE to break out of that pressure. Scorpion can also cancel. It's fucking hilarious.
There are double standards and NRS is clearly catering to the low IQ, fluoride drinking crowd that doesn't want to think about what they're doing. Meanwhile half the cast remains broken. The same way they're catering to loud mouth, single women and media talking heads that don't even play videogames. Scarlett's character design is PATHETIC, fact. I see a lot of chiseled pecs and 6 pack abs though. Funny how that works.
Notice how they only "fixed" the towers of time with the update. This is so NRS can say, "We made a mistake, it wasn't intended this way, we'll listen to your feedback and fix it."
It's all LIES! They know what they're doing, and most every developer today is guilty of these scheming tactics. A random Krypt? Give me a break. And YouTube has been the new Twitter for a while now. I didn't have to see that video. Where has everybody been? There should be more outrage.
Exactly!! Thank you! Someone not blind to NRS lol. Don't get me wrong, I support them, love MK as much as anyone here who's known me for years but some people will blindly defend them, they either can't see their deception with MK 11 with the system of loot boxes/randomized chests, shrines etc and such. I like the gameplay of MK 11 for the most part, I have some issues with it as does everyone (not as much as I had with MK X) but yeah time will tell with one lasts longer. I have no idea there, too early. If NRS is smart though they'll give us better, klassic outfits not designed by SJW's and smart DLC characters that the fans actually want. I agree though, it was dumbed down to a demographic that doesn't even play it, not even women but just SJW types. One idiot at NRS even said he ditched Cage's hand gesture because of "nazis" like WTF? lol That doesn't even make sense. But anyway, yeah their double standards with the female to male outfits are definitely obvious. Notice, Shao Kahn, Jax and Cage have their classic outfits shirtless. Yet, the women are all covered up lol. Then they try to justify it with "oh it's a more mature, realistic reason" HA. I'm so sure a fight to the death an Actor martial artist will go out there shirtless, no protection what so ever...but a women would be covered in leather head to toe in high HEELS. Totally realistic!

Yeah I have some issues with the wake up systems too, some have said it's too many options but to me don't matter if most of them don't work. I miss MK 9s options because you actually had to respect them. MK 11 you can stuff out shit with throws and strings half the time, the wake up U2 and U3 have a more precise timing to them. Yeah I agree on Black, Geras and Scorpion, they're both OP and need to be nerfed. CB as fun as it was to watch was boring half the time with characters being used. Geras, Erron Black, Noob, Sonya, Scorpion rinse and repeat for the most part. Occasionally Cassie, Sub, Cetrion etc but yeah you get the point lol.

I still can't believe they released the game with those ToT being insanely hard like that, there's no excuse for that shit when the grind, difficulty is insane and the rewards are lackluster. They're better now but I avoid the gauntlet because IMO not worth it, I can get coins on easier towers for the krypt. But yeah at first those tot were just dumb OP. I think everyone called them out on it lol as well as their randomized system.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
  1. There is obviously a learning curve with anything, but zoning (spamming) doesn't take skill. It's also hypocritical to buy a fighting game, but not fight. Instead you'd rather throw projectiles and run away like a coward. Perhaps you should play an FPS. This is also one of the main reasons why MK is never taken seriously by the fighting game community. If I had it my way, projectiles would be unsafe and cost meter. You're jumping to conclusions about me not being able to counter zoning (spamming) without even playing against me and knowing how good of a player I am. Blind assumptions.
  2. Consider the characters that are used in certain matches. It's very hard for some to counter zoning (spamming), but it's very easy for characters with a teleport.
  3. You are absolutely insane if you think D'Vorah or Kotal Khan are on the same level as Geras or Erron Black. In this game, some characters have everything while others have nothing. Some characters don't even have an overhead. Some crushing blows are very easy to pull off, while it's difficult for others. Some characters have crushing blows with ridiculous damage, while some characters deal much less damage. There isn't a level playing field in MK11. In fact, we can see the character bias clear as day.
  4. You are lying if claim you don't see way more D2 mashing in MK11 than the last two games. The uppercuts in MK11 are like MK3 uppercuts on steroids. The fact that you can proc a crushing blow and combo after it is ludicrous considering the damage it already does. Please, use Johnny Cage for at least 100 matches before saying it's everybody else's fault that we're getting hit with uppercuts in every match. There's only so much you can do to open somebody up. If you're going to tell somebody to "get good", you have to tell everybody which characters you use so we can see who exactly is boasting about being good at the game, then beat the person you're talking to and back it up. I can most likely beat you with the handicapped characters that I use, without using fatal blows or jumping. Just fighting.
I bought MKX 2 years after release. During peak hours, there were always at least 85-100 players in the Black Dragon room. This player count remained steady until about 1am. In the early morning hours, you'd have 40-60 players. In MK11, you're lucky to get 60 or more players after 3pm. I'm still getting matched up with familiar players during ranked or causal matches. Most players are in KOTH too. Matches take way too long to finish to sit through a KOTH lobby. It's just the nature of the game. Maybe this will change with time, but I doubt it. Nobody wants to deal with bullshit, scrub friendly mechanics. Nobody wants an Injustice clone. We want MK.
There are plenty flaws in this game that I and others have been talking about in each forum. Your fanboyism is clouding your reasoning. As far as I can tell, they didn't truly fix anything. We, the players, the MK fans, the consumers, the people that bought the game with our money, want modifiers REMOVED entirely. We DON'T want microtransactions in our beloved series. We DON'T want the Krypt to be random. And we DON'T want the AI to fight our matches for us. Imagine buying a video game and NOT PLAYING it! This is a clown world!
Also, I and many others hate Scarlett's design. I don't like the fact that she looks like she crawled out of some cave in the Middle East somewhere. She's supposed to dress provocative, look sexy, and be deadly. That's her style. What's next? They're going to dress Mileena up like a Nun and have her give money to the poor in her ending?
NRS needs to get their shit together, because they're pushing away their loyal fans.
  1. Spamming is not related to just using projectiles. Spamming is basically using the same over and over again, it can be inlcuded to normals as well. Zoning is an actual skill. It is a well known fact.
  2. I never said anything regarding the viability of any of the characters in MK11 in this thread, you're putting words in my mouth.
  3. I'm not lying regarding D2's, I don't see them any more then I have seen in them in MK9 or MKX.
  4. At the moment of me writing this post it's after midnight in Israel, and I still see over 95 players in the NetherRealm room alone, not counting the rest of the rooms.
  5. Skarlet only showed that much skin in MK9 because it was a universal thing that NRS did across ALL the females in MK9. If MK9 didn't had that much focus on sex appeal with huge boobs and tons of skin, Skarlet would've very likely look very different. Hell, she already covered a ton of skin in the MKX comics for the most part. Skarlet also doesn't give money to Shao Kahn in her ending, it is Shao Kahn who clearly giving her blood.
  6. You clearly didn't play NRS games enough if you actually that afraid of modifiers, micros, AI matches and random unlocking systems in NRS games. All of those stuff. Anyone who played NRS games enough clearly doesn't have a problem with those stuff, because none of them is new. If you're surprised by any of that, you didn't play the single player modes in NRS games enough, you're just jumping on the bandwagon. I for one have played it a ton, I know how to deal with it. It's not that difficult.
The only one who need to get his shit together is you, because you're blind by your own anger and internet bandwagon because you can't admitted that you were wrong. I'm done with you.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
  1. There is obviously a learning curve with anything, but zoning (spamming) doesn't take skill. It's also hypocritical to buy a fighting game, but not fight. Instead you'd rather throw projectiles and run away like a coward. Perhaps you should play an FPS. This is also one of the main reasons why MK is never taken seriously by the fighting game community. If I had it my way, projectiles would be unsafe and cost meter. You're jumping to conclusions about me not being able to counter zoning (spamming) without even playing against me and knowing how good of a player I am. Blind assumptions.
  2. Consider the characters that are used in certain matches. It's very hard for some to counter zoning (spamming), but it's very easy for characters with a teleport.
  3. You are absolutely insane if you think D'Vorah or Kotal Khan are on the same level as Geras or Erron Black. In this game, some characters have everything while others have nothing. Some characters don't even have an overhead. Some crushing blows are very easy to pull off, while it's difficult for others. Some characters have crushing blows with ridiculous damage, while some characters deal much less damage. There isn't a level playing field in MK11. In fact, we can see the character bias clear as day.
  4. You are lying if claim you don't see way more D2 mashing in MK11 than the last two games. The uppercuts in MK11 are like MK3 uppercuts on steroids. The fact that you can proc a crushing blow and combo after it is ludicrous considering the damage it already does. Please, use Johnny Cage for at least 100 matches before saying it's everybody else's fault that we're getting hit with uppercuts in every match. There's only so much you can do to open somebody up. If you're going to tell somebody to "get good", you have to tell everybody which characters you use so we can see who exactly is boasting about being good at the game, then beat the person you're talking to and back it up. I can most likely beat you with the handicapped characters that I use, without using fatal blows or jumping. Just fighting.
I bought MKX 2 years after release. During peak hours, there were always at least 85-100 players in the Black Dragon room. This player count remained steady until about 1am. In the early morning hours, you'd have 40-60 players. In MK11, you're lucky to get 60 or more players after 3pm. I'm still getting matched up with familiar players during ranked or causal matches. Most players are in KOTH too. Matches take way too long to finish to sit through a KOTH lobby. It's just the nature of the game. Maybe this will change with time, but I doubt it. Nobody wants to deal with bullshit, scrub friendly mechanics. Nobody wants an Injustice clone. We want MK.
There are plenty flaws in this game that I and others have been talking about in each forum. Your fanboyism is clouding your reasoning. As far as I can tell, they didn't truly fix anything. We, the players, the MK fans, the consumers, the people that bought the game with our money, want modifiers REMOVED entirely. We DON'T want microtransactions in our beloved series. We DON'T want the Krypt to be random. And we DON'T want the AI to fight our matches for us. Imagine buying a video game and NOT PLAYING it! This is a clown world!
Also, I and many others hate Scarlett's design. I don't like the fact that she looks like she crawled out of some cave in the Middle East somewhere. She's supposed to dress provocative, look sexy, and be deadly. That's her style. What's next? They're going to dress Mileena up like a Nun and have her give money to the poor in her ending?
NRS needs to get their shit together, because they're pushing away their loyal fans.
Dude, I'm actually scared to see Mileena in this game. lol

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
You just lied to yourself, you said your other post was going to be your last one lol. You're just trying to get last word but that don't really work with me lol. I'm trying to make you understand my point but you don't seem to be digesting it. lol Captain Marvel was not successful from a review perspective, not even close. The movie was shit, feminist bs the writers and Brie Larson even admitted this, her fellow actor peers HATE her and the fans HATE her. For good reason, the movie did well at the box office but you see this doesn't mean a movie is GOOD, it just means it's trendy. Also, Rotten Tomatoes protected that movie by removing audience scores(yeah that's not bs at all lol) and critics praised it to try to help it, but I suggest you look at the fan feedback, they hated it. That's not a good movie, sorry. It was just another Ghost Busters and poor example of SJW trash, gender washing and politicizing with man hating nonsense and a shitty story. Why do you think she was literally in Endgame for like 10 minutes? LMAO...deep down, Marvel and the Russo Brothers knew that bitch would ruin it if they let her, thank God they didn't.

RT fan/audience rated it 78% critics. 56% audience/fans=which is bad...for a bigtime Marvel film especially. It was at 30% at one point the first few weeks lol so box office means crap to me it doesn't define the quality of a movie or not. Merely popularity. Please, the shill media have protected CM more than a 3 layered condom lol.

Among many, many others I can post lol.

Shazam(the real Captain Marvel) was MUCH better as was WW by far.

Shazam critical reception=90%. Audience/fans=87% both MUCH better than the trash that is Craptain Marvel.

WW critical reception=93% Audience/fans=88%, again much better than CM. Also did well at the box office, but doesn't matter because WW was lightyears better than CM. Oh and you had some SJW's bitching over WW being "sexualized" too btw, but are as usual ignorant to the fact that that's how she's looked since her creation.

You're the one missing the facts dude, it doesn't matter what Ed Boon says. He's not the one who decides these things it's WB, they own NRS, they call the shots but NRS shouldn't say something then do the opposite a la the " no loot boxes" then go ahead and do it anyway via a different form of randomized chests. You should watch Tom's video seriously, he explains it the best among many others out there. You ignored what I said with feedback, yes a lot like MK 11 but not everyone and for good reason. No, not every NRS has had a grind lol, not like this. Injustice 2 had it and this game has it. MK9, Injustice GAU and MK X did not have this kind of grind, not even close.

Yes you are spending real money on optional MT's to get time krystals one the store shop, which is also randomized every, single day. They literally are selling outfits for 5 bucks each or 500 Time Krystals. Now, I have no issue with the OPTIONAL MT's however, my issue is if you're going to do that, at least LET me buy what I want instead of putting up random shit. It's forcing the players to grind for things you're not even going to get more than 50% of the time with things the player actually wants, instead you get randomized prizes. It's a flawed system, period.

It's not lies lol you said one thing in another thread, and the opposite in this thread. Not sure if you're afraid of SJW's on here or what but that's what's sad. If I wanted, I could just dig up the times you've said the polar opposite. As for MK, ahh I remember when I was you. Blindly defending NRS/MK no matter what. Guess what, I will always play and love MK but that doesn't mean I don't accept or know their flaws, when they cave into shit or deceive their fanbase with "oh no, no lootboxes this time, we'll just put in another kind of randomized system that forces you grind!" Guess what, the main character I use which is Raiden, I have half his outfits unlocked atm and I've lost track as to how many hours I've put into this game. I've spent well over 2 million coins in the shrine, only to get randomized outfits I don't want for characters I don't play, chests most of the time that have nothing good. I only have half his outfits because of doing ToT which at least tell you the prizes so if anything THEY'RE worth the grind, but the krypt? Hell no. It's fun to explore but very flawed and will turn off most players in that regard. The feedback on it is more bad than good.

No you said that. You said the men being half naked isn't the same as the women, that's merely another way of saying "men have no sex appeal like women" now youre backpedalling lol. But ok, deny it. I used Rain as an example of Edenians(including men) having a more revealing, exotic look. He's exposing his chest more and showing more skin than his MK 9 and UMK3 outfits...being my point.

I never said Edenians are about sex appeal, I said their outfits have always had an exotic look and regal theme to them. You seriously are reading what you want to read, then you tell others to stop putting words in your mouth? lol This is too funny. Their older outfits though DID have more sex appeal than now, kind of obvious. You also totally ignored my images I see, because everyone else here knows they have a sexy appeal to them, not that they're meant to turn on geeks and gamers but that they're more sexy than MK X and more so MK 11 outfits where they're mostly covered up with armor or neck down a lot more.

You're ranting on about the history of women's outfits, already been addressed. To make it short, they used to be sexier and more revealing, now they're not. End of story. I also never said Jax's ending had anything to do with the outfits, those were SJW's bitching. Jax's ending was just being PC, ridiculous and racist, most accept this, the blind deny it. Notice, he could have changed time better for ALL yet he chose one region saving his own people due to color. He even says this for Christ's sake lol. Yes, I've seen you agree with me on various political topics. So if you disagree now you've demonstrated A. you're a flip flopper or B. you've been brainwashed into a more progressive liberal line of thinking since last time I saw you. But I know what you've said in the past. I don't remember if you posted in those Jax topics but I know damn well you were being attacked by others here for defending more Conservative ideals with certain issues and pretty sure you said you didn't like SJW's at one point, you even admitted here they get offended by everything lol. If you're going to post your views, be consistent please. The fact that you change things makes you come off as a flip flopper.

You're missing my point entirely, lol I never said MK is about just sex. What? Yeah you've totally done a 180 on this issue for whatever reason, You should have stuck with your initial views. Those of us who want the older, classic outfits want it not because of sex appeal, but because that's what we grew up on knowing these characters. I don't care about seeing more cleavage or ass, there's better places to go for that. I care about seeing characters I've known for over 25+ years now. No, I said Ed Boon USED To not give a shit about politics, critics etc but has now changed. He even said himself on interviews regarding the outfits the same shit their designer said about "oh we changed the outfits on women due to more maturity, realistic stuff they'd wear" (then proceeds to cover them up yet put heels on them anyway because that's realistic) I can be here for years explaining to you why no women in their right mind nor realistically would fight in high heels, watch an UFC match and you'll see they're more exposed than anything you see in MK 11 lol. NRS and Boon caved with the outfits.

Yes, krypt is merely another FORM of loot boxes. Loot boxes=randomized slot machine. Guess what? With the exception of skull chests and Shao Kahn chests which cost hearts and have to be unlocked first, they're hardly in the krypt. There's like 10-12 if that much. The regular chests, soul chests and shrine are 100% random. So yes, the krypt by majority is like I2's loot boxes, randomized rewards is randomized rewards. Accept and move on, stop trying to defend NRS's deception here. Nobody but you is buying it.

Again, the optional MT's I have no issue with, BUT the fact that they pretty much put you in a corner between insane grinding, having a life and/or buying the things you want is bullshit. Again, Tom among many others, Angry Joe, Jeff Jahn's etc have already dived into this and the're 100% right. Unless you seriously A. have no life 24/7 but to play games all day(which are not most people) B. are paid by WB and NRS to defend their game by all means or C. Just a seriously, blind, delusional fanboy to the point where you'll ignore any and all flaws. Most people will disagree with you on this bigtime.

Also, again not every NRS has had grinding. MK X had an option to BUY the entire krypt, outfits etc for those who have lives, work, school, etc, etc and that was GREAT! But MK 11 denies you this option which sucks, they pretty much said "hey we're going to do an alternative form of loot boxes, force you to grind and oh we'll put 5 randomized things you CAN buy if you want but not WHAT you want unless you get lucky and see something you actually want, otherwise just play tot, get lucky spending hours upon hours upon hours in the krypt, earning coins, hearts and souls, grinding in the krypt etc, etc. Because that doesn't take massive amount of time at all....

Also, if NRS felt they didn't mess up then why fix the krypt? hmm latest patch from other day.

I think I can count the amount of people I've run into who've actually completed the entire krypt on one hand literally....You didn't read what I said did you, you literally repeated what I said with MK 11 setting a record, but at the same time WB didn't actually post the numbers and various number sites have said MK X had a faster pace, but like I said the switch version no doubt will help since it's really popular and great for portable MK 11. But again, just because something sells well doesn't make it successful on that alone. Numbers wise, yes great for the developers but that doesn't mean the game is without flaws, no game is perfect.

I'm not lying, I'm posting facts but again if you want to deny it and just be a blind fanboy, be my guest. I've seen tons of people on here argue with you dude lol. Yes, some folks have given me shit over time as well but it's not because of my MK knowledge that's for damn sure or because I'm not aware of what's going on. You seem to be the type of person that's willing to turn the other cheek because it's something you like and pretend it doesn't exist but that's not how the world works.
So I'm asking you to show me the proof regarding your accusation that I'm flip flopping regarding NRS/WB caving to SJW's, and not only you don't give me the link, but the only links you do give are links for movie rating pages which have even less connection to the topic if at all, and your only "proof" regarding the accusation is that "I have agreed with you on various political topics and I was attacked on TYM by other people for defending conservative ideals"???????

Dude, this couldn't have been any more disastrous. Aside from this very thread, I've only talked to you ONCE regarding politics, and that was regarding Donald Trump talking down on violence in video games and movies while also helping Israel. That's it, I never talked about politics with you or anyone around here aside from that thread and this one. And the only times I was ever being attacked on TYM was regarding topics about NRS games in terms of gameplay, balance etc; How the fuck did you even get into that possibility?

And FYI, I'm not fully 100% on the right, or what Americans call "conservative", but I'm still more on that side of politics then being on the side of being progressive and liberal. Always was like that. And that's because that in my home country of Israel, for better or worse, there is a much larger arrange of political degrees to both the right and the left, unlike the more "black and white" route that goes in the US, ironically enough considering the size of land and populations of both countries. So I'm technically conservative, but I still also see some progressive stuff, and that is great for me because it helps see both the rights and wrongs of both sides, yet still see that overall, conservatives are right, but also can clearly see when they are wrong, like how you are wrong here, on so many fucking levels. I was never "brainwashed" by anyone.

Dude, I'm sorry to tell you, but I have simply lost all respect for you after this. SJW's and Anti-SJW's are both wrong, and you are no different, sadly. I wasn't caving to SJW's or to NRS/WB, you caved to the Anti-SJW's. And even if you were progressive and liberal and being caved to the "regular" SJW's instead, that would've been still bad just as much. You're acting and reacting without even thinking, and yes this can also be a general internet problem, but it's a known issue regarding Anti-SJW's.

Just to show you what I mean, regarding Johnny Cage's hand gesture, I saw that Tweet from Dannish Syed from NRS, and his Nazis comment was not referring to Johnny Cage at all. It was just a joke that he appalled to one of Maximilian's videos playing in the MK11 Krypt. And apparently someone asked him why they changed the sign, but that guy accidentally Tweeted that question (which is now being deleted) to Syed's joking comment to Max's vid, and then, the bandwagon started.

So it wasn't Nazis that caused this, it was just a change that NRS decided on for unknown reasons. It were the Anti-SJW's who decided that it was done because of Nazis. Because just like you, all of the Anti-SJW's are just reacting without even thinking. I mean, the dude that Syed responded to with the term "Nazis" have deleted his Tweet, so maybe he didn't even asked him about Johnny Cage's sign, and even if he did, once you actually READ the the 3-4 Tweets in the thread, you clearly see it wasn't that at all.

Here is the Tweet, click on it to see the full thread, then you can see what he was referring to.

So like I said, I have pretty much lost all of my respect for you. That's a real shame, because you were one of the very few people on TYM who I actually felt comfortable to talk too, which actually says a lot. But I can't do it anymore, and it has nothing to do with politics or sex. It's just how you are willing to spread and believe to misinformation regarding NRS/WB and MK, as well as other stuff, and when all of your points are being countered, you're trying to change the topics, stating half-truths, changing your claims and changing my own answers to fit your narrative, like yet another typical internet troll, just so you would come out right, just like the Anti-SJW's do all the time regarding everything that pisses them off, and just like they did try to do with MK11, and it didn't work for them.

NRS/WB never caved to anyone, MK11 never got woke (BTW I hate that word, it's annoying TBH), it never got ruined, and it did go incredible, like all NRS/WB games are. You are the one who wanted to get right, and were exposed.

I'm done with you, and for real this time, and I'm actually disappointed about this.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Roy, lol whatever dude. I've been on the site since it opened, I've read many topics of you and others fighting I just lurked and never got involved because it's not my business. Cause I'm not like that, when I got into it with people I'd see people I never met before just jump on bandwagons but I'll never do that, I am however rather opinionated but that's different. Yes that topic but you've also liked tons of my posts implying you've agreed with me and I've read your other posts I just never commented on them where you've said much of the same that I among others on here regarding politics, but that being said I'm not going to go through 100 threads just to find that when I already know it. But anyway. I gave you links regarding the issue we're currently talking about, that CM is not a good movie, protected by the media and critics alike yet hated by the REAL fans. I gave you proof, now you can either accept it or deny it. Personally, at this point I really don't care which. BTW, keep in mind the deleted scene where she goes all Terminator(great hero) on a guy flirting with her, then robs him is suddenly being taken down by YT yet another form of censorship and protecting Brie's dumbass as if she's this queen and/or CM on behalf of Disney. Don't believe me? Look at the many ranters on YT some of whom I've posted about already complaining about being censored over it. They're entitled to their opinion, but Disney and YT don't want to hear people bash CM God forbid....well that's too bad, called freedom of speech, YT and Disney need to learn to accept this as well as SJW's.

Ok, never said you were 100% on the right all I said was what you've said in the past and now you're saying different things which includes you liking/agreeing with posts I've made. But yes, FYI you can choose whatever politics you feel, but know this as someone who lives in America and is American it's our "conservatives" who actually give a shit about israel, the left HA they cater to your enemies in the middle east, all I'm going to say. As a Christian I know who the enemy really is, and that's someone we both share which I'm sure deep down you know. Yes, nobody is perfect but I being an independent for many years saw through the left's bs let's just say, and the fact that they're censoring shit including YT is not a good thing and goes against what America stands for.

Given what most of the site thinks about you overall and the many, many topics of people trying to get through to you on other topics, I don't really care about your respect no offense. I've kind of felt bad for you to be honest but now I'm starting to see why people feel the way they do about you. I personally don't flip flop or cater to anyone, if someone hates me fuck them. You think I give a shit? lol I'm a nice guy naturally but that doesn't mean I'm anyone's carpet, make no mistake. I don't cater to anyone with SJW's or otherwise, I speak my mind and that's that. You defending NRS sounds like caving to me and something most Conservatives don't do, so at best you're perhaps a moderate because most of us are not PC with that shit. It's literally ruining everything, don't believe me look at fan reviews of not just MK 11 from other outlets but SW, ST, Marvel and DC. It's literally affecting everything and the fact that CM and Batwoman have shitty feedback should tell you something that nobody wants SJW nonsense in our fiction. I sure as hell don't. I'm thinking a lot actually, you're the one that reacts emotionally often and you know who does that? Liberals and SJW's. All emotion, no logic.

That's not what I read when others asked him about it and since deleted, some people asked him flat out why did he change it and he said nazis then deleted the comment. Hence him deleting it, nobody is that "dumb" to make such a mistake, he'd have to be on drugs or drunk and that Dannish guy sounds like an idiot honestly. I asked him something and he didn't even acknowledge it so yeah... didn't insult him just asked a question lol either way it was a dumb reason to change it, I'm not "anti SJW" I am just pro freedom of speech and not PC and want political shit out of my entertainment, that too much to ask? The SJW's aren't even the true definition of SJ, they're merely hiding behind that moniker as a crutch to try to justify their insane delusional concepts of reality. I'm actually for real social justice and justice in general, as well as a fair trial. I'm not for made up, trivial matters like protesting games and movies due to outfits or females getting a certain amount of screen time when there are other heroes within the film. And FTR, no Daanish said himself "nazis" not the anti SJW's as you say, he said it himself then deleted it. lol You can't blame other people for someone else's screw up, especially once he realizes it then is like "oh shit I think I'll delete that!" lmao...

Again, I don't care about your respect in fact if you're so easily going to "not respect me" due to difference in opinion you prove you're not different than SJW idiots and libs, because they're the types who are intolerant, at least I'm not fake and keep my views consistent. Only a phony who is not respected by anyone would change such to prevent argument, I already asked you it's fine to just agree to disagree. That is my test on how I know who's tolerant and who's interant. You pal, have failed and showed your true colors. I hardly even see you, I have tons of other friends, people I talk to on here so I assure you it's not my lose. You going out of your way to defend NRS's follies is hilarious and sad at the same time. Shit, and I used to think I was a blind fanboy....

Yes they caved to SJW's otherwise they wouldn't have altered costumes. You can believe otherwise though.

I'm disappointed in your inconsistent viewpoints and intolerant behavior of those who feel different than you but hey, me I've been the same since day one on this NRS thing and YT thing and I shall remain so. Now go ahead, respond even though you said you were done(for the 2nd, 3rd time now)
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On an unrelated note:
Some youtubers received complimentary 300$ Kollectors Edition of MK11. If I ever got something like that, I probly wouldnt be up NRS's ass right now showing gratitude IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN asking for buffs for good ppl...imo

Not that anyone owes NRS, I personally think it's tacky to get a gift, and then complain abt it not being what you wanted....I cant subscribe to those ppl...SHUJINKYDINK is a class act tho NEVER ASKS FOR ANYTHING...MAKES TOP 50 CB!!! WERE NOT WORTHY OF THE KONTENT OH QUANFATHA!
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  1. Spamming is not related to just using projectiles. Spamming is basically using the same over and over again, it can be inlcuded to normals as well. Zoning is an actual skill. It is a well known fact.
  2. I never said anything regarding the viability of any of the characters in MK11 in this thread, you're putting words in my mouth.
  3. I'm not lying regarding D2's, I don't see them any more then I have seen in them in MK9 or MKX.
  4. At the moment of me writing this post it's after midnight in Israel, and I still see over 95 players in the NetherRealm room alone, not counting the rest of the rooms.
  5. Skarlet only showed that much skin in MK9 because it was a universal thing that NRS did across ALL the females in MK9. If MK9 didn't had that much focus on sex appeal with huge boobs and tons of skin, Skarlet would've very likely look very different. Hell, she already covered a ton of skin in the MKX comics for the most part. Skarlet also doesn't give money to Shao Kahn in her ending, it is Shao Kahn who clearly giving her blood.
  6. You clearly didn't play NRS games enough if you actually that afraid of modifiers, micros, AI matches and random unlocking systems in NRS games. All of those stuff. Anyone who played NRS games enough clearly doesn't have a problem with those stuff, because none of them is new. If you're surprised by any of that, you didn't play the single player modes in NRS games enough, you're just jumping on the bandwagon. I for one have played it a ton, I know how to deal with it. It's not that difficult.
The only one who need to get his shit together is you, because you're blind by your own anger and internet bandwagon because you can't admitted that you were wrong. I'm done with you.
You are telling me and everybody else on this website that microtransactions and modifiers are ok, and that we should just deal with it. As if defending microtransactions wasn't enough to render all of your opinions about MK, or videogames in general useless, you're telling me that I'm on a bandwagon of sorts. Yet, here you are swallowing that corporate load. You're literally eating the defecation that these greedy bastards throw at us, then you mislead the ignorant and uninformed by saying it tastes good. We paid 60$ for the game. We expect to have the full game.
Regarding your first point, I want you to watch this video.
Do you really think this was a fun match to watch? Look at the knockback on every ranged attack and compare this to previous titles. This was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. The notion that you can beat great players by simply throwing projectiles all match in a fighting game is stupid. Which leads to me to my/your next point. Because you never told me which characters you use, I'll just assume you're a Scorpion main like 2/3s of MK11's population. Obviously, it'd be very easy for you to close the gap, and chain two crushing blows every time your opponent spams. How do you think a Johnny Cage player can get in close? Think hard.
There are two or three people in this thread that posted enough evidence regarding your fourth point.
Also, I have no problem giving you my gamertag, beating your ass in a full set, then posting it here. You can use whomever you like, cheap or not. I've already done it once before on here. Before you respond, just know that it's a videogame, and it's not meant to be taken seriously. Because we're not fighting for real, there's no reason why you should decline my challenge. Though in real life you'd probably lose too. Even if you decide to throw rocks at me instead of actually fighting like the Cetrion player in the video.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator

So my discussion of the DLC reveal trailer got demonitzed, and the worst part is it literally stops a video in its tracks and keeps you from getting ranked in tags. It was doing good until it got the youtube ban hammer. These are the terms and conditions and guidelines for violence:

Don’t post content on YouTube if it fits any of the descriptions noted below.

  • Inciting others to commit violent acts against individuals or a defined group of people
  • Fights involving minors
  • Footage, audio, or imagery involving road accidents, natural disasters, war aftermath, terrorist attack aftermath, street fights, physical attacks, sexual assaults, immolation, torture, corpses, protests or riots, robberies, medical procedures, or other such scenarios with the intent to shock or disgust viewers
  • Footage or imagery showing bodily fluids, such as blood or vomit, with the intent to shock or disgust viewers
  • Content where there is infliction of unnecessary suffering or harm deliberately causing an animal distress
  • Content where animals are encouraged or coerced to fight by humans
  • Dramatized or fictional footage of anything listed above where the viewer is not provided with enough context to determine that the footage is dramatized or fictional
The only one that somewhat applies to gaming and MK11 is the last one. But ANYONE who clicks on a video of the DLC Kombat Pack trailer knows it's game, thus they know the freaking context. So they're demonitizing videos without any reason to do so.

Evil Canadian

Elder God
View attachment 14878

So my discussion of the DLC reveal trailer got demonitzed, and the worst part is it literally stops a video in its tracks and keeps you from getting ranked in tags. It was doing good until it got the youtube ban hammer. These are the terms and conditions and guidelines for violence:
You showed the fatality in your video didn't you

doesn't matter what youtubes guidelines are, they won't follow them and no human demonetizes you, just the faceless algorithm.

Don't ever show fatalities, or brutalities in your video period. I cut the fatality out of my shang video and its trucking along fine.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
You showed the fatality in your video didn't you

doesn't matter what youtubes guidelines are, they won't follow them and no human demonetizes you, just the faceless algorithm.

Don't ever show fatalities, or brutalities in your video period. I cut the fatality out of my shang video and its trucking along fine.
Yeah, I had that in. I put a color overlay over it and usually it works but next time I’ll just cut this stuff out. And while it’s getting reviewed which takes a long time it’s not getting ranked in tags D: oh well.


Vampire mommy simp
People like me put hours into creating content to bring people to their platform. They’re slowly killing it by doing “whatever they want.” They should listen to creators.
IKR? It's so stupid and counterproductive to have the "don't like it get out" mentality.
Some people make a LIVING out of youtube, and it's the only video platform where it's viable atm (Twitch has a different vibe to it). If something's wrong, people SHOULD complain. If the general audience doesn't at least TRY to keep people/orgs with power in check, we have a problem.
It's their platform. They can do what they want with it. Don't like it? Make your own
I'm assuming people who make a living out of YT and have their channel de-monetized for no reason should keep quiet too, right? You smart thing, you.

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
There are so many youtube people out there now that IMO get way more credit than they deserve. you will watch their video and over half the video is them saying please like/comment/subscribe/ring the bell/tell me what you want to see go to my website, twitter, twitch, facebook, instagram. with a 2 minute intro on top of that on nearly all their vidz then the actual content or stuff they are talking about is just them talking over an intro video repeating news that is posted everywhere that is barely the time of all that other stuff. It's just a lot of clutter. That is why people take advantage of that. I mean....if they have time.....and they do have loyal people watching then I guess why not.
Last edited:


My blades will find your heart
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that even Stephen King hasn't written as many novels as have been posted in this thread.

Evil Canadian

Elder God
There are so many youtube people out there now that IMO get way more credit than they deserve. you will watch their video and over half the video is them saying please like/comment/subscribe/ring the bell/tell me what you want to see go to my website, twitter, twitch, facebook, instagram. with a 2 minute intro on top of that on nearly all their vidz then the actual content or stuff they are talking about is just them talking over an intro video repeating news that is posted everywhere that is barely the time of all that other stuff. It's just a lot of clutter. That is why people take advantage of that. I mean....if they have time.....and they do have loyal people watching then I guess why not.
All that stuff you don't like, I don't do it. I hate that shit.

But I should.

That stuff is proven to up engagement and numbers across basically everything, if I started/ended my videos with "smash that like button and ring the bell" i would legitimately be a bigger channel right now than I currently am. Its an evil world we live in, and thems just the breaks.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
People like me put hours into creating content to bring people to their platform. They’re slowly killing it by doing “whatever they want.” They should listen to creators.

IKR? It's so stupid and counterproductive to have the "don't like it get out" mentality.
Some people make a LIVING out of youtube, and it's the only video platform where it's viable atm (Twitch has a different vibe to it). If something's wrong, people SHOULD complain. If the general audience doesn't at least TRY to keep people/orgs with power in check, we have a problem.

I'm assuming people who make a living out of YT and have their channel de-monetized for no reason should keep quiet too, right? You smart thing, you.
That's why I myself decided to stop making vids on my channel (unless I REALLY have to). I already stated in the past that I would stop making vids due to how YT treats NRS content creators, but after a while I thought that maybe things will get better, so I gave them a second chance. But now that not only things didn't get better, but I have also seen that vid from Gamer Thumb TV that I've posted in the OP, obviously there is no point for me to keep posting vids the way I did until now. Because even though I'm not making money off of my vids, I'm only making myself a part of the problem, as the the gigantic amount of content that is uploaded to YT every day is the mainly the reason why they are keep doing this stuff, and of course I'm basically supporting a platform that doesn't support the video game franchise I love the most and treats it's fans unjustifiably. Like I said before, they are crumbling under their own power, and unless content creators will come to other sites by the thousands, YT will still keep doing what they are doing, because it's the only viable content uploading site, no matter how much people will complain. It's basically a never-ending cycle.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
That's why I myself decided to stop making vids on my channel (unless I REALLY have to). I already stated in the past that I would stop making vids due to how YT treats NRS content creators, but after a while I thought that maybe things will get better, so I gave them a second chance. But now that not only things didn't get better, but I have also seen that vid from Gamer Thumb TV that I've posted in the OP, obviously there is no point for me to keep posting vids the way I did until now. Because even though I'm not making money off of my vids, I'm only making myself a part of the problem, as the the gigantic amount of content that is uploaded to YT every day is the mainly the reason why they are keep doing this stuff, and of course I'm basically supporting a platform that doesn't support the video game franchise I love the most and treats it's fans unjustifiably. Like I said before, they are crumbling under their own power, and unless content creators will come to other sites by the thousands, YT will still keep doing what they are doing, because it's the only viable content uploading site, no matter how much people will complain. It's basically a never-ending cycle.
The only problem is there is no other platform like YT, apart from Twitch which at least won't demonitize you for violence but they do other shady shit. It's like a pick your poison situation, I really hope someone will create something better sometime soon.

People are scared of copyright strikes but they're the easiest to fight, and are typically resolved quickly. Requesting a manual review because apparently the video is not ad friendly can take weeks.

At the same time, I'll continue making this content anyways, I want to grow my channel not making money from ad sense.